Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 12 Childish looking for trouble

Chapter 12 Childish looking for trouble
Chapter 12 Childish looking for trouble
"You tripped me up, of course it doesn't matter."

Luo Yiyi was helping Li Yuyang organize his books when he suddenly heard this familiar voice and subconsciously raised his eyes.

The young man's black eyes, as clear and dazzling as obsidian, shone with an awe-inspiring aura of heroism. Underneath his seemingly calm eyes, there was hidden a coldness as sharp as an eagle, which paired with his handsome face with deep contours, which was like a sculpture, made him even more imposing. people.

It reminds one of the dangerous wolves that pounce on their prey in the savanna.

"Classmate He, my feet are always under the table. How can I trip you?"

Li Yuyang patted the dust on his old coat with a nonchalant expression, and looked at He Zhixing's stern eyes, with gentle ripples between his brows and eyes, a smile on his lips, and explained patiently.

He knew that He Zhixing was uneducated and unskilled, but Li Yuyang knew that He Zhixing would never do things like setting things up between little girls.

Therefore, Li Yuyang felt that He Zhixing might have misunderstood and he needed to explain.

"You mean to say that this young master has wronged you?"

Li Yuyang didn't expect that he would encounter Murphy's Law. He glanced at He Zhixing with some confusion, only to find that He Zhixing walked around him and looked directly behind him.

Li Yuyang subconsciously stood in front of Luo Yiyi, his dark pupils as quiet as the night, facing He Zhixing's sarcastic and sharp gaze, half-smiling but not smiling, on his old uniform.

He Zhixing was wearing a limited-edition custom-made shirt. The light blue fine-checked shirt was rolled up loosely at the wrists. It was simple, slightly gorgeous, and a bit indescribably sexy. He looked like he had just attended a luxury event. The prince just threw away his evening dress after the banquet.

The warm light emanating from Li Yuyang's body dimmed at this moment.


He Zhixing sneered slightly, his sharp and unruly eyes shining with dazzling light, which was the disdain of someone in a superior position.

Li Yuyang lowered his head.

He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi with a playful smile and a bit of bad taste.

"Good girl, where do you want to sit?"

The young man's thick eyebrows were slightly raised in a rebellious manner. Under his long and slightly curled eyelashes, he had a pair of clear eyes that seemed to be smiling every time he looked at her. He had beautiful and protruding facial features and a perfect face shape.

Everything was the same as before, but Luo Yiyi felt that the smile in He Zhixing's eyes was so dazzling and piercing. "Yuyang, can we have boiled fish for lunch?"

Luo Yiyi didn't seem to hear. She turned around and carefully patted the dust on her old coat. Her eyes as clear as blue waves were filled with a touch of warmth, and the corners of her mouth were as perfect as the crescent moon.

Luo Yiyi was actually trembling with fear inside. She actually ignored this little gangster, but Yuyang and she had grown up together, and she couldn't watch Yuyang being bullied like this by outsiders.

Just like when someone isolated her when she was in school, Yuyang always stayed by her side without hesitation; now that someone bullies Yuyang, she also wants to protect him.

"Okay, but you can't eat anything too spicy."

Li Yuyang couldn't help but smile. The girl looked at him with clear pupils blooming like cherry blossoms.

Perhaps, this was the angel's smile, which drove away all the gloom in his heart and made his world so bright, as if there was no flaw in it.

Li Yuyang's face was like a blooming white magnolia, with a smile written on his face, overflowing with warm joy.

"Hey, Brother Xing, what are you doing standing here? You haven't told me yet. Is your sudden return because of a temporary change of owner... Ouch!"


He Zhixing's face was so gloomy that he kicked down Li Yuyang's table.

Lu Shaoyan opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, "Brother Xing, why are you kicking the monitor's table? Monitor... ouch!"

Lu Shaoyan's words stopped suddenly, and he gasped in pain——

"Brother Xing, why are you stepping on my foot? Hey, brother Xing, didn't you just say you wanted to attend class? The class bell is about to ring. What are you doing out there?"

Lu Shaoyan held his foot that was whirring in pain with both hands and was about to chase him out while hopping on one foot.

"I don't want your tongue to be gone, so just shut up."

Bu Yu glanced at the noisy Lu Shaoyan with an idiot look, and followed He Zhixing in the direction he left.

(End of this chapter)

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