Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 64 16 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 64 16 True and False Daughter of Gold
Gong Furuo brushed his hand away, lowered his head and continued eating the cake as if nothing had happened. Su Jin tried hard to suppress the smile that was about to escape from her throat.

Su Jin: "Ruoruo, it's almost time. I'm going home."
Gong Furuo raised his head and glanced at his watch. It was indeed late. He pushed the cake aside first, stood up and held his arm.

Gong Furuo: "I'll give it to you."
Su Jin: "So good."
Su Jin moved a handful of her soft hair with a smile, as if coaxing a child, which earned Gong Furuo a blank look.

Su Jin: "There is a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow. If you are so confused, don't forget to tell your uncle and aunt."
Su Jin pinned her at the door of the room and refused to let her go any further.Gong Furuo nodded repeatedly as he repeated the instructions uneasily.

Gong Furuo practiced the piano again, and played a beautiful and touching story with his jumping fingers.She closed her eyes and listened intently to her music.

Lu Wei leaned against the door, quietly enjoying the sound of her daughter's piano, her eyes filled with pride. When she could no longer hear the sound, she raised her hand and knocked lightly on the door.

Lu Wei: "Ruoruo, dear, let's eat."
Gong Furuo: "What are you going to eat tonight? Mom."
Gong Furuo took one of Lu Wei's arms and followed her steps slowly down the stairs.

Lu Wei: "You will know just by looking at them. They are all your favorites."
The Gong family used to have a rule of not saying anything when eating or sleeping, but when Gong Furuo grew up and was old enough to eat at the table, this rule no longer existed.This girl couldn't sit still, holding the chopsticks with difficulty with her short fingers, picking up a piece of meat for her grandfather, vegetables for her mother, and using a childish voice, she asked inarticulately whether it was delicious.Who can withstand this? Grandpa Gong, a staid old man, doesn't care about any rules or irregularities. He hugs and kisses her in a rare way, and keeps saying it's delicious.

Therefore, at the dinner table at this time, in addition to the sound of clinking bowls and chopsticks, there was also the warm laughter of the family.

Gong Furuo: "Dad"
Gong Furuo: "Mom"
Gong Furuo: "There will be a parent-teacher meeting at school tomorrow."
Gong Yao and Lu Wei also graduated from Delan High School, so they still have some impressions of this tradition.The couple looked at each other and thought of He He who bullied their daughter, and had some ideas in their minds.

Gong Yao: "Ruoruo, my parents are both free tomorrow. Let's go to school together."
Gong Furuo gave Gong Yao and Lu Wei a piece of sweet and sour pork, his lips curled up in an obvious arc, and his joy was beyond words.

Gong Furuo: "That's great!"
The parent-teacher meeting at Delan High School was also a small social gathering. The stylist Lu Wei had booked arrived at the manor early and was waiting. After the two of them finished cleaning up, they drove the eye-catching dark purple Lykan in a rare high-profile manner. The sports car roared to a stop. At the gate of Delan.

As soon as Gong Yao and Lu Weifu showed up, they attracted the attention of the students' parents.Gong Yao has three-dimensional facial features, is dressed in a suit and leather, and looks polite.Lu Wei wears a small fragrance suit, her hair is permed into big waves, she is elegant and noble, and her face is beautiful.Regardless of these, there are several people in City A who are well-known Mr. Gong and Mrs. Gong that I don’t know.

Gong Yao: "Let's go to the First Department of Higher Education."
Delan was already a state-of-the-art design when it was built. Apart from renovations, the layout has basically not changed over the years. Therefore, the couple who had studied here took the familiar route and went straight to Gong Furuo's classroom.

While Gong Furuo was waiting for his parents, He's mother had already arrived in the classroom, and Gong Furuo looked at her with interest.Her clothes are simple but neat and clean. There are already a few white hairs in her black hair, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes are clearly visible. It is obvious that she is a woman who has been tortured by life.But the advantage is that he has a kind face and beautiful eyebrows.

Stupid author: "Wanfeng Qianqianbaozi's membership bonus has arrived, remember to check it!"



Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers!"
(End of this chapter)

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