Chapter 410
Shi Jiyu looked deeply into his eyes. His brown eyes were calm and calm, without any emotion when facing her.

Only then did she bite her lip with understanding, and moved her gaze away from him.

Lan Henian: "You, you, slow down a little. Aren't you still relieved that I'm here?"
He looked at her intently and tidied her messy hair gently and considerately.

Gong Furuo held his arm affectionately and smiled with crooked eyebrows.

Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, are you okay?"
When Shi Jieyu came into contact with her concerned eyes, he noticed that he had not answered her question because he was distracted, and then he nodded his head a few times in a panic.

Shijiyu: "I'm fine, you... brother has aged well in time. Thank you for today, if it weren't for you..."
There was fear in her tone, and Gong Furuo patted her thin shoulder.

Gong Furuo: "Don't be afraid. The bad guys have been defeated and can't hurt you anymore."
Shi Jiyu smiled and was about to say something when he saw two tall, long-legged and imposing men striding over.

Wei Yan: "Ruoruo, are you okay?"
Wei Yan, who had a slanted eyebrow, gently grabbed Gong Fuluo's shoulders and checked her condition worriedly. He felt relieved when he saw that she looked at ease and her clothes were neat.

Behind him, the gentle and elegant man patted Gong Fuluo's head gently, his tone full of endearment and concern.

Zhou Tanhang: "We happened to see you from a distance. Fortunately, you're okay."
As he said this, Wei Yan touched his nose. It was no coincidence. It was clearly Lan Henian's actions becoming more and more obvious recently. The two of them were worried and wanted to see what big move this dog had made, so they sneaked in from a distance. Follow behind.

Lan Henian sneered inaudibly.

Lan Henian: "How did you two get together and meet us by chance? It's such a coincidence."
Zhou Tanhang and Wei Yan's eyes darkened and they exchanged sarcastic remarks.

Wei Yan: "The two of us met by chance, isn't it just a coincidence?"
Just at this time, the sky light dimmed slightly, Gong Fu Ruoyan smiled, and his delicate and affectionate eyebrows seemed to be shining.The three people stood beside her, talking to her while quarreling with each other, looking at her with the same gentle eyes.

Shi Jieyu stood beside them, unconsciously tugging at the corner of his clothes.

In the darkness, when the three of them stood together, the outline of their facial features and figure became clearer under the illumination of the street lights that came on one by one. Shi Jieyu suddenly froze as she watched, and incredible suspicions came to her mind. heart.

Three people like this... Her eyes widened.

Gong Furuo noticed her reaction out of the corner of his eye and smiled casually, with a little pleasure in his eyes.

Gong Furuo: "Xiao Yi, this idiot, remembered it."
Gong Furuo: "I'm so anxious."
The mechanical sound of System 001 carrying electric current is becoming more and more human-like, and even the emotion in the sound is enough to frighten people.

System 001: "Ruoruo, you can feel more at ease now."
Gong Furuo: "It's good if she remembers it. I'm afraid she never remembers it."
Gong Furuo withdrew his attention and saw that she was sweating in a panic, so he asked softly.

Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, what's wrong with you? There's cold sweat all over your face."
Gong Furuo: "Your face is also very white."
She took out the paper handkerchief she carried with her and approached her to wipe her sweat. The faintly scented paper towel made her feel confused, and she felt like she was facing a formidable enemy with many suspicions.

Shijiyu: "I'm fine."
Gong Furuo was a little dazed when she pushed his arm away, and forced a smile.

Lan's eyes darkened, Zhou Tanhang's elegant smile suddenly faded, and his stern face looked a bit bluffing. Wei Yan clicked his tongue, with a stinky face.

(End of this chapter)

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