Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 45 45 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 45 45. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Gong Fuli: "Hahahaha"
She laughed crazily, stubbornly wiping away the tears from her eyes, her eyes filled with hatred.

Gong Frye: "I would rather not have such a sister. I hope she disappears forever."
The Emperor of Jin hugged the Queen of Jin into his arms and comforted her.

Emperor Jin: "She is hopeless. Don't make yourself angry."
Emperor Jin: "You will never leave Oriole Pavilion again in your life. Just reflect here until you die."
Emperor Jin's eyes were dark and his tone was cold.

Emperor Jin: "Also, from now on, there will be no eldest princess Gong Frye in the Southern Jin Dynasty."
Gong Fuli: "Father, are you going to destroy me?"
After all, the poison of a tiger cannot eat its seeds, and she had committed such a sin and could only accept this punishment.The Emperor of Jin did not want to respond to her, and left with the Queen of Jin and the Prince.

As they left, the door of Oriole Pavilion was closed heavily, and Frye, a commoner, could not get out of here for the rest of his life.

Day by day, the Imperial Palace of the Southern Jin Dynasty has been decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and festive red silk can be seen everywhere.

Princess Qingluan's reputation is unknown to everyone in Qiankun Continent, but at this time, her status in the hearts of the people has reached a new level.

Tool Man: "Have you heard? About the Goddess."
Tool Man: "Who doesn't know that Princess Qingluan of the Southern Jin Dynasty is a goddess?"
Toolman: "Our prince of Western Wei is going to marry a goddess. Do you also know about this?"
The man was dumbfounded. He was behind on the news and really didn't know about it.

Tool Man: "The prince is so lucky. The goddess is the most talented woman and the most beautiful woman. His luck is unparalleled."
Such conversations happened in every corner, especially the people of Southern Jin were the most excited. After all, their goddess princess married the prince of another country at the same time. Isn't this enough to be proud of?
Qingluan Pavilion was already spacious and splendid, so there was no need to expand it. However, the decoration inside had been hastily changed by the chamberlains.There were red candles with dragons and phoenixes on the table, double happiness stickers on the windows, and scrolls of the two immortals Hehe hung on the wall... Gong Furuo listened to his mother's instructions with a white face.

Queen Jin: "Ruo'er, tomorrow is your wedding day. In the blink of an eye, our Ruo'er has grown so big and outstanding."
Gong Furuo just cried silently and lowered his head.

Gong Furuo: "Mother, my... daughter likes the Prince of Western Wei, but I don't want... me"
Empress Jin felt pity in her heart, but for her own good, she could only force herself to look down.The Queen of Jin: "Ruo'er, don't act like this anymore. A prince of a country came to our Southern Jin Dynasty and shared it with others. They have put down their pride and reached this point. You are still looking gloomy, how can you Isn't it embarrassing?"
The Queen of Jin had always loved Gong Furuo, but she had never been so serious.Gong Furuo was shocked, but she was a smart person and understood her mother's difficulties in a blink of an eye.

So she just buried her face in the warm embrace.

Gong Furuo: "Mother, Ruo'er swears that this is the last time. Don't worry, Ruo'er understands the importance."
Tomorrow is a big day. In order to let her have a good rest, Queen Jin went back early.

However, Gong Furuo tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, so he simply went behind the huge stone beside the imperial garden.The night was as cold as water, and there were too many memories of her and Qi Helian here. She sat quietly, and for some reason, she felt sad, covering her mouth and sobbing tears.

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er"
When Gong Furuo heard the familiar hoarse voice, he didn't know how to face it for a moment, so he turned around and ran away.

Qi Helian stretched out his arms, hugged her tightly and brought her into his arms. Looking at her red and swollen eyes, his heart ached.

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er," don't you want to see brother Lian?
Gong Furuo shook his head repeatedly.

Gong Furuo: "I...I don't know how to face you. I broke our promise."
Qi He was also upset, so he came here to relax. As soon as he got closer, he saw her wearing thin clothes and sobbing with her knees wrapped around her knees.

(End of this chapter)

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