Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 91 43 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 91 43. True and false daughter
It's late at night, and there's still no news.The lights in Gong's house were brightly lit. Lu Wei lay in Gong Yao's arms and cried uncontrollably. Gong Yao's eyes were red.Grandma Gong's eyes were wet, and she silently wiped away the endless tears with a finely crafted handkerchief. Grandpa Gong barely remained calm.Looking at this young man gathered in a room, I sighed in my heart.

When Gu Jun and Zhang Huazhou walked in, they saw Su Jin and Lai Yuan. They asked the driver something with serious faces. They had already used their own power connections, but still found no results. Now they come here to get some useful details. There is also a slim chance of making clues.

He He, who was standing in the corner, looked at the worried and anxious people in the room and showed a cheerful look. Zhang Huazhou happened to catch it keenly. He glanced at her with some resentment, and his cold eyes irritated He He. Trembling all over.

So where are the parties involved at this time?

Gong Furuo received a text message from He He when she was out of school, asking her to meet at a place that happened to be a surveillance blind spot against the wall. Gong Furuo could guess what this idiot wanted to do with just a casual glance.

She lowered her head slightly, raised the corners of her bright red lips, and smiled beautifully.

His slender, snow-white fingers tapped on the screen, replying to her with interest.

Gong Furuo: "I am so dizzy from the successive setbacks that I dare to do such a thing."
She murmured in a low voice, her slender eyebrows stretched out, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of charm.

Gong Furuo's demeanor and demeanor have long been integrated into her bones and blood. When she straightened her body with small steps and walked gracefully and calmly to the agreed place, what she got was a handkerchief soaked in the drug. .

After being tied into the car, Gong Furuo, who was still sober and calm, could still command the system in a very good mood in his mind.

Gong Furuo: "Xiao Yi, help them, don't reveal their flaws so quickly."
Otherwise, what's the point of this scene if it ends too quickly?

A dilapidated and dark abandoned factory was entered by Gong Furuo due to an accident.

Toolman: "Brother, we have tied her up as the bitch said. Now, if we take her... then we can get the rest of the money."
The tall, dark man with a beard made a slash on his neck.The scar-faced boss was silent for a long time, his eyes fixed on the beauty who was bullying Shuang Saixue.

Due to the principle of caution, Gong Furuo's eyes were covered with black cloth, but it did not damage her beauty. On the contrary, it formed a sharp contrast with the snow-white and delicate skin, which made her face as white as jade. The drug had a strong effect on her. He fell into a coma, so his eyebrows were frowned and his lips were red.

The legs under the plaid skirt of the school uniform are slender and fair.

Somehow, he felt extremely uncomfortable when he thought that such a delicate and delicate beauty would be destroyed because of the dirty tricks among women.

So he hesitated for a long time without speaking.

The young man with a beard looked at him and said nothing. Following his line of sight, his eyes touched the eldest lady who was holding Qianjiao Yugui, but he could not move away.

Toolman: "Just find someone to take her place. Anyway, what that ruthless bitch wants to watch is the video, so it's okay if she doesn't show her face."
The scar-faced boss, who was extremely vicious and full of evil, rarely felt a little compassion and looked at her obsessively.

Tool Man: "I just need a girl who is so beautiful."
The bearded boy wanted to dissuade him, but there were too many hidden dangers in this matter. What if the girl found out and refused to pay?Even if everything goes well, can the young lady who was kidnapped really be willing to follow them, instead of just running away when she gets the chance?

But all the words came to my lips but I couldn't say them out. I could see her often after just one sentence in my mind, which defeated all speculations and fears.

(End of this chapter)

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