Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 85 37 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 85 37. True and false daughter
Gu Jun stretched out his hand and introduced himself solemnly.

Gu Jun: "Ruoruo and I have known each other since childhood and are best friends. We have not been able to be by her side for all these years. Thanks to your care of her, she is not too lonely."
He specially emphasized the words "best" and "too", showing off his majestic posture.

Su Jin and Lai Yuanpi smiled and stretched out their hands to shake hands with him, but they held it for too long, and they could still hear the faint creaking of bones.

Talking two ends.

He He's eyes couldn't be moved away from the moment Gu Jun entered the room.Originally, she was just weighing the pros and cons, and Su Jin had never been kind to her in her previous life, so she chose to turn her attention to Gu Jun.

However, Gu Jun was wearing a suit, with broad shoulders and long legs, handsome features, a cold face, and an impressive aura. At that moment, her heart beat strangely.Now I really fell in love with him.

She endured the nervousness in her heart and put on a cold and confident look that would make people thousands of miles away.

But he watched her walk towards Gong Fuluo, talking and laughing with her intimately and familiarly.

How can it be?In his previous life, Gu Jun never liked anyone until his death, and he maintained the title of golden bachelor all his life, let alone Gong Fuluo.

He He's eyes were bloodshot. Is this world really the world he lived in in his previous life?Why is everything different?
She gritted her teeth unwillingly, and finally hesitated to fight for it again.

He He: "Ruoruo, it's my first time to attend such a banquet, so I'm still a little nervous."
He He looked apprehensive, looked at Gong Fuluo with a somewhat uneasy smile, and squeezed in between a few people without leaving a trace.The tense atmosphere was broken by her at the same time.

She raised her head and glanced at Gu Jun. Her eyes were full of vicissitudes of life and sadness, with a bit of attractive mystery.

Gu Jun's eyes met hers unintentionally, and he felt an inexplicable force controlling his brain, controlling him to look deeply into the depths of her pupils, and uncontrollably becoming curious and subtle about her. good impression.

Gu Jun was fighting against that force in his mind, something was wrong, it shouldn't be.This woman bullied Ruoruo and tried to take everything away from Ruoruo. He was very sure that he should hate her.

He He saw him looking at her intently, his eyes showing affection, and felt secretly happy. He also looked deeply into his eyes and looked at him.

what's the situation?Does Gu Jun like He He?
Gu Jun and Lai Yuan, who were watching the two of them look at each other affectionately, were a little confused. Although they wondered how someone could be so blind as to buy a casket for a pearl, they were still secretly happy that they lost a strong love rival.

Gong Furuo watched this scene in silence, with some deep meaning flashing in his eyes, which was bottomless.

Gong Furuo: "Xiao Yi, has Heaven taken action?"
She asked System 001 in her mind, but her tone was firm.

System 001: "Ruoruo, God intervened and forcibly corrected the plot of the male and female protagonists. I hope that in the world, the male protagonist and the female protagonist have a sense of love at first sight. The male protagonist feels that the female protagonist is special, and he develops curiosity and affection for her. ."
Gong Furuo said nothing, looking at the scene in front of him with interest, watching the changes, watching Gu Jun's eyes flashing brightly and darkly.

The more Gu Jun resisted the strange feeling, the more he got a splitting headache and a burning feeling that his soul was being torn apart.

He suddenly held his head, struggling in pain.After a while, the bloodshot eyes faded away and he regained clarity.When facing He He, his eyes were filled with disgust and vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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