Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 176 Girlfriend Countdown 3

Chapter 176 Girlfriend Countdown 3
Chapter 176 Girlfriend Countdown 3
"And you know how thick the exercise book is, Master He. How long does it take to prepare such an exercise book?
Mr. He, this silly girl Yi Yi fell in love with you a long time ago!She just doesn’t know it herself! "

He Zhixing's face froze, his lips trembled slightly, and his eyes gradually warmed up. He just looked at the little girl on the bed, and suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The smile grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a drop of hot tears, hitting Luo Yiyi's cheek.

Lu Shaoyan, who looked confused, was pulled out of the room by Yu Yangnuan. It wasn't until he was far away that Lu Shaoyan calmed down.

"Okay, classmate!"

Lu Shaoyan looked at Yu Yangnuan with a gazing look, and raised his thumb without hesitation.

Yu Yangnuan gave him an expressionless face, and Lu Shaoyan realized later that he seemed to have bullied this classmate.

He scratched his head awkwardly and coughed, "I remember you seemed to like Brother Xing, right? When I first came here, I heard Dr. Shen say that you never took your eyes off Brother Xing in front of him, so why are you encouraging Brother Xing? Chasing other girls?"

At this moment, Lu Shaoyan's heart was filled with the burning fire of gossip, and he betrayed his teammates without hesitation.

Yu Yangnuan calmly opened the small notebook and wrote down the account, and then said indifferently: "You said you were in the room just now. I kept staring at Young Master He because I was holding back what I wanted to say to Young Master He. Ah, don’t let your eyes stick to Young Master He.”

After finishing his words, he glanced at Lu Shaoyan and said, "I have been holding back a lot of words to say to someone. Could it be that your eyes are not glued to him but to someone else?"

Lu Shaoyan choked and scratched his head for a moment, "Then, of course it sticks to him."

Yu Yangnuan gave him an idiot look in return. Lu Shaoyan felt that he was offended. Suddenly, he glared at Yu Yangnuan fiercely.

"Did you just call me a scumbag?!"

He is a dignified Young Master Lu, how can he be taught a lesson by others? !He'll get the situation back now!
"Oh," Yu Yangnuan responded indifferently, then glanced at Lu Shaoyan and asked without answering, "Aren't you a scumbag?"

Lu Shaoyan: "..." Damn, he was stabbed in the heart unexpectedly.

Yu Yangnuan continued: "Every time you are in the bottom ten of the grade, right? Isn't this a scumbag?"

Lu Shaoyan: "..."

Yu Yangnuan: "If I were called a scumbag, I would be ashamed to die and apologize, but I would never be able to aggressively come to someone to settle the debt."

Lu Shaoyan: “…………”

Lu Shaoyan's fists clenched loudly.

Yu Yangnuan suddenly asked, "These days, it's always wrong to tell the truth, right?"

Lu Shaoyan: “………………”

Lu Shaoyan tried hard to resist the urge to slap Yu Yangnuan to death. He took a deep breath and warned himself: Good men don't fight with women!Good men do not fight with women!
Finally, he said viciously, "Just wait for me!" and then ran away quickly.

Sure enough, he shouldn't provoke the people next to the school bully!
After driving away the annoying fly Lu Shaoyan, Yu Yangnuan returned to the ward. She looked at He Zhixing hesitantly and sat silently on a chair nearby.

"Just say what you have to say."

The conversation between the two outside just now could be clearly heard in the room. He Zhixing was too lazy to complain about his idiot Lu Shaoyan.

Yu Yangnuan also knew that He Zhixing was impatient with her, so she didn't dare to delay, so she got straight to the point, "Young Master He, are there really huge differences in status between you and Yi Yi, and we can't get together?"

(End of this chapter)

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