Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 277 Be good, don’t be afraid anymore, I’m here

Chapter 277 Be good, don’t be afraid anymore, I’m here
Chapter 281 Be good, don’t be afraid anymore, I’m here
"Be good, don't be afraid, it's just a dream."

The soft light shone down, illuminating the young man's soft face. Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing who was leaning over her, and hugged He Zhixing's neck with her little hands while sobbing.

Although He Zhixing believed in Dr. Shen's medical skills, seeing her crying so hard, he was still worried about the effect of hypnosis on her. Has she forgotten?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu He Zhixing, I had a nightmare, I can't remember it, but I'm still so scared."

He Zhixing breathed a sigh of relief, and he gently coaxed her, "Be good, don't be afraid, I'm here, okay?"

Luo Yiyi gradually stopped crying. She blinked her big, teary eyes, looked around, and asked in confusion, "Is this He's hospital?"

She has been in S city for less than a year, but she has been to this VIP room many times, and Luo Yiyi is also familiar with the environment here.

He Zhixing hummed, helped her sit up, and then explained: "You were unconscious. Li Yuyang didn't dare to tell auntie, so he called me."

After saying that, he gently pressed his cheek against the little girl's cheek and asked with concern: "How much do you remember about what happened before you fell into coma?"

Luo Yiyi's head was swollen, He Zhixing hugged her, held the back of her head with one hand, pressed his face tightly against her delicate face, and his hot breath sprayed on her delicate skin, "Think slowly, don't rush .”

Luo Yiyi was dumbfounded by such a close contact, her big wet eyes blinked, and finally she said slowly: "I just remember to go to the orphanage with Brother Yuyang."

He Zhixing finally let go of all the worries in his mind and seemed to have almost forgotten about it.

"It seems that the exams were very tiring in the past few days and my baby was tired. Li Yuyang said that you suddenly fell into a coma just after getting in the car, but you scared him half to death. I was also scared by you and ran over immediately."

Luo Yiyi blinked and glanced at the dark sky outside. It was still a bright and sunny morning before going out, but now the moon was already on the top?

"He Zhixing, I was unconscious for more than ten hours?" Luo Yiyi looked at He Zhixing carefully.

He Zhixing kept talking calmly, "That's more than ten hours a day." The coma didn't last that long, but more than a day had passed in reality.

Luo Yiyi opened her eyes wide, and He Zhixing gently rubbed the little girl's soft forehead and explained: "What you remember is yesterday. Today is the second day since you were in coma."

Luo Yiyi took a deep breath, as if she couldn't believe it. He Zhixing used the words that Dr. Shen had prepared long ago to fool the little girl who was still confused.

In the next few days, He Zhixing stayed with Luo Yiyi. During the day, Luo Yue had to go to work. Luo Yiyi took leave to study at home. Whenever Luo Yue went out, He Zhixing would abduct him back to his home.

He didn't do anything, just sat there with her and watched her obediently do her homework.Luo Yiyi was a little flattered. To be honest, since the relationship was established, this was the first time that He Zhixing was so honest when they got along in private, and did not do anything bad except playing with the bracelet on her wrist from time to time.

He Zhixing looked at the bracelet with faint eyes. When he gave it to her, he had forcibly locked it. Without his key, it couldn't be opened or taken off.

The bracelet was installed with GPS positioning by He Zhixing. When the No. [-] Middle School forum incident happened, He Zhixing failed to find Luo Yiyi, and then he gave Luo Yiyi this bracelet.

It was related to her personal safety. Even to his brother, he didn't tell the truth. He only said that he had installed a positioning system in her mobile phone.

Luo Yiyi herself didn't know that her whereabouts had been controlled by He Zhixing 24 hours a day. He Zhixing also controlled it himself. He usually did not check her whereabouts and gave her free personal space.

He Zhixing installed the GPS just in case, not to monitor Luo Yiyi.

But He Zhixing also knew that if the little girl found out about this, he would definitely not be allowed to do so. In serious cases, he would think too much about the dark and perverted thoughts behind his actions, as if he was worried about her.

He Zhixing gently stroked Luo Yiyi's fair and slender wrist, his thick long eyelashes lightly lowered, and he looked at the little girl beside him who was quietly doing her homework.

After a few days, she was still as well-behaved and quiet as ever. He deliberately made her happy, and she would bite her lip and smile shyly, and her fair face would secretly have a pink and moist luster.

I was not affected by the Sisi incident at all, so I really can’t remember it.

He Zhixing observed Luo Yiyi carefully for several days and finally felt relieved when he was sure that Luo Yiyi was still the same silly little idiot.


"He Zhixing, didn't you say you wanted to discuss business? Why haven't I seen you out in the past few days?"

After staying there for several days, Luo Yiyi completed today's task before Luo Yue returned home from get off work.

When she was flexing her neck muscles, she saw the young man standing next to her, staring directly at her, with a pink face, looking for a topic clumsily.

Then, Luo Yiyi saw He Zhixing in front of her for the first time, and said calmly -

"It's not settled, so we won't talk anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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