Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 98 50 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 98 50. True and false daughter
Gong Furuo stood on tiptoes and kissed the corner of Zhang Huazhou's lips shyly and greenly. A smile flashed in his eyes, his eyes were deep, he held her head gently but firmly, and first licked his lips lingeringly. , and then bit her lips greedily, going deeper and deeper.

When Su Jin Laiyuan saw this scene, his eyes almost turned red with anger and his palms clenched tightly.

They originally thought that the matter between Ruoruo and Zhang Huazhou was just a fluke, and that it was just a rumor, but when they really saw this affectionate scene, they could no longer deceive themselves.

The old father Gong Yao beside them was embarrassed and angry.

The first time he bumped into his daughter and that bitch Zhang Huazhou walking together with their fingers intertwined, he almost went berserk. If Lu Wei hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed forward to duel with the good brother he once trusted so much.

Thinking about it now, Gong Yao feels very unconvinced. Unlike his strong opposition, Lu Wei and Grandpa Gong and Grandma Gong are very supportive of Ruoruo's relationship with Zhang Huazhou.

They have always believed that Zhang Huazhou is emotionally stable, that his age is also an advantage, and that he knows how to care for others. The most important thing is that he has been surrounded by temptations over the years, but he has always been able to keep himself clean despite the coming and going. It can even be said that he has become as guarded as a jade.The most important thing is that he loves Ruoruo deeply, and Ruoruo also likes him. It is so rare for them to be in love.

Gong Yao could only hold his nose and admit it.

Secretly looking at the two children beside him, he didn't know what they were thinking. He sighed secretly and greeted them carelessly.

Gong Yao: "Let's come see Ruoruo later. How about going to the house with uncle to have a cup of tea first?"
He has already said so, this is the best choice, and no one refuses it so ignorantly.

Su Jin nodded with red eyes. The eyes of Lai Yuan, who was always simple and cheerful, flickered brightly and darkly, with a little unknown dangerous light. He quickly hid himself and responded with a sunny boy's smile.What happened to them, these two people who were deeply in love had no idea.After Gong Furuo became dizzy and lacked oxygen, Zhang Huazhou let go of her. She gasped for air while he smiled secretly in his eyes.

Zhang Huazhou: "You haven't learned to breathe for so long, and you still dare to flirt with me, huh?"
Zhang Huazhou: "We Ruoruo, when did we become so bold?"
He made some teasing remarks, which made people's cheeks turn red with embarrassment, and they gasped and remained silent.

Zhang Huazhou knew that this person was thin-skinned, so he didn't dare to tease him too much, and just stopped when he was good, so as not to make the person anxious and have to coax him slowly.

When the two met Su Jin Laiyuan holding hands intimately, Gong Furuo was a little surprised and surprised.

With these days of recuperation, her mental illness is no longer a problem.

So I asked with a smile on my face.

Gong Furuo: "Ajin, senior, you are all here. Are you here to see me?"
Gong Furuo: "Don't worry, my psychological problems have been completely solved."
Su Jin's eyes were still a little bloodshot, and she stared at their fingers that were still intimately intertwined. She was the most gentle and gentle person, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.
Lai Yuan, on the other hand, seems to be a careless person, with a wide smile and a cheerful and sunny appearance, which is enough to lower people's defensiveness.

Lai Yuan: "I hope you're fine."
Lai Yuan: "I relied on Uncle Zhang so much when I was sick. Now that I'm mostly recovered, the habit of relying on him has become natural."
Gong Yao felt that there was something wrong with these words, but after tasting them for a long time, he still didn't make sense.

Stupid author: "Thank you for the rewards and membership!!!"
Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers!"
(End of this chapter)

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