Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 60 12 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 60 12. True and false daughter
Toolman: "Didn't you call Gong Furuo aside? Tell me, why are you crying?"
Tool Man: "I pushed someone into the water, and I was wronged first."
Toolman: "As expected of a low-class person, he is just a..."
After all, Delan High School is a stronghold of the upper class, and there is still some subtle hostility towards these civilians who are equal to them on campus, not to mention such a vicious person.
He He became the focus of the crowd for the first time after entering the school. She was almost overwhelmed by the malice and insults from all directions. She was frightened, angry, and trembling all over.However, what made her even more heartbroken was the way Su Jin looked at her, as sharp as a knife.

He He covered his ears and roared loudly
He He: "I don't, I don't, I'm not"
Gong Furuo slowly pulled the zipper of his coat to the top, smiled, walked towards them leisurely, and took Su Jin's wrist.
With clear eyes and a cute and pitiful timidity, he defended He He in a soft voice.

Gong Furuo: "Ajin"
Then she turned around and made a standard bow to everyone in Class A, with tears in her eyes and a soft voice.
Gong Furuo: "Everyone"
Gong Furuo: "This classmate didn't push me. It was my feet that slipped and I fell down. Thank you for your concern, classmates."
Su Jin frowned and held her hand instead, her eyes full of disapproval. Gong Furuo looked at him and shook his head pleadingly.

Su Jin nodded to everyone with a sullen face. This meant letting her go and not pursuing further investigation.
Everyone's eyes on He He became more and more hostile. Pretending to be pitiful was enough to get the innocent and lovely eldest lady to intercede for her. It was indeed something.

A bright girl came forward, sighed and patted Gong Fuluo on the shoulder.
Tool Man: "It's a good thing to be kind, but you can't let people with ulterior motives succeed in bullying you."
Gong Furuo nodded blankly, and the others nodded in agreement.

Su Jin glanced at He He without emotion, hugged Gong Furuo, and whispered unhappily in her ear.
Su Jin: "You idiot, stay away from her in the future."
The farce finally ended, and He He smiled gratefully at Gong Fuluo. Thanks to her for explaining it to him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to explain clearly.

Gong Furuo looked at her smile and almost laughed out loud. Hurry up and be reborn. This stupid thing has no fun playing with her now.

He He was originally ignored in Class A. They were all children of a wealthy family. No one would be so stupid as to bully and tease her. There was no need, but the increasingly cold disregard and hostility were enough to make He He restless and uneasy.

Soon, He He's reputation spread throughout the campus. A special admissions student with a despicable character pushed Miss Gong into trouble and even tricked the victim into interceding for her.

Who is Gong Furuo? It is no exaggeration to say that he is the dream lover of almost most of the children in City A. This news soon spread, sweeping the campus and beyond.

Tool Man: "Hey, do you know about Gong Furuo being bullied by a special admissions student?"
Toolman: "Who doesn't know"
Tool Man: "Let me tell you, Miss Gong is too kind. I would never let such a person go."
During recess, Lai Yuan was sleeping on his desk. The sunshine was warm, which was his favorite temperature. The low-pitched chatter of the students around him made him irritated. He was about to get angry when he heard Gong Furuo. name

Lai Yuan suddenly stood up from the table and pointed at someone randomly with a fierce gaze.
Lai Yuan: "You, come here"
Everyone in Class A of the second year of high school was so frightened that they didn't dare to express their anger. How could they wake up this living king of hell?

The unlucky boy who was pointed out for participating in the topic walked up to him with trepidation.

Thank you guys for the gift! !
(End of this chapter)

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