Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 115 Brothers go into battle to assist 1

Chapter 115 Brothers go into battle to assist 1
Chapter 115 Brothers go into battle to assist 1
He Zhixing also followed her and spoke very sincerely, "Yiyi, I didn't know that Li Yuyang was your adopted brother before. If I want to know about your brother-sister relationship, it's too late for me to take care of him. How can I bully him?"

Luo Yiyi finally looked at him, "Then you won't bully Yu Yang anymore?"

He Zhixing nodded seriously, "I won't bully you anymore."

Luo Yiyi curled her lips and whispered: "I forgive you, you can go back."

He Zhixing couldn't believe it and asked tentatively: "Have you really forgiven me?"

Luo Yiyi nodded, and He Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief, "Then will you still give me extra lessons?"

Luo Yiyi was silent. After a moment, she looked up at him and said sincerely, "He Zhixing, you can ask for a tutor."

He Zhixing didn't even want to refuse, "No!"

Luo Yiyi: "Why not?"

He Zhixing was speechless for a moment, but Luo Yiyi looked at him and said calmly: "He Zhixing, let me speak for you. Because you like me, you want to take the opportunity of making up lessons to have more contact with me, so that you can have more contact with me. Feelings arise, right?”

He Zhixing admitted, looking at her seriously, "I admit, Yiyi, you have known my heart for a long time, and you did not refuse during the New Year, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Yiyi interrupted: "He Zhixing, I'm sorry for what happened during the Chinese New Year, which caused you a misunderstanding. In fact, you should also know that I just want to study hard and don't think about love for the time being. During the Chinese New Year, the reason why I didn’t reject you or even treated you well was because I thought that you would be very sad every time you were rejected by me. During the Chinese New Year, you were here alone again, so I softened my heart.

But now I think about it, if I continue to do this, it will only cause more misunderstandings for you, and it will be even more difficult for you to get out in the end.

He Zhixing, try to forget me. You are the pride of heaven. As long as you are willing to look around, you will find that there are many girls in the world who are better than me. "

He Zhixing didn't ask why this time. He just closed his eyes feebly, smiled bitterly a few times, then let go of Luo Yiyi and left.

After this night, when they arrived at school the next day, Lu Shaoyan and others obviously noticed that He Zhixing had become silent. In the past, he was said to study hard, but at least he had the enthusiasm of a young man, but now he looks like an old man in his twilight years. .

Although I was studying, my mind often wandered and I became listless.

When school was over, He Zhixing was still following Luo Yiyi after school every day, but he always followed Luo Yiyi quietly so that she would not notice her. He would not go home until he saw that she had returned home safely.

The three of them knew that all the changes in He Zhixing were inseparable from Luo Yiyi. It was probably that Brother Xing was frustrated in his love life again.

This spring day is bright and everything is full of vitality.

During class time, the three of them squatted in the playground to bask in the sun and chat.

Lu Shaoyan swung his thighs, squinted his eyes to enjoy the spring sunshine, and said lazily: "How long have you been chasing me? Why hasn't Brother Xing given up yet? I originally thought that Brother Xing was just playing for fun, but I didn't expect that I was involved in it. Tsk Tsk tsk!”

After Lu Shaoyan finished speaking, he praised him.

Ji Chen didn't say anything, but bumped Bu Yu with his arm and said "Hey", "Ah Yu, didn't Brother Xing and Luo Yiyi have a sweet time together before? Good guy, during that time, we didn't have time to talk to our brother. Well, how did Luo Yiyi accept Brother Xing at that time? Did Brother Xing tell you? "

Without waiting for Bu Yu's reply, Lu Shaoyan hit Ji Chen on the head, "Silly! Just because of your perverted possessiveness, will you share the fun in the boudoir between him and Luo Yiyi with others?"

(End of this chapter)

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