Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 69 21 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 69 21. True and false daughter
As soon as Gong Furuo walked into the hall, he heard Lu Wei's suppressed crying.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"
Gong Furuo was at a loss and rushed towards her with a pale face. When Lu Wei saw it was her, he hugged her tightly.

Lu Wei: "Ruoruo, why didn't you answer the phone? Where are you? Your parents can't find you. They're almost dying of worry."
When Gong Furuo heard this, he took out his mobile phone. The screen was dark, and it was obvious that the power was out of power.Feeling a little guilty, she reached out her white and tender little hands and patted Lu Wei's back gently to comfort her.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, don't be afraid, Ruoruo is back."
Gong Furuo: "Sorry, mom, the phone is turned off."
Lu Wei cried for a while, feeling a little embarrassed when she saw that he was being held and comforted by her like a child, so he raised his head and smiled.

Lu Wei: "It's okay, just come back. Mom calls dad and the others and asks them to come back now."
Gong Yao rushed back out of breath. Looking at Gong Furuo who was helpless, guilty and self-blaming, he also laughed.

Gong Yao: "Are you hungry? It's time to eat."
At the dinner table, Gong Furuo took a few bites, gently put down his chopsticks, and spoke after careful consideration.

Gong Furuo: "Dad, Mom, this matter should be explained clearly to He He."
Gong Yao and Lu Wei were shocked, and Lu Wei grabbed her arm nervously.

Gong Fuluo: "Ruoruo, do you want to go back to your biological parents? Don't you want your parents anymore?"
Gong Furuo's eyes were bright. Seeing Lu Wei's frightened expression, he shook his head firmly.

Gong Furuo: "Mom, I just think that He He is also the protagonist of the matter, and she should also have the right to know."
Gong Yao was both pleased and distressed by her understanding. He reached out and patted her head and gave her some food.

Gong Yao: "Eat more, how can you be full with so little?"
At night, Lu Wei tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. His heart was filled with fear of unknown things that would destroy the status quo.

Gong Yao noticed her movement, turned on the night light at hand, and asked her patiently and clearly.Gong Yao: "What's going on?"
Lu Wei simply explained everything clearly.

Lu Wei: "That child, I mean He He, she..."
Lu Wei: "She pushed Ruoruo into the water last time. You said...she has such a big child, can she still raise her upright?"
Gong Yao's eyes were dark. He first held her hand and comforted her.

Gong Yao: "It's really not possible. If you have a big family and a big business, you can afford to support me no matter what. At worst, you can make more compensation in the future."
He paused, his brows looking cold.

Gong Yao: "My parents already know about this, and they have the same attitude."
Lu Wei lay on his chest and calmed down, this was good.

When Lu Wei was pregnant, her figure was out of shape, stretch marks proliferated, and she was depressed during pregnancy. Even when the baby was born and heard loud cries, she had no reaction until she saw that white and cute little face the next day and listened to her sweet voice. With the weak laughter, I suddenly felt that my heart was opened, and maternal love awakened in my heart.

So this love belongs to Ruoruo from the beginning, and no one can take it away.She closed her eyes and thought coldly and paranoidly.

Before the matter was settled, it was a top secret of the Gong family, so Gong Furuo didn't even tell Su Jin, but only hinted to him implicitly and tactfully on the way to school.

Gong Furuo: "Ajin, something big is going to happen in our family."
Su Jin thought Grandpa Gong and Grandma Gong were coming back, which was indeed a big deal, so she just smiled and urged her to swallow the last sip of milk.

Su Jin: "Is that so? Okay, Ruoruo, I understand."
(End of this chapter)

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