Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 41 41 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 41 41. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Gong Furuo was lingering on the sick bed, her face was pale and her whole body was weak. She could clearly feel that her vitality was losing bit by bit. No matter how innocent she was, she couldn't help but know that her body was gradually declining.

Emperor Jin led the immortal doctor into Qingluan Pavilion. He looked at the thin body behind the screen, and a hint of distress flashed in his old eyes.

But thinking of his mission, he still tried his best to calm down. When Emperor Jin implored him to treat Gong Furuo, he slowly approached her.

Gong Furuo stretched out a thin part of his wrist and looked at the person outside the screen, his voice was low, with a little bit of undetectable tenderness.

Gong Furuo: "Thank you very much, doctor."
The fairy doctor closed his eyes and felt her pulse carefully.Suddenly, he frowned and turned around to ask Jin Emperor first.

Tool Man: "When the princess was born, she had a butterfly-shaped birthmark on her body."
The Jin Emperor was shocked. This was the secret of the boudoir woman. How could he know?
Emperor Jin didn't need to answer, his expression said everything. The immortal doctor sighed slightly and took Emperor Jin aside.

Tool Man: "Master once told me when he was transformed into an immortal that the goddess of the Qiankun Continent was in danger of a catastrophe. Only by asking me to stay and help her solve this catastrophe would I be able to complete my mission."
Emperor Jin was dubious. Legends of goddesses had always existed in Qiankun Continent, but no one had ever believed them.

Emperor Jin: "How can the immortal doctor be sure that the person is the little girl?"
The fairy doctor just smiled and seemed inscrutable.

Toolman: "The master once did a fortune telling for the goddess. Compared with ordinary people, the pulse of the goddess has a little more power of Futu. Although Your Highness's pulse is disordered now, the Futu pulse is really unique, and it is born with it. The butterfly birthmark is also consistent with what the master told me."
He had his hands behind his back, his eyes were far-reaching, and his eyes were full of nostalgia.

Toolman: "I once asked the master how to find the goddess."
Toolman: "Master only said to follow God's will and let nature take its course."
Emperor Jin saw that what he said was firm and well-founded, and his identity was mysterious, so he couldn't help but not believe him.

Emperor Jin: "That fairy doctor, what disease does my little girl have? These days, famous doctors have come one after another, but they can't tell me anything."
Toolman: "It's poison."
The immortal doctor's eyes were stern, seemingly angry but not angry.

The Emperor of Jin was horrified. This method was so sinister and clever. No wonder so many doctors couldn't figure it out.

Emperor Jin: "Then...how can we save the little girl?"
The immortal doctor looked at Emperor Jin steadily with a mysterious and profound smile.

Toolman: "It can be saved. It depends on whether Emperor Jin can do it."
Emperor Jin: "Please tell me, immortal doctor, I will do my best."
The immortal doctor raised his eyebrows slightly, and after Emperor Jin repeatedly asked, he spoke slowly.

Tool Man: "The most precious treasure in the world, the Spark Bead, is divided into four parts. Each royal family of the four countries has one of the fragments, right?"
Tool Man: "The princess is already weak, but now the poisonous insects have eaten into her internal organs, and her internal organs have been damaged. Only by combining four spark beads into one, grinding them into foam and taking them, can she save her life."
The always noble Emperor Jin seemed to have been drained of energy at this moment. He could naturally take out the secret treasure of the Jin Kingdom, but why did the other three kingdoms pay such a high price to save Ruoer's life.

Toolman: "The Emperor of Jin is so concerned that he is in chaos. You might as well think about the rumors about the goddess in Qiankun Continent."
Jin Huang's mushy mind was as clear as ever at this moment.

Emperor Jin: "The goddess is born, the four kingdoms are unified, the Qiankun Continent is filled with endless blessings."
(End of this chapter)

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