Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 111 Get out of my house

Chapter 111 Get out of my house
Chapter 111 Get out of my house
He Zhixing was unwilling to give in and struggled to his death. He said with a sullen face: "You have taught me for one semester, and I have not made any progress."

Li Yuyang said with a gentle smile: "That's because Mr. He didn't let me teach him, but I taught Lu Shaoyan occasionally. Didn't his grades improve last semester?"

He Zhixing: "..."

The logic is tight and cannot be refuted.

He Zhixing looked ugly, and for the nth time he felt deeply disgusted with learning.

What can I do if my grades are good? Apart from talking nonsense, I have no strong points!
In the end, Li Yuyang once again became He Zhixing's tutor.

Luo Yue had already returned to the capital. After the self-study in the evening, Li Yuyang sent Luo Yiyi back to Qingquan Garden as usual.

After watching Luo Yiyi enter 1601, Li Yuyang took out the key and entered 1602.

The security door of 1602 can be opened with fingerprints, and spare keys are also stored. The fingerprints of Luo Yiyi and He Zhixing are memorized by the system, while Lu Shaoyan and Li Yuyang use spare keys.

When Li Yuyang entered the house, he saw a living room with garbage scattered everywhere. It would be an exaggeration to say that the mess was like a doghouse.

He Zhixing in the kennel glanced at him coldly and said, "You secretly made Yiyi decide like this, right?"

Li Yuyang's face was like a crown jewel, he smiled elegantly and asked instead of answering: "Is this important?"

He Zhixing's eyes were cold and he stared at Li Yuyang darkly, and a bloody scream surged into He Zhixing's eyes.

Why did he let the little idiot trust him so much? !

Jealousy, suspicion, panic, and fear all converged into bloody violence at this moment. He Zhixing felt that there was a backlog of rage in his heart, and he wanted to kill the person who robbed the little idiot from him!
He Zhixing took a deep breath, suppressed the smell of blood rolling in his chest, stood up and strode to the bedroom, completely ignoring Li Yuyang's existence, let alone letting Li Yuyang teach him.

When Li Yuyang came to 1602 last year, He Zhixing also ignored people. At that time, Li Yuyang would not ask for trouble and would usually just deal with it and leave.

But today he couldn't, because Yi Yi owed He Zhixing a favor, and Yi Yi also told him to make up for He Zhixing's lessons and make sure He Zhixing's score improved.

Publicly, he cannot allow his family to owe He Zhixing any favors; privately, he will not let down the mission that Yi Yi has given him.

Li Yuyang walked forward quickly, stopped He Zhixing, and said calmly and firmly with his eyes: "Student He, you can rest only after finishing the class."

He Zhixing's face was gloomy. He narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Do you want to die?"

Li Yuyang shook his head, still smiling calmly: "Classmate He, I am your teacher now, you have to listen to me."

He Zhixing felt that he had really heard a big joke. He wanted to punch the ignorant thing in front of him to death. He tensed his string, tried hard to suppress his anger, and said coldly: "Get out."

Li Yuyang refused to give way and just looked at him with a gentle smile. That smile that was destined to win fell into He Zhixing's eyes, which was full of provocation.

He Zhixing stopped talking nonsense and kicked Li Yuyang in the stomach, causing Li Yuyang to fly to the wall.

He Zhixing ignored it, strode towards the bedroom, and said, "Get out of my house."

Li Yuyang no longer stopped him forcefully, but just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, leaned against the wall weakly and smiled: "He Zhixing, this is the last bit of tolerance I will give you. Later you will beg me to be your tutor." .”

He Zhixing sneered, and Li Yuyang said no more. He just took out his mobile phone and sent a video to Luo Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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