Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 273 Mr. He’s Territory

Chapter 273 Mr. He’s Territory
Chapter 277 Mr. He’s Territory
Yapo stared at the photo on the screen and nodded obsessively.

Not to mention two, a hundred or more are enough!
One of Zhang Duo and Fa Xiao has an average appearance, while the other is as strong as a pig. These kind of things can be found all over the streets and everywhere.

But the thing Miss Wang got is a peerless beauty!In all her years of experience, she has never seen such a pure, beautiful and clean girl!

"Ms. Wang, do you have the goods now? Also, is it clean?"

Wang Ruo smiled and said: "Although it's not in my hands, it's in One Night City. It's very clean, and it's young and fresh. It's definitely fun to play with."

A lustful smile flashed in Ya Po's cloudy old eyes. As long as he stayed in the overnight city, he would not be able to escape from her grasp.

Wang Ruo smiled calmly and said: "Ya Po, after all, you don't belong to Yiye City. This kind of thing is not allowed to happen in Mr. He's territory. Let these two people take you to get the goods. It must be done quietly. Remember not to disturb anyone. Master He, as soon as you get the goods, take them back to your home base. By the way, they know the goods."

As he spoke, he pointed at Zhang Duo and Fa Xiao. Zhang Duo and Fa Xiao were afraid that they would be betrayed, and the one who shielded them from the knife was Luo Yiyi. They nodded quickly without any hesitation, "We are willing!"

Yapo belongs to another group of forces. This time he came to One Night City with orders to send young girls to please Carlot and negotiate a business deal.

At Wang Ruo's signal, the perverted man brought Zhang Duofaxiao and some thugs to the place where Li Yuyang parked his car.

The plan was for Zhang Duo and Fa Xiao to beg Luo Yiyi in front of the car with tears in their eyes, tricking Li Yuyang into driving first, to prevent them from swarming them, and Li Yuyang driving away directly.

After Li Yuyang drove the car, the thugs swarmed up and surrounded Li Yuyang, and in the chaos, they took away Luo Yiyi.

Just in case, Wang Ruo even had Luo Yiyi's photo projected onto the high-definition screen in the suite where Carrot was having fun.

She didn't believe that such a beauty was noticed by Carrot in One Night City. With Carlot's habit, she could not immediately destroy Luo Yiyi!
Wang Ruo sneered and Carlot personally named him. He didn't believe that He Zhixing could risk losing his new partner just for a Luo Yiyi!

Although she didn't know why He Zhixing cooperated with Carrot, she most likely guessed that it had something to do with chips. Carlot was in charge of the world's core chip technology. If He Zhixing wanted to start a business in smartphones, Carrot's cooperation Partners are the ones you can’t avoid!
In the parking lot, Luo Yiyi and Li Yuyang were still looking at the points on the map. While they were waiting anxiously, two crying crazy women suddenly ran out in front of the car.

They were indeed crazy women. Zhang Duo and Faxiao ran out of the building behind them with unkempt hair, messy clothes and bare feet, nearly collapsed. When they ran to their car, they seemed to see an acquaintance and begged and knocked on the car window to beg Li Yuyang. and Luo Yiyi save them.

Li Yuyang naturally recognized the girl who bullied Luo Yiyi. She was not a worry-free student in school.And good girls won’t appear here for no reason, let alone——

"Yi Yi, the timing of their appearance is too coincidental. We can't open the door at will. Let's call the police and ask the police to take them away."

Li Yuyang said decisively, Luo Yiyi naturally agreed, but she really didn't have any good impression of Zhang Duo.

When Zhang Duo and Faxiao heard this from outside the car window, a trace of resentment quickly flashed in their lowered eyes. It was obvious that they did not expect the two of them not to take advantage of them.

If you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink the wine as a penalty.

Soon, Li Yuyang noticed that their car was surrounded, and there were even people carrying people who seemed to be trying to smash the car door. Li Yuyang almost didn't think about it, and decisively started the car to leave.

However, it was already too late. Li Yuyang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Yiyi, continue to call He Zhixing! If you can't get through, tell He Zhixing the situation here by voice first!"

Luo Yiyi was also frightened by the vicious beasts surrounding them outside the car. She didn't know what to think, so she just followed Li Yuyang's words and continued to call He Zhixing.

Fortunately, someone got through this time.

On the other side, He Zhixing rubbed his swollen forehead and poured a few handfuls of cold water before his vague consciousness became clearer.

He looked at the mobile phone that Ji Chen handed over. There was a missed call message on the page. Not many people knew his private number.

After unlocking the lock and seeing the person who had missed the call, He Zhixing smiled and touched it to the roof of his mouth. It was rare for a good baby to take the initiative to call him.

He Zhixing didn't rush back, but looked at the message sent to him by the good baby on the APP. After seeing the message, He Zhixing staggered and almost fell.

(End of this chapter)

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