Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 26 Luo Yiyi is missing

Chapter 26 Luo Yiyi is missing
Chapter 26 Luo Yiyi is missing
"Aunt Luo, job's tears."

Luo Yue took her daughter to check the tickets and entered the park. Li Yuyang also came.

"Aunt Luo, I have already told Teacher He. Teacher He knows that there are parents with me and has allowed me to leave the class team and climb the mountain alone."

Li Yuyang was wearing a loose casual school uniform of No. [-] Middle School and carrying a grassroots schoolbag. The young man was still breathing slightly from running.

"Well, are the things in the bag heavy?" Luo Yue nodded with a smile and asked with concern.

"It's not heavy. I just brought two bottles of water and bread."

Li Yuyang patted his schoolbag easily with one hand, and carried the bag on Luo Yiyi's shoulder habitually with the other hand.

"Yuyang, no need. Mom said mountain climbing is very tiring. I can just carry it on my back."

"I'll give you my schoolbag later when I'm tired."

Luo Yiyi thought for a while and finally agreed, "Then if you are tired, you must tell me."

"Okay." Li Yuyang smiled softly.

Luo Yue smiled but said nothing.


The three of them arrived at the foot of the mountain when Luo Yue's cell phone rang.

Looking at the familiar number, Luo Yue frowned for a moment, and sure enough, she just answered the phone and dropped a bombshell on her.

"What did you say?" Luo Yue's voice was cold, and there seemed to be a layer of darkness in her eyes.

Luo Yiyi saw that her mother's face suddenly turned sinister and terrifying. She had never seen such a cold-blooded and ruthless look.

"Yi Yi, something suddenly happened at school. Mom will send you home first. Can I take you to Hongshan next time?"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yue returned to her former loving mother. Luo Yiyi could see the anger in her mother's eyes, but she still tried her best to smile gently at her.

"Yeah." Luo Yiyi nodded obediently.

Luo Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but her daughter held her hand. Her watery eyes were full of worry but looked at her firmly, "Did something happen to mom? I'll stay with mom."

"No!" Luo Yue subconsciously refused sharply.

Sure enough, her daughter bit her lip, eyes glistening with water, and looked at her aggrievedly.

Luo Yue blamed herself inwardly, and patted her daughter's face with a chuckle, "Okay, mommy tells you that the allocated project fee involves corruption, and you need mommy to deal with it personally, and you will ask mommy to take care of you. That's it. Well, you and Yuyang are having fun in the park, and I'll tell Teacher He to take care of you. If you have fun, mom will be in a better mood."

Luo Yiyi felt relieved when she knew what was going on. Her mother was not the kind of person who embezzled public funds, so the only way she had fun was to help her mother.

"Well! Then mom, remember not to be angry because of others."

Luo Yue agreed with a smile, gave a few more instructions, and then left in a hurry.

He Xin was ordered to do so at the critical moment, but there were still a group of children in his class who wanted him to watch over him. After much deliberation, he had no choice but to let Li Yuyang take Luo Yiyi to climb the mountain with his class.

After all, with him accompanying Yi Yi, those bastards still dare to turn the world upside down?
"Look, it's Luo Yiyi!"

"Oh my god, didn't she transfer to another school? Is she coming back again?"

"It must be! Didn't you see the handsome boy taking her with him?"


From the moment Luo Yiyi appeared, several malicious eyes fell on her. "Is this what you said, forcing people away?"

Wang Ruo looked at Yuying and Zhang Duo coldly, his sharp gaze making them tremble.

Yuying and Zhang Duo were in the ordinary class, but in order to thank them, Wang Ruo found a way to bring them to Hongshan this time.

Yes, Wang Ruo has been pursuing He Zhixing. Although the outside world has spread that she is He Zhixing's real girlfriend, only Wang Ruo knows it. He Zhixing is just too lazy to explain all this.

Luo Yiyi had just appeared in No. [-] Middle School and threatened her status as the school beauty. That day she went to find He Zhixing, but found that He Zhixing blocked people in the corridor and talked to her so intimately, not to mention that she later heard about He Zhixing. To vent her anger, she poured water on Zhang Duo!

Although Zhang Duo planned the incident of Coke and framing him in front of Lao Zhao, she paid for it.

Now, seeing Luo Yiyi's appearance at such a close distance, Wang Ruo's female sixth sense made Wang Ruo instantly regard Luo Yiyi as his number one love rival, and he was bound to strike first and eradicate her quickly!

Zhang Duo glanced at Wang Ruo uneasily, fearing that Wang Ruo would blame her. Suddenly she saw the high slope under the gravel road.

"Sister Ruo, I think this can be done..." Zhang Duo suddenly whispered in Wang Ruo's ear.

Wang Ruo glanced at the high slope below the gravel road and the thorny shrubs covering the slope.

You won't die if you roll down from here, but the scene below is enough to scare Luo Yiyi. If you have the courage to come back, you must have the ability to stay here.

"That's it, don't mess with me again this time!" Wang Ruomei looked at Zhang Duo with gloomy eyes.

"Sister Ruo, don't worry!" Zhang Duo assured her, patting her chest.

"Teacher He, Chen Jingjing has sprained her ankle!"

Here, He Xincai and Luo Yiyi said a few words, and a girl suddenly ran over panting.

Chen Jingjing's grades were good. After the credit classes started, she was admitted to the experimental class.

He Xin glanced behind her, and Chen Jingjing's face was twisted into a ball of pain. He Xin did not dare to delay, and asked Li Yuyang to take care of Luo Yiyi, and hurried over.

"Monitor, there are two people missing from our class. The director is looking for someone to ask. Teacher He is too busy. Monitor, please tell the director about the situation."

Li Yuyang glanced at the worried-looking He Xin not far away and the serious face of the teaching director at the end of the team, and had no choice but to tell Luo Yiyi, "Yiyi, I'll be back soon."

"Well, go and do your work, don't worry about me." Luo Yiyi comforted him with a smile.

After Li Yuyang left, Luo Yiyi was deliberately squeezed out of the team by Yuying and Zhang Duo, and her small body was buried in the crowd.

Until, He Xin and Li Yuyang came back at the same time, looking for someone but found that Luo Yiyi was missing!
"What happened?"

He Zhixing had just changed into sportswear and reached the foot of the mountain when he saw a large group of students withdrawing from the mountain, followed by He Xin with a serious face.

"It's the transfer student who transferred to our class during the summer vacation. She-she's missing!"

The person being questioned by He Zhixing was the thin boy who had to give He Zhixing extra lessons before. He stumbled when answering.

"Where did you go missing?"

He Zhixing's eyes suddenly became sharp and his face was frighteningly gloomy. He angrily picked up the boy's collar. The boy was so frightened that his blood flowed backwards and he couldn't even stutter when he spoke!

"I don't know the details. I found the person missing at the third peak. When I passed the second peak, the person was still there!"

He Zhixing threw the boy out and rushed towards the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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