Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 28 Don’t be afraid, I will take you there

Chapter 28 Don’t be afraid, I will take you back
Chapter 28 Don’t be afraid, I will take you back
He Zhixing bent down and followed the cry to Luo Yiyi. The little girl's white stockings had been stained red, and the blood on them had dried.

"Don't be afraid, I will take you back."

He Zhixing was a little panicked. Seeing her cry, he couldn't stop her from crying, but he was just afraid of her crying.

"But I can't walk. Did you bring your mobile phone? Find someone to help us."

Luo Yiyi didn't cry because of fear, but after seeing He Zhixing, the grievance of being maliciously targeted finally found an outlet, so she couldn't control it and cried.

"Okay, come up first, and I'll carry you to the flat ground."

He Zhixing said that he squatted down in front of Luo Yiyi, and Luo Yiyi obediently hugged his neck.

He Zhixing's back stiffened nervously when he felt a pair of soft little hands gently hug his neck.

Luo Yiyi lay on top of He Zhixing and saw them halfway up the mountain.

Luo Yiyi felt dumbfounded. If he carried her down, they would fall to death together.

"He Zhixing, this is in the middle of the mountain, why don't you help me?"

He Zhixing also noticed this problem at this time. He just wanted her not to cry, so he didn't think about it.

Now He Zhixing also noticed this problem, "It doesn't matter, I will carry you again when we get to the road below."

He Zhixing casually broke off a branch, supported Luo Yiyi with one hand, and supported the branch with the other to explore the way.

When the Hongshan area was first developed into a scenic spot, he came to supervise the construction in person, so He Zhixing knew the terrain of this area clearly.

"Come on, come up."

After walking this difficult and steep slope, the sock on Luo Yiyi's right foot began to bleed.

Luo Yiyi didn't show any restraint and put her arms around He Zhixing's neck. She didn't react until He Zhixing stood up with her on his back.

"He Zhixing, are you tired?"

She was about to struggle as she said so. She was tired even from climbing the mountain, and He Zhixing was even more tired while carrying her on the mountain road.

"Don't move. There is a place with herbs growing in front of you. I'll apply some on it for you."

Luo Yiyi wanted to say something else, but before she could speak, He Zhixing said in a fierce tone: "If you make any move again, I'll leave you here alone. Do you think a wolf will pop out while I'm looking for herbs?" Take you away?"

Luo Yiyi instantly became honest, and He Zhixing felt that the soft body on his back was getting closer, and the little hands holding his neck tightened.

"Little idiot."

He Zhixing couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

How could a wolf pop out of a state-approved tourist park? "Don't call me that."

Luo Yiyi curled her lips and her voice was so low that she felt aggrieved.

"You won't give it up even if you say it's not right? I only listen to my girlfriend. In what capacity do you ask me not to give it up?"

Luo Yiyi choked, this person is full of nonsense.

He called her a little idiot, but she didn't allow him to do so. How could he still make such an argument?
He Zhixing intended to tease her, divert her attention and make her less afraid, so he intended to quarrel with her.


"It's my mobile phone. It's probably from Buyu and the others. Answer it for me. The phone is in the right pocket of my jacket, the top pocket."

"it is good."

Luo Yiyi thought that it would be inconvenient for He Zhixing to carry her on the mountain road, so she groped along his chest.

He Zhixing suddenly regretted letting her answer the phone. The place where the little hand touched caused him to tremble. In short, something was very wrong with his body!

He Zhixing's voice was a little hoarse.

"Okay, okay." Luo Yiyi touched the silver-white mobile phone for a long time.

"Turn on the speakerphone."

He Zhixing motioned for her to hold the phone, and Luo Yiyi obediently obeyed.

"Oh, Brother Xing, you finally answered the phone!"

As soon as they turned on the phone, Lu Shaoyan's urgent voice rushed into their ears.

"Stop talking nonsense, we found the person, please tell He Xin not to search." He Zhi's words were concise and to the point.

After finishing the sentence, the phone happened to turn off automatically.

"What should I do? He Zhixing, your phone is turned off." Luo Yiyi held up the phone and stared at the blackened screen in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter. I'm familiar with this place. I'll take you down there."

While talking, He Zhixing had already carried Luo Yiyi to a step and carefully placed her on the step.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon." He Zhixing put down the person, with the tone of an old father telling his good daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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