Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 140 Dare to reject me?

Chapter 140 Dare to reject me?

Chapter 140 Dare to reject me?

Yu Yangnuan came back to her senses. She looked a little lonely and said: "I once had a very good best friend. She was very beautiful, well-behaved and had good grades. One day, a boy who was a senior in high school chased her. The boy was very handsome. That day At night, I held up roses and ran to the door of her class to confess my love.

At that time, she was surrounded by classmates who were watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble. Her friends and classmates were teasing her, "Promise him! Promise him!" The girl saw that the boy was very handsome, and her good friends and classmates were all teasing her, so she agreed. .

But the boy broke up with her within half a year and found another girlfriend. Since then, my friend has been depressed, and her grades have plummeted, but the handsome boy is having sex with his new girlfriend, and they are in love with each other throughout the school. She was envied by everyone, and everyone had long forgotten that she was her girlfriend in the past.

The group of people who were making noises had long forgotten that it was their instigation that brought a girl into this situation. "

Speaking of this, Yu Yangnuan said lightly with hatred in her eyes.

"Since then, this girl's grades have never improved. She was probably emotionally injured. She has wrinkles at such a young age. Her originally perfect youth has ended like this.

But the boy who chased her in a high-profile manner had long forgotten who she was, and the friends and classmates who had encouraged her to watch the fun had long forgotten that she had once been beautiful and outstanding.

Everything that happened today was so similar to what happened to my friend.Yiyi, only in romance novels, the confession of the male and female protagonists on campus will be the successful ending of the romantic process. In reality, campus love often comes at the cost of ruining youth or even life!
At least until you are admitted to a good university and have the capital to establish yourself in society, don’t be obsessed with love. You promised He Zhixing to confess your love today, but have you ever thought about it. If he abandons you in half a year, you will still be as alive as before in No. [-] Middle School. Live optimistically? "

Luo Yiyi was stunned, but Yu Yangnuan seemed to have thought of something, and smiled: "You can do it, you have Li Yuyang, and me. Sometimes I really envy you, I feel that you are really equipped to be a proper heroine The script and the family and friendship you have are so pure and clean. I hope your love script is also the protagonist's script."

Yu Yang Nuan spoke earnestly and sincerely, as if being reminded of the past, she felt a little depressed and stopped playing with her mobile phone.

Luo Yiyi also returned to her seat to do some questions. There was one competition question she couldn't solve. She looked up at the time and decided to go to the office to ask the teacher.

Luo Yiyi walked slowly to the office with a pen and exercise book. When she turned the corner of the stairs, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the darkness, put her arms around her waist, and picked her up!
"it's me."

He Zhixing was afraid of scaring her, so he bit her ear and said something hoarse before hugging her.

Luo Yiyi was so frightened that she suppressed the cry in her throat again, and her little face turned pink and rosy from the pain.

He Zhixing hugged her, put his hands around her waist, bent his long legs, pressed his forehead against hers, pushed her into the corner, his voice was hoarse and dangerous.

"Luo Yiyi, how dare you refuse me?"

His movements were powerful and domineering, and his breath was very hot. His hot breath sprayed on her white and tender neck.

Luo Yiyi knew that he was here to settle the debt, so she lowered her head and did not dare to look at him. She bit her lip and whispered, "I'm sorry."

But He Zhixing showed that he didn't want to hear her explanation. He suddenly approached and bit her ear with his teeth in a punishing bite.


Three more chapters added on May Day, Happy May Day everyone~ Finally the introduction content is written hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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