Chapter 14
Chapter 14

Probably because he is too old to be frightened, Lao Zhao was startled by the sudden appearance of the unknown object and almost fell down, especially when it was accompanied by the frightening "ouch" sound.


The students of Class [-] behind Lao Zhao burst into laughter. No doubt seeing the old dog, Lao Zhao, was embarrassed, which greatly pleased the Class [-] students who had been oppressed for a long time.

Lao Zhao was already frightened, and coupled with the roar of laughter from Class [-] students behind him, he suddenly became furious!

"Why are you laughing? Li Yuyang, go to my office to get your homework!" Old Zhao looked back at the classroom behind him and cursed with an angry red face.

The laughing classroom suddenly became as quiet as still water, almost as silent as a chilling breeze.

"Okay, Teacher Zhao." Li Yuyang responded obediently, hoping to calm Lao Zhao's anger.

"And you! Which class are you in? You didn't know to stop and look, but you were running so fast around the corner! What if you bump into someone?"

Old Zhao's face darkened angrily and his tone was extremely stern.

"Sorry, teacher."

In fact, Luo Yiyi was not walking very fast. Lao Zhao himself was so angry that he walked faster and bumped into Luo Yiyi.

But Luo Yiyi was dizzy at the moment, and she had never been someone who cared about such trivial matters. A simple apology would make it a trivial matter, so why should she waste time and energy arguing for that tone?

Probably because Luo Yiyi had a good attitude, Lao Zhao's expression softened a bit, but as people get older, they tend to be wordy. Lao Zhao stood directly at the door of the classroom with a cup in hand and began to speak earnestly.

"It's not that I have to educate you on behalf of your class teacher, but this is a corner. If you don't walk carefully, what will you do if you bump into someone? The teacher you bumped into today..."

Li Yuyang kept dragging his speed here, fearing that Lao Zhao would punish Luo Yiyi. At this time, Li Yuyang saw that Lao Zhao had started to chatter every day, and knew that he would not punish Luo Yiyi, so he went to the office with confidence.Luo Yiyi accepted the "education" obediently. When Old Zhao saw that the student was quite obedient, the beep factor came up. At this moment, Old Zhao also noticed Luo Yiyi's cup full of Coke and the drumstick hanging on his hand. Old Zhao's eyebrows almost instantly twisted. Became a worm.

"You think you, a girl, are so good at eating and drooling? You won't die if you eat less of these rubbish! Your parents worked so hard to send you to No. [-] Middle School, and this is how you waste your parents' hard-earned money."

The more Lao Zhao talked, the angrier he became. If his daughter had been like this, she would have been beaten to death!

How could she look like a girl?
Luo Yiyi doesn't understand "yumian drooling", it must be similar to "yumian lazi".

She was not in good health and was a road addict. After walking for so long in such a big campus with dozens of bottles of Coke, her breath was unsteady.

After climbing the stairs for so long, Luo Yiyi could hardly hold on and was about to faint. However, due to Lao Zhao's last words, she was so angry that her blood flowed backwards, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

"Teacher, I'm not sorry for my mother!" Luo Yiyi's eyes were shining, and she looked at Lao Zhao stubbornly, contrary to her normal behavior as a good baby.

"Oh, Luo Yiyi, where did we go during the last class? It turns out you went to buy snacks!"

Only when Lao Zhao wanted to teach the student who suddenly talked back, Yuying and Zhang Duo suddenly spoke out as if they suddenly discovered something.

"Yu Ying, Zhang Duo, what did you two say? Is she from Class [-]?" A glint flashed in Lao Zhao's old eyes, pointing at Luo Yiyi and looking at Yu Ying and Zhang Duo.

"Yes, she just transferred to our class today. She was still in the classroom during the math class just now. Why is she not in the English class when she doesn't understand?"

Yuying is very good at talking. She emphasizes science over literature in the first grade. Not to mention the total score of 200 in mathematics in the science college entrance examination, which is the key to improve the score. However, the total score of English is 120, and the score is only a dozen points. Unlike mathematics, it is just a matter of ten points. It's 160 points in a roll, and it can beat others by [-] or [-] points.

Lao Zhao was originally dissatisfied with No. [-] Middle School's emphasis on theory and literature, and he himself could never tolerate others not taking his English seriously.

However, Luo Yiyi skipped his English class as soon as he arrived, and happened to take math class in the last class!
(End of this chapter)

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