Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 18 Luo Yiyi is obsession

Chapter 18 Luo Yiyi is obsession
Chapter 18 Luo Yiyi is obsession
Although Luo Yiyi only choked up this sentence and cried in Luo Yue's arms again, Luo Yue had already guessed that her daughter must have been wronged in the new class.

Otherwise, it's fine, why would I have to go back to the capital the next day?
"Okay, okay, mom promises you, but you have to tell mom the reason, otherwise mom can't just listen to you in everything and just let you transfer to another school."

Luo Yiyi had no intention of hiding it from Luo Yue, so she first told Zhang Duo about pouring hot water on her, and then about Yu Ying's framing of her in front of Lao Zhao.

Luo Yue's eyes were full of murderous intent. The moment every mother heard that her child was bullied at school, she wanted to cut the abuser into pieces!
Even if Ling Chi spends thousands of swords, he can't relieve the hatred in his heart!
"Yiyi, you are the victim in this matter. Even if they have to leave, it is they who will leave, not you."

Luo Yue was used to being strong. She had suffered enough in the first half of her life and suffered cold looks. She would never tolerate her daughter being wronged in the slightest.

She endured the kind of humiliation that was worse than life for so many years. In those days when she was ridiculed, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to climb up, just because she longed to have a daughter in the future and use everything she worked hard to give her the best. .

Let her daughter become the most precious little princess in her mother's heart.

She wants to make her daughter never experience the suffering she suffered in the first half of her life; she wants to dedicate all the love she has never received to her daughter.

Let her be a happy child who grows up in love.

Luo Yiyi is not so much Luo Yue's biological daughter as the sustenance of Luo Yue's heart, spirit and dreams.

She is the spiritual food that Luo Yue relies on for survival.

Luo Yue not only loves Luo Yiyi, but also has obsession.

Although it was an obsession, fortunately she was a highly educated person and had her own way of teaching Luo Yiyi and giving Luo Yiyi the personal space to understand. Therefore, Luo Yiyi did not hide Luo Yue's affairs from Luo Yue in these years. He is also very open-minded and not rigid in teaching his daughter.

"But mom, I don't like S city, not at all." Luo Yiyi's eyes were red and she looked at Luo Yue aggrievedly.

"For those two girls, my mother asked He Xin to give them a heads-up in front of the class, so that they won't dare to cause any trouble in the future. For the others, it's enough to scare the monkeys."

She had studied all the way from high school. How could she deal with the frivolous ideas of high school students?

Seeing that her daughter still disagreed, Luo Yue thought about her daughter's health. It was true that the climate in the south was pleasant, so she comforted her daughter again, "Why don't we just change those two girls to another class? This kind of black sheep who is rampant in campus bullying, even if she can really read into a book." It’s just a scourge to society!”

Afraid that her daughter would be soft-hearted, Luo Yue continued to explain: "Yiyi, do you still remember what your mother taught you? There is nothing to be afraid of bad people. The scary thing is that bad people have high knowledge. People like them will deserve to die if they are fired. If you are serious If they read it into books, more innocent people will be bullied by them in the future."

Luo Yiyi saw that her mother had gone astray and was getting more and more excited as she talked, so she had no choice but to explain and mutter in a low voice: "Mom, they bullied me, I'm not that generous, let them go, mom, you don't have to comfort me."

Luo Yue also felt that her daughter might not have the potential of White Lotus. After all, how could she not understand the child she raised?
"Then take them away, do you still want to go back to the capital?" Luo Yiyi met Luo Yue's gaze and nodded.

"Mom, actually, it's not all because of those two girls, but... someone is chasing me."

Luo Yiyi's cheeks turned red, Luo Yue smiled softly and held her daughter in her arms, "You have encountered this kind of thing in the capital before."

Luo Yiyi's cheeks turned even redder. Anyway, she was held in Luo Yue's arms, right next to Luo Yue's ear. She quietly told Luo Yue what He Zhixing had threatened her with, including what He Zhixing said to her when he just brought her to the hospital. She moved her hands and feet and reacted.

"Is it the red-haired one just now?" Luo Yue didn't show much surprise, she just made sure.

Luo Yiyi blushed and nodded slightly.

Even though she was only 12 years old, her mother gave her sex education, openly shared sexual knowledge with her, and told her not to feel like she was touching a taboo when bringing up such topics.

Understanding sexual knowledge is also of great benefit to girls in protecting themselves. Luo Yue is still very open-minded in educating her daughter about sex.

But girls are probably born to be very reserved in these aspects.

Therefore, even though Luo Yue has taught her sex education for so many years, even though Luo Yiyi can openly talk about such obscure topics as sex in front of her mother, her cheeks will always inevitably turn red.

"Mom promises you."

After a long time, Luo Yue gently patted her daughter's face and smiled softly.

"Thank you, mom! mua~"

Luo Yiyi clung to Luo Yue's arms softly and coquettishly, and kissed Luo Yue's cheek.

"Too much saliva."

Luo Yue took out the handkerchief and smiled as she watched her daughter wipe her saliva. It was not because she disliked her, but because saliva would cause ringworm on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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