Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 119 Brothers go into battle to assist 5

Chapter 119 Brothers go into battle to assist 5
Chapter 119 Brothers go into battle to assist 5
So little sister, I’ve been standing there for so long, did you really not see it?
Lu Shaoyan roared in his heart, but his face was as bright as a smile, "I just came here. I have something to tell you. Can I go over there for a while?"

Lu Shaoyan pointed to an open space a few steps away. Luo Yiyi saw that there were people all around, and since it was just a few steps away, she felt relieved and said to Yu Yangnuan: "Yang Nuan, I'll be back as soon as I go. "

How dare Yu Yangnuan stop it?Instead of nodding with a dry smile, Baba said: "Then I'll wait for you here."

Luo Yiyi responded with a smile, and Lu Shaoyan hurriedly led the way. When they reached a place with no one around for several meters, Luo Yiyi stopped and asked, "What are you going to say?"

Lu Shaoyan said with a sad look on his face: "I'm not looking for you, it's Brother Xing."

There was a slight change in Luo Yiyi's calm face, and she said calmly: "If you have nothing to do, I will go back first."

As he turned around to leave, Lu Shaoyan was so anxious that he subconsciously blocked the way and said distressedly: "Xingpa, I lied to you. Brother Xing didn't let us find you at all. It was me who made the excuse."

As he said this, he glanced at Ji Chen secretly, and Ji Chen also said with a grimace: "Student Xueba, we would like to invite you and your friends to play with us. This is an invitation, look at it."

Luo Yiyi took the invitation and looked down. She felt something was breathed into her nose, and she lost consciousness after that.

Lu Shaoyan said "fuck" and cursed in a low voice: "Ji Chen, you want to die! How dare you use drugs on Brother Xing's favorite thing?!"

Ji Chen said helplessly: "How about you find a way to take her there? Don't worry, it will only last half an hour."

As he spoke, he smiled softly at the silly Luo Yiyi in front of him and said, "Would you like to go there with us?"

Luo Yiyi's eyes were dull, she nodded stiffly, and followed Ji Chen and the others blankly.

Not far away, Yu Yangnuan saw Luo Yiyi taking the initiative to follow Lu Shaoyan and the others. She wanted to chase them but didn't dare, and finally decided to follow them quietly.

Lu Shaoyan and Ji Chen did not dare to delay, so they accelerated and led Luo Yiyi forward. Yu Yangnuan, who was following behind, felt more and more something was wrong. Yiyi's walking posture and state always gave her a strange feeling.

When they arrived at the place, Ji Chen smiled gently at Luo Yiyi and said, "Stand here and don't move, you know?" Luo Yiyi nodded stiffly, Ji Chen and Lu Shaoyan looked at each other, and left, taking them with them. Yu Yangnuan, who had been following them.

"Are you Luo Yiyi's friend? Don't worry, we won't do anything to her. But if you dare to be disrespectful again, don't blame us for being rude. Get out of here."

Ji Chen showed a gentle smile to Yu Yangnuan. Yu Yangnuan was so frightened that she almost rolled over. She wanted to go back to get reinforcements!

On this side of the valley, the intoxicating effects of the drug gradually dissipated, and Luo Yiyi's dull eyes gradually regained their clarity. However, when she gained some consciousness, she saw the desolate surroundings.

And there were densely packed venomous snakes around her!


Luo Yiyi screamed in fear almost subconsciously.

On the other side, Bu Yu took He Zhixing, who was lying half-dead and moldy in the corner, for a walk, but He Zhixing refused to go.

Bu Yu advised: "You have never liked things like spring outings. Didn't you come out specifically this time just to see her?"

He Zhixing gave him a strange look, "Bu Yu, you are acting strange today. Did you do something behind my back?"

Bu Yu was about to play Tai Chi to fool him when his phone suddenly received a message from Lu Shaoyan: OK
Lu Shaoyan made a gesture of success and did not hide his words. He explained the matter truthfully in a few words.

He Zhixing's face was frighteningly gloomy and he ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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