Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 262: Weeding out the traitors and supporting the weak

Chapter 262: Weeding out the traitors and supporting the weak
Chapter 264: Weeding out the traitors and supporting the weak
Bu Yu ignored him and just looked at Lu Shaoyan who was still desperate on the sofa and said: "In ancient times, girls got married when they were in their teens. Nowadays, the law stipulates that adults are adults, but there are still those perverts who enjoy torturing young girls. The country is so big. , there are so many people, not everything is clean and transparent. If you really regret it, just don’t do the things you did before in the future. What’s the point of being decadent here?”

Lu Shaoyan was paralyzed for a long time. After a while, he sat up, looked at He Zhixing, and said solemnly: "Brother Xing, can't we crack down on these evil behaviors?"

He Zhixing glanced at him, but Lu Shaoyan met his eyes and said: "Brother Xing, you should stop going into business and go into politics. Anyway, your family has the foundation for politics. Business is just to keep our own pockets, only politics can Improve the law and really help the weak!”

Before he finished speaking, Ji Chen hit him in the head with a stick, "I'm just telling you nonsense, I'm really like a holy mother! The world is such a big place, and 7 young children are sexually assaulted every day, why don't you, Mr. Lu? Don’t worry about your identity and go to save those suffering children around the world.”

Lu Shaoyan was so angry that his teeth itched, "Shut up, you heartless idiot!"

Ji Chen was too lazy to offend him. Lu Shaoyan looked at He Zhixing helplessly, "Brother Xing, seeing how angry you were just now, you must not be able to stand these things. Do you really not want to consider joining politics?"

He Zhixing glanced at him sideways and said, "If this is my country, I will naturally have to take care of it. Now I am just a businessman. I am the son of an official at most, so I can't take care of that much." He didn't want to take care of the affairs of the family and the country anymore.

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Shaoyan, "You are not a child anymore. Don't be naive. Even if the power is as powerful as ours, nothing can control us since we were young. We never have to be afraid of anyone. If we like to laugh and curse, we will laugh and curse. , but that is limited to ourselves and the people we protect. Once it comes to the world, there are always many things in the world that we are powerless to do."

Lu Shaoyan muttered, "I thought you were aware of it because of your conscience. Suddenly you realized that there are some injustices in society, and you were angry just now."

He Zhixing ignored him, and Lu Shaoyan crawled back to his seat angrily. This time he leaned on the sofa and looked at the barely clothed girls in the private room. He no longer dared to look directly at them and waved his hand to signal them to get down. , "You all go back, wherever you came from."

The girls were trembling with fear after hearing this. Ji Chen kicked Lu Shaoyan and said angrily: "If you really want to do something good, just do it to the end. They have all been sent here, and the Karot people haven't arrived yet. I asked you to rush back, do you want them to die?"

Lu Shaoyan was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but Ji Chen said slowly: "Did I say something wrong? Don't you want to do something good? Then just help them find families and send them home directly."

Lu Shaoyan: "..."

Just do it. Lu Shaoyan was about to get up. Ji Chen still said slowly: "Looking at their age, it can be seen that they don't know where they were abducted. If you really want to be a good person and stick to it, you have to ask those who control them. people.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, in this case, Yanzi, you are facing off against the evil forces. Xing, Yanzi, even Brother Xing doesn’t dare to provoke you, you have the guts to eat this crab. "

After saying that, he applauded his brother excitedly, "Come on, brother, I'm optimistic about you!"

Lu Shaoyan: "..."

In the end, Lu Shaoyan was pulled by Bu Yu and collapsed on the sofa dejectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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