Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 48 48 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 48 48. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Qi Helian put on his clothes and went to the side hall.I felt funny when I saw Shan Zi pretending to read a book.

Qi Helian: "Go!"
Seeing him appear, the two of them were curious and thought he was here to demonstrate. Who knew that he was here to demonstrate?
Shan Zi: "You can really do this?"
Qi Helian just smiled bitterly and stopped talking.

Qi Helian: "Be gentle with her"
Then he smiled self-deprecatingly and patted him on the shoulder.

Qi Helian: "Don't you know? I just said it in vain."
Under Chu Si's envious eyes, Shan Zi went to the main hall in a fog.Gong Furuo was wearing only his middle coat, he was shy and timid, his eyes were red and he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head lowered.

Shan Zi: "Ruo'er, I...you..."
Gong Furuo had just been warned by Qi Helian'er, and no matter how resistant and uneasy he was, he managed to smile at this moment.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Shanzi."
Shan Zi untied the belt of her clothes with trembling hands, and traced his rough fingers on her body. Gong Furuo was provoked and arched his body, and ducked sideways, but he was forced to hold him.Between lips and teeth, he found an opportunity.

At the end of this scene, Gong Furuo was so tired that he couldn't move his fingers. Shan Zi took her in his arms, rubbed her smooth and delicate skin, and teased her lovingly in every possible way.

It was already the ugly time. Qi He had even made such a big sacrifice. Shan Zi also understood his painstaking efforts. No matter how reluctant he was to give up, he still kissed her tenderly, then went to the side hall and summoned Chu. creek.He and Qi He sat together with dark faces.

Gong Furuo had very little communication with Chu Si and was very unfamiliar with him. Chu Si was a rough-tempered person. He first held her little hand and expressed his feelings in detail, and then told her about the interesting things about Beicang. Gong Furuo gradually let go of the folk customs and became closer to him.

Seeing this, Chu Si's true nature was exposed, he came close to Gong Furuo's lips, first kissed the corners of his lips repeatedly, and then kissed the delicate red lips fiercely.He also saw that her earlobes were transparent and small, very cute, and he held her earlobe in his mouth without knowing it.

Chu Si was reckless by nature, so he hurriedly took off her clothes.Her soft and fragrant body, with well-proportioned bones and flesh, was buckled under him and pressed firmly.Gong Furuo gradually felt that her body was as hot as fire, and she whimpered and begged for mercy, but he ignored her and bit her white and tender arm.

Gong Furuo annoyed him, but Chu Si was too relaxed, he laughed apologetically and bothered her. In the end, in order to comfort her, he even imitated the wolf howl and the dog barking, which finally made her calm down and drove him away. Got out.

Gong Furuo: "I want to sleep by myself. You can go to the side hall."
Chu Si was not a fool. He understood that this was the best. He stole a hint of her soft face and left with a smile.

Gong Furuo had no strength at all and fell into a deep sleep as soon as he reached the bed.At dawn, Lan Ying woke up again and went to say hello.Lan Ying felt distressed when he looked at her sleepy and lifeless look. Then he looked at the bruised flesh under her sleeves, anger welling up in his heart, but he could only serve her more considerately.

After finally enduring the probing and joking looks of everyone and saying goodbye, Gong Furuo felt ashamed and annoyed and drove out the three people who came to look for him.He took off his hairpin and went to bed to rest.Half asleep and half awake, she felt extremely hot and humid. As soon as she opened her eyes and woke up, she saw Qi Helian's handsome sleeping face. An arm in red was resting on her body. She turned around and looked at Shan Zi.At the end of the bed, Chu Si was also sleeping deeply - hugging her delicate white feet.No wonder it's so hot.

She was a little angry and wanted to laugh, but she held it back. Looking at the bruises under Qi Helian's eyes, she guessed that they had not had a good rest last night and had no intention of waking them up.He put his head into Qi Helian's chest with attachment, and fell asleep again.

The days went on peacefully, until Gong Furuo gave birth to a child, until her husbands successfully succeeded to the throne, until several countries gradually became one, Gong Furuo lived a happy life, and the Qiankun Continent became more and more prosperous.Until death do them part.

(End of this chapter)

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