Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 161 Fuck the substitute

Chapter 161 Fuck the substitute
Chapter 161 Fuck the substitute
"When are you taking the exam? Which school and major did you apply for?" Mr. He asked slowly after complaining about the unpalatable apple.

Luo Yiyi: "Nine o'clock the day after tomorrow, psychology major at T University."

He Zhixing nodded, "I happen to have something to do and have to go to T University. Then I will take the exam for you and cheer you on."

Unable to refuse the kindness, Luo Yiyi curved her almond-shaped eyes and said, "Thank you."

When the plane was about to arrive, Luo Yiyi stood up to say goodbye. He Zhixing didn't stop her. He just smiled and said, "T, I'm going to find you."

Luo Yiyi nodded and stepped out of the first class cabin quickly.

When Luo Yiyi returned to the economy class, the students from the No. [-] Middle School were all preparing their seats to get off the plane. The plane was also broadcasting a reminder that the plane was about to arrive. Luo Yiyi had nothing to pack. It happened that Yu Yangnuan was tired of sitting there. He wanted to drag her out of the plane together later, so Luo Yiyi simply refused to return to her seat.

"Yi Yi, I heard that there seems to be a dance at T University tomorrow night. It just so happens that the teacher is going to take us to familiarize ourselves with the T University campus in advance. How about we sneak over and have a look? I heard that the dancers are all T university students and watch a group of top students perform. , just think about that scene... tsk tsk tsk!"

Yuyang Nuan's eyes were dancing with excitement, and she almost screamed.

Luo Yiyi often went to the T University campus with her mother when she was a child, and she was familiar with the capital, so she did not refuse and said with a smile: "Okay."

Yu Yangnuan hugged her excitedly, one baby at a time, and the whole world was moved.

After getting off the plane, Li Yuyang helped Teacher Zhao organize the students to enter the hotel room in an orderly manner.

On the first night, Teacher Zhao told the students to have a good rest, and after breakfast the next day, he took the students to get familiar with the campus.

Since Li Yuyang grew up in Beijing and is familiar with T University, Li Yuyang is in charge of the students who go to T University, and Teacher Zhao is in charge of the students who go to P University.

T University really held a dance in the ballroom today. Because T University usually is not open to the public, it is not worried about crowds of outsiders. The person holding the dance seems to be a daughter of a certain family.

"I've asked about it. College student T also needs a ticket to enter the dance hall. It seems that we can't go today."

After waiting for a long time, Yu Yangnuan cried feebly and told the result. Luo Yiyi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a way."

Yu Yangnuan immediately stared at her with burning eyes. Luo Yiyi whispered: "I know a staff member of the ballroom. It's okay to ask her to let us in secretly, but we have to pretend to be volunteers." Yu Yangnuan went crazy. Nodding, "Okay!"

Luo Yiyi took Yu Yangnuan to find the senior girl from the T University dance club whom she knew. Seeing that she was the instructor's precious daughter, the senior girl happily complied with Luo Yiyi's request.

After entering the dance hall, Yu Yangnuan did not dare to rush in to satisfy her curiosity. In the capital city, a brick was randomly thrown on the street. Nine out of ten people hit were officials, and the remaining one was also an official. It's a relative.

The dance started, and Yu Yangnuan followed Luo Yiyi, hiding in the audience and acting like a transparent girl.

"Yiyi, the lead dancer looks similar to you, but he's still not as good-looking as you, but his eyes are just as charming as yours. Hehehe, did you see it?"

Yu Yangnuan suddenly pointed at the woman dancing with her slender waist on the stage. Luo Yiyi looked along and felt that she had seen this girl somewhere before.

"Eh? Isn't that Mr. He? Why is he here? And dancing with the lead dancer?!"

Yu Yangnuan was so frightened that she stood up. Luo Yiyi quickly pressed her down and whispered: "Calm down."

Yu Yangnuan nodded quickly, and then looked at He Zhixing and the lead dancer on the stage in disbelief. A bloody idea suddenly popped into Yu Yangnuan's head.

If Mr. He stalks Yi Yi so hard, does he think Yi Yi is the substitute for the lead dancer?

What Yu Yangnuan thought of, Luo Yiyi naturally thought of it too. She looked at the latest message on her phone, which was sent by He Zhixing half an hour ago.

He Zhixing: I came to T University tonight. I seemed to see your figure when I entered the door, but you disappeared in the blink of an eye. Are you coming to T University too?I still have a party to attend, so don’t leave yet. I’ll go find you after the party is over.

Luo Yiyi turned off her phone with an expressionless expression. The dance ended quickly. She saw He Zhixing talking to the girl with a smile. Then the phone seemed to ring. He lowered his head to look at it.

Then, He Zhixing walked towards her, the direction was very clear, how did he know?
Luo Yiyi glanced at Yu Yangnuan beside him. Yu Yangnuan glanced around with guilty conscience and whispered: "Yiyi, take advantage of this opportunity to figure out everything, so that he won't kidnap you morally for saving your life."

After saying that, He Zhixing had already arrived in front of them. He squatted in front of Luo Yiyi and still smiled ungrately: "Little idiot, when did you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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