Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 6 6 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 6 6. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

In the Oriole Pavilion, Gong Fuli was composing a poem. She thought hard and wrote one poem after another, but she always felt that it was not good enough and far from Gong Furuo's spiritual poems. She crumpled the Jingyang rice paper into a ball irritably.At this moment, I heard an announcement: His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is visiting.When she heard the news, joy spread across her brows, and she rushed to greet him.

Gong Fuli: "Brother Emperor, you came to see me."
Gong Chelang frowned, remembering her vicious look when she pushed Ruo'er down on a secluded alley last time. Now she had a small and attentive face in front of him, with a mocking smile on her lips and a deep voice.

Gong Chelang: "Gong Fuli, you are really good. You usually just bully Ruoer, but now you are deliberately taking advantage of her. She treats you sincerely, so you just turn a blind eye?"
When Gong Fuli heard this, his face turned pale.Growing up, she admired this omnipotent brother the most.It was clear that in the past, her father, the emperor, and her mother had always favored Gong Furuo. Only the emperor's brother had treated her and herself equally, but when did this change?
Gong Fuli: "I haven't. Brother Huang, I really haven't done anything. You believe me."
Gong Fuli's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. He shook his head repeatedly and grabbed Gong Chelang's arm pleadingly.Gong Chelang had an expected feeling that this was Gong Fuai, who only made small moves behind his back.He pulled his arm away and shook her off.Gong Furuo fell to the ground, her luxurious palace clothes could not hide her embarrassment.

Gong Chelang: "I'm warning you, you'd better stay on your own terms and stop making small moves. I don't want to see Ruo'er cry because of a sister like you. Do you understand?"
Gong Fuluo, it was Gong Fuluo, why did everyone only like her, she fell into madness.

Gong Frye: "I don't, I hate her, she has got so many things, and as for me, I am like a poor thing."
Gong Chelang's eyes were dark and he stared at her intently, knowing that this was what she felt.The last bit of warmth in my heart completely disappeared, leaving only boredom.

Gong Chelang: "Really? You can give it a try."
Gong Chelang strode like lightning and left Oriole Pavilion impatiently.Gong Fuli fell on the ground and cried bitterly. She understood that she was completely finished.Suddenly, he went crazy and smashed everything in the palace. The palace people were trembling with fear, secretly thinking that it was bad luck. If he was serving the little princess, they would never be like this.

In Qingluan Pavilion, the fragrance floats and the gauze curtains dance.Gong Furuo looked at the picture sent to her by 001 and felt extremely happy. There was only a quiet smile on her face, which made people feel that the years are peaceful.

Gong Fuluo: "Xiao Yi, in the original plot, Gong Fuli was arrogant and domineering, but they only thought she was straightforward and cute. Gong Fuli was arrogant, but they thought she was confident and bright. Now that I'm here, she has no aura. The shortcomings of this idiot were magnified countless times with my help."
System 001: "Yes, Ruoruo, I will cooperate with you and remove any stumbling blocks."
The subtle candlelight hit Gong Furuo's face, and the light and darkness were blurred. She smiled slightly, which was astounding to the country and misleading to others.She believed what Xiao Yi said. How could anyone not love herself?
(End of this chapter)

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