Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 10 You Don't Love Me Anymore

Chapter 10 You Don't Love Me Anymore

Chapter 10 You Don't Love Me Anymore

The math teacher was busy writing on the blackboard and didn't have time to look up, but he knew that the class had already been in class for about 10 minutes, so he said with a cold face.

"Stand outside!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the math teacher heard a gasp from the whole class, and then saw a figure swaggering in from the classroom door out of the corner of his eye.

The math teacher was so angry that he immediately smashed the chalk in his hand, "Didn't you hear me asking you to stand outside?! He...Master He?"

The math teacher was dumbfounded.

This second-generation ancestor is not in school all year round. Why is he in the classroom so early today, just after the first class in the morning?
"Teacher's skills are as good as ever..." He Zhixing easily took the piece of chalk flying towards him and spat out the next word lightly, "Cai."

The math teacher's expression was quite dishonorable.

What kind of evil did he, a teacher, do? He was teased by a student in front of so many students, but he couldn't say anything about this second generation ancestor!
As early as when He Zhixing disobeyed the math teacher and entered the door, Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing in surprise.

He Zhixing had been paying attention to Luo Yiyi since he entered the classroom. He felt Luo Yiyi's shocked eyes looking at him. Young Master He was in such a good mood that he was walking in the clouds and walked into the classroom with his school uniform.

When passing by Luo Yiyi's desk, he didn't forget to give Luo Yiyi a naughty smile.

Although he was deceived by her, it was not easy to go back on his word. It didn't matter, he could always find trouble again.

Luo Yiyi was already feeling guilty, and had just managed to calm down. But now that He Zhixing received such a meaningful glance, her heart suddenly felt like a bucket of water, and she was restless and uneasy.

"Jingle Bell……"

The bell just rang during recess, and Little Guobao entered the classroom following the bell.

"Well, let's talk about two things during the break. Our class has been in school for a few days. We will do two things at the class meeting this afternoon. The first is to change seats; the second is to choose the class committee!"

"Okay, now those who need to go to the toilet should go to the toilet, and those who need to get water should get water."

He Xin seemed to have something to do, so after saying that, he hurriedly left, leaving behind the classroom that was exploding. "Hey, Brother Xing, where do you want to sit?"

In the last row of the classroom, Lu Shaoyan had already kicked away the classmate in front of He Zhixing's seat. He was occupying his seat like an uncle, holding his arm on He Zhixing's desk and staring at He Zhixing with interest.

He Zhixing glanced at him lazily and said nothing. The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and his eyes flashed with fragments of light as he glanced at the second row in front.

Lu Shaoyan followed He Zhixing's gaze and looked over. When he looked at it, he felt a spring thunder in his mind. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Isn't it? Brother Xing, where are you going to sit?" Lu Shaoyan touched his chest in shock and looked at He Zhixing weakly.

"Do you have any objections?" He Zhixing withdrew his gaze and glanced at Lu Shaoyan dangerously.

"No... no objection." Lu Shaoyan waved his hands with a strong desire to survive.

He Zhixing ignored him and ignored Lu Shaoyan, but he smiled slyly and approached He Zhixing mysteriously. He Zhixing immediately tilted his head back in disgust, his handsome face swishing to release the cold air.

"Lu Shaoyan, get the hell away from me!"

Why is he, a big man, so close to his face?
Lu Shaoyan couldn't believe his ears. It felt like he had been hit in the head, and like someone had poured cold water on him from head to toe. After a long while, he covered his chest in grief, "Brother Xing, you really don't love me anymore!"

Before He Zhixing could say anything, the guy started crying affectionately again, "In the past, you always sat in the last row for me!"

"At first I didn't believe what they said, but you got angry and turned into a beauty, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

He Zhixing finally knew the real purpose of this guy coming to him. He raised his thin lips slightly and said in a good mood: "Where did you hear that?"

"Fuck! Brother Xing, are you admitting it?"

How could Lu Shaoyan still have the slightest hint of death at this moment?A pair of eyes had already been shining brightly, staring at He Zhixing full of gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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