Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 113 The second generation ancestor surrendered

Chapter 113 The second generation ancestor surrendered

Chapter 113 The second generation ancestor surrendered

Grandma He Zhixing went there three years ago, but three weeks is not next month. He's father thought that the little bastard had been kidnapped, so he deliberately lied.

If the little brat admits it, it proves that there is real danger.

He Zhixing said expressionlessly: "Dad, you heard that right, and your son has not been kidnapped. I just ask you to help your son bring back his former tutor now."

Knowing that Bastard was safe and sound, He's father felt relieved, and the father and son returned to their usual get-together relationship.

Father He began to scold, "You bastard, I had a hard time hiring someone before, but you didn't want to do it! Now I'm asking you to show off your face and invite a junior. You're shameless, aren't you?"

He Zhixing said very naturally: "Have you ever had such a thing as face?"

Father He: "..."

Father He was so angry that he covered his chest, "Asshole! Are you asking me to do something or are you here to make me angry?"

He Zhixing was silent. Fortunately, He's father only scolded you and quickly said: "That Li Yuyang taught you for one semester, but your grades didn't improve at all. He must not be a good teacher. I will find a new tutor for you later." .”

He Zhixing's expression was dull. For the first time, the second generation ancestor who had always been living day and night promised in a stiff tone: "Dad, I will study hard. Don't change people. Give Li Yuyang another chance. Li Yuyang taught him very well. I am too good at it." You messed up, you can’t blame the teacher.”

Father He replied along the way: "Really?"

He Zhixing said with a dull face: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Lu Shaoyan. I haven't spoken to Li Yuyang since last semester, but Lu Shaoyan has attended Li Yuyang's classes several times. You must have heard from Uncle Lu that Lu Shaoyan's grades improved last semester. .”

He's father naturally heard about this. In fact, it wasn't because of whether to change tutors, but because this bastard's behavior was too abnormal.

His son is unruly and wilder than a wolf. How can he sit there and study obediently?

Father He didn't believe it, so he asked a few more questions to find out the reason. "Xiao Xing, why do you suddenly want to study hard?"

He Zhixing said expressionlessly: "If you don't study hard, are you waiting for your little wife and son to take away my family property?"

Father He: "..."

At this moment, He's father wanted to hang up the phone. This bastard son, who wants to go?
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"You bastard, what are you talking about? Those are your mother and your brother! What kind of little wife?"

Father He started to talk about lessons, but He Zhixing interrupted impatiently: "Okay, I know you want to trick me. Your son said he should study hard when he returned to Beijing last time. It's not just a whim tonight. You are such a mother-in-law, not After staying in Wenrou Village for a long time, have you really developed Alzheimer’s disease?”

Father He was about to spit out blood, "You stinky boy, can you say that again?!"

He Zhixing said calmly: "I'll tell you the same thing a hundred times. I won't talk nonsense to you. I'll hand the phone to Li Yuyang. Your future daughter-in-law is still watching from the side. In front of her later, don't act like you are now." Talking to your son like this makes you sound like a little brat."

He Zhixing walked back and handed the phone to Li Yuyang.

Li Yuyang turned on the speakerphone, and the next second, He's father jumped up in anger and yelled throughout the entire corridor.

"You little brat, do you think everyone is as bad as you?!"

He Zhixing: "..."

After a period of silent suffocation, He Zhixing glanced at Luo Yiyi, who had complicated eyes, and the expression on his face was hard to describe.

Father He over there also felt the sudden suffocation on the other end of the phone. During a period of silence, Li Yuyang spoke out.

(End of this chapter)

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