Chapter 187 Zhaoxue 4
Chapter 187 Zhaoxue 4
Teacher Zhao opened up the conversation, from the things that were widely spread on the No. [-] Middle School forum to the private meeting with Mr. He on the plane, to that day when He Zhixing stayed in Luo Yiyi's room for a long time in the middle of the night before coming out...

Luo Yiyi herself was dumbfounded. She had no idea that in the eyes of outsiders, she and He Zhixing already had that kind of relationship.

Teacher Zhao talked a lot, and finally said with a sneer: "Since you don't want to be a peaceful student, then the teacher will help you."

Although it was unpleasant to be judged by others, her mobile phone had been taken away and the distress message had not been sent. The only thing she could hope for was that Yuyang saw the number she dialed after taking a shower and dialed back.

If she didn't answer, with Yuyang's temperament, he would definitely knock on the door to look for her. When he found that she was missing, he would definitely call the police.

And it would be better if Teacher Zhao asked her to answer the phone. She would tell Yuyang some secret codes, and Yuyang would immediately understand that she was in danger.

So all you have to do now is procrastinate!

Luo Yiyi glanced at the car that was still speeding, and she explained very innocently: "Teacher Zhao, if I am really like you said, thinking about seducing He Zhixing every day instead of doing my job, then I can get the first grade every time." One? You are also a student here, and you know how much energy and time it takes to study to maintain good grades."

Unexpectedly, Teacher Zhao laughed even more contemptuously after hearing this, "What grade you are in in the No. 20 Middle School examination is not a matter of Mr. He's words. From the time I was studying to now, I have seen countless students with good grades in the past [-] years. , but I have never seen any student with good grades take the first place in the grade in Huidu!

A wise man will always make mistakes. If you, Luo Yiyi, are ranked in the top twenty every time, I can still regard it as your strength. You are No. 1 every time. Hehe, you can fool others, but you can't fool me! "

Luo Yiyi: "..."

She finally understood that Teacher Zhao obviously wanted to incriminate him, so why bother!
But she still had to find a topic and had to delay!

"Teacher Zhao, I really didn't lie to you. You can find a copy of the college entrance examination paper now and I will write it for you on the spot!"

Teacher Zhao was unmoved. She smiled for a moment and said, "As expected of Mr. He, why don't you ask me where I want to take you?"

Luo Yiyi said stupidly: "Then where are you taking me, Teacher Zhao? Also, did you really see Yang Nuan commit suicide?"

Teacher Zhao smiled even more, "Luo Yiyi, how popular are you? Among the classmates in your class, two of the girls who came to the capital to participate in the spring recruitment don't like you.

I originally thought there were only these two, but I didn't expect that your best friend Yu Yangnuan would also be dissatisfied with you. "

Luo Yiyi felt as if she was struck by lightning, and soon she smiled and said: "Teacher Zhao, you don't have to lie to me."

Teacher Zhao shrugged, "To tell you the truth, Professor Xiang fell in love with you at the banquet tonight, and I will take you to see Professor Xiang now. Oh, you may not know, but Professor Xiang likes fresh food. Girl. Two years ago, Yu Yangnuan went to N University to participate in a competition and was molested by Professor Xiang. The high-definition videos and pictures were all saved. This time, in order to get rid of the life that was worse than death, she gave you as a gift. To the professor.”

Luo Yiyi was stunned, but she remained calm on her face and shook her head, "Impossible, Yang Nuan will not do this!"

Teacher Zhao sneered, "If it hadn't been for her phone call, would you have come out with me so defenselessly?"

Luo Yiyi was so panicked that she almost fainted. She pinched her arms tightly and tried to calm down her breathing, "Teacher Zhao, why are you doing this? Is it good for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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