Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 189 Be good, don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 189 Be good, don't be afraid, I'm here
Chapter 189 Be good, don't be afraid, I'm here
Even though He Zhixing kept himself clean, he had been in the wealthy circles for a long time and was very aware of these vile drugs. He could tell something was wrong with Luo Yiyi almost at a glance.

Veins popped out on He Zhixing's forehead. He strode to Luo Yiyi's side, but Teacher Zhao was so frightened that he let go of Luo Yiyi.

He Zhixing held the little girl tightly in his steady and strong arms.

"Be good, don't be afraid, I'm here."

He Zhixing tried hard to suppress the bloodthirsty desire in his heart, his voice still trembling.

Luo Yiyi choked and cried quietly in He Zhixing's arms. Her whole body was soft and her slender legs could no longer support her weight.

"Can you hold on a little longer?"

He Zhixing hugged the person in his arms, lowered his head and asked softly.

Luo Yiyi's vision was blurry, and the most uncomfortable thing was the constant heat rushing out of her body.

She endured the discomfort and looked at him while crying softly before unconsciousness, "He Zhixing, don't kill anyone."

After speaking, she shook her head forcefully to prevent herself from fainting, and stubbornly waited for his answer.

She was afraid that he would do something irreversible in anger, and she wanted him to live in the sunshine, live cleanly and happily.

He Zhixing's face was terrifyingly gloomy, but Luo Yiyi couldn't see clearly at the moment. She could only hear him gently promising her, "Okay."

Luo Yiyi's body went limp, and He Zhixing gently picked her up. Because Luo Yiyi was so weak, He Zhixing didn't dare to hug her, so he could only spread her legs and hook her around his waist like a child.

He Zhixing held Luo Yiyi with one hand, put his other hand across her back, and hugged her.

Luo Yiyi was unconscious, but the heat in her body, coupled with the close posture of the two of them, made Luo Yiyi press against He Zhixing, and her hot cheeks were buried in He Zhixing's neck.

He Zhixing saw that she was just burying herself in his arms and nuzzling him. He didn't need anything more, so he just held her steady and didn't control her behavior.

"Bu Yu, lock them up, don't torture them to death yet." He Zhixing glanced at Professor Xiang and Teacher Zhao indifferently, said a few words, and strode away with the unconscious Luo Yiyi in his arms.

"do not worry."

Bu Yu responded to He Zhixing's retreating figure, knowing that He Zhixing was waiting to turn around and deal with these two people.

He family.

Dr. Shen stood head-to-head in He Zhixing's bedroom, eyes wide open, looking at Luo Yiyi lying on He Zhixing's bed, and then looking at He Zhixing in disbelief.

"Are you sure you can give her some medicine?"

He Zhixing glanced at him sideways, "Is there any other way?"

Dr. Shen coughed, "You hugged her to your bed, didn't you want to help her solve it yourself?"

He Zhixing's face turned as dark as a century old. Doctor Shen thought this person had found out because of his conscience, but he heard He Zhixing mutter, "She hasn't fully grown yet, can she bear me?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Dr. Shen covered his chest and coughed, feeling extremely contemptuous in his heart!
Damn it!Worse than a beast!What do you really plan to do to this little girl?
He Zhixing also realized that he shouldn't say this in front of outsiders, it was too disrespectful for the little idiot.

He glanced coldly at Dr. Shen who was heartbroken and said, "Use medicine without causing any harm!"

Doctor Shen had a bitter look on his face, "As long as medicine is used, it will definitely be bad for her health. Master, if you want to feel distressed, you can only use artificial methods."

He Zhixing had a cold face and remained unmoved, "The side effects are minimal! Don't hurt your body!"

Dr. Shen thought hard and thought of something, "Master, there is something that won't hurt your body, but it has a side effect."

(End of this chapter)

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