Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 76 28 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 76 28. True and false daughter
Gong Yao did not dare to hide such a thing from Lu Wei, so he left the company in advance and drove into the manor.He tried to tell the story as calmly as possible, while controlling his emotions and paying attention to Lu Wei's condition.Lu Wei covered her mouth and cried quietly. Gong Yao was really helpless. He comforted her carefully and told her everything he had discussed with Grandpa Gong and Grandma Gong before coaxing his beloved wife. See her smile.

In the evening, when Delan High School was over, Gong Yao and his wife drove to the school gate in person. Gong Yao, Lu Wei, and Lu Wei had been waiting at the school gate for a long time. Seeing Su Jin pulling her daughter out, they greeted her with a smile and naturally took the girl from Su Jin's back. The pink schoolbag was handed to Gong Yao.

Lu Wei: "We Ruoruo worked hard. Mom cooked soup for you. Go back and make up for it."
Gong Yao first patted Su Jin on the shoulder with a kind look and said nothing. Then he touched Gong Furuo's head and told her distressedly that she had lost weight.

When He He packed his schoolbag and walked out, he saw Gong Yao and Lu Wei happily taking Gong Fuluo into the Gong family's iconic car and driving away.Her hand holding the strap of her schoolbag gradually became cold.Yu Mei beside her opened her mouth in surprise, her eyes were puzzled, and she asked with some suspicion.

Yu Mei: "What about your parents..."
He He interrupted her impatiently for the first time, his voice irritated.

He He: "I have developed a habit over the years, and I will change it in the future."
She said so firmly that in the end, even she believed it a little bit.

Disdain flashed deep in Yu Mei's eyes, full of doubts.

Yu Mei: "Yes, that's it."
A big man in a black suit stepped out of an expensive car next to him that was inconspicuous among the many luxury cars. He stepped forward to stop He He.

Toolman: "Ms. He, my husband and wife asked me to take you back to pack your things."
He He then smiled secretly and proudly. He glanced sideways at Yu Mei and saw her expression of envy. He suppressed the fact that his parents had personally picked up Gong Fuluo but sent a subordinate to pick him up. He cleared his throat and recalled Gong Furuo tried her best to look like a young lady, nodded reservedly at the driver, and then waved goodbye to Yu Mei in a small way.

Under the tearful eyes of He's father and mother, He He happily got into the car bound for the Gong family manor.The car slowly drove in, looking at the carved and hollow gate, and the spacious and beautiful garden filled with rare flowers and plants. From time to time, people in uniforms were walking around and busy in the garden.

The man in black carried the salute and followed He He into the small villa.

Floors paved with black marble, ceramic tiles as bright as mirrors, gorgeous crystal diamond chandeliers, pure black fragrant wood tables with glass, imported designer chairs, and exquisitely carved bookcases.He He's eyes widened in surprise. He originally thought that the manor was luxurious enough, but he didn't expect that this villa was astonishingly luxurious.

Lu Wei changed into comfortable and soft home clothes and slowly walked downstairs while holding on to the wooden handrail with an indifferent expression.

Gong Yao was restless and inefficient during the day because of Gong Fuluo's affairs. He returned home early and was still busy with some official duties. At this moment, he was too lazy to go downstairs. He stayed in the study and handed over the task to Lu Wei.

Lu Wei nodded at the man in black behind her. He put down his salute and walked out.

Lu Wei tapped his chin in the direction of the sofa and motioned for her to sit over. He He was a little stunned and sat down obediently.

He He: "Mom."
Her pleasant mood was completely wiped out by Lu Wei's cold attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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