Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 286 Sleep at my place tomorrow night

Chapter 286 Sleep at my place tomorrow night

Chapter 291 Sleep at my place tomorrow night

"Yiyi, will you accompany me tomorrow night?"

Luo Yiyi comforted the clingy big wolf dog behind her, and said softly: "Mom is busy with projects recently, and sometimes she stays in the school. She just rushes back because she is afraid that I will be hungry at home. I will politely persuade my mother tonight."

He Zhixing snickered inwardly, concealing his emotions with a calm face, but he reaffirmed with hurt: "As long as Auntie is not at home, you can sleep here with me tomorrow night."

Luo Yiyi nodded obediently, "Yeah."

He Zhixing let him go with satisfaction. Luo Yiyi was afraid that he would regret hugging her again, so she ran away with her schoolbag on her back. He Zhixing stood at the door of the room, looking at the little escaped child with fondness. girl.

Before Luo Yiyi returned home, she just left 1602 and saw the elevator stopped on the 16th floor. Luo Yiyi quickly ran towards the door of her home. Sure enough, the elevator stopped and Luo Yue walked out of the elevator.

"Baby, did you just come up?"

Luo Yue looked at her daughter carrying a schoolbag and wondered as she walked towards the door of her house.

After saying this, when she saw her daughter's rosy face and watery eyes, she always felt that something was different from the daughter she usually saw, something seemed wrong.

Luo Yiyi didn't expect that her current fawning attitude would make her mother suspicious. Instead, she was thinking about how to answer her mother's question.

It's definitely not possible that he just came up. It will take some time before the elevator goes down to pick up my mother. If I agree with my mother, wouldn't that be cheating?

Ah, the stinky mother used another trick!

"Well, when I just came back, I happened to see my neighbor across the door. I didn't expect that he was a classmate from No. [-] Middle School. He had a question he didn't know, so he asked me by the way, and I just came out of his house."

Luo Yiyi pointed at the door of 1602 and said half truthfully.

Luo Yue glanced at the door of room 1602 and had no doubts at all. She just asked casually: "What a coincidence? Which classmate of yours is this?"

As he entered his fingerprint into the combination lock, Luo Yiyi said, "Ah, I know this classmate, Brother Yuyang. I taught him in person. Mom can ask Brother Yuyang."

Now, Luo Yue was completely relieved.

Luo Yiyi followed her mother into the house and quietly stuck out her tongue: It was really dangerous just now.After cursing, she glanced in the direction of the door with some grievance. If she hadn't been stuck to that ancestor for so long, she wouldn't have been bumped into by her mother.

During dinner, Luo Yue talked about her daughter's learning problems.

"Baby, Yuyang has returned to school. Are you sure you want to send me out?"

Luo Yiyi nodded, and Luo Yue didn't try to persuade her any more. She just said, "Then you have to go back to school. How do you feel about your health these days?"

Luo Yiyi thought of the boy waiting for her across the street and whispered: "Mom, I plan to go to school the day after tomorrow."

Luo Yue nodded, indicating that she understood and agreed, and then asked: "Mom will be busy tomorrow night. Are you afraid of living at home alone? Do you want to live with your mother at school?"

Luo Yiyi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that her mother would not be at home tomorrow night. She reacted politely and refused: "Mom is already busy, so I don't want to distract her. I have always lived at home alone, so I am not afraid." Yes, mom, don’t worry.”

Luo Yue didn't force her to dissuade her. She repeated her instructions n times, "Before going to bed, remember to lock the door and bedroom windows. Don't leave the plug alone in the power supply. Don't put your cell phone next to the pillow..."

Luo Yiyi responded obediently to every sentence she heard. After Luo Yue finished speaking a lot, Luo Yiyi looked at her mother with admiration like she was looking at a god, and said sincerely for the nth time: "Mom is so amazing, every time He is able to finish such a long paragraph so fluently every time, word for word, and he is worthy of being a great writer!"

Luo Yiyi raised her thumb and offered her mother's rainbow fart for free. Luo Yue's depressed mood was relieved by her daughter's teasing, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were squeezed together with laughter.

"Little girl movie."

Luo Yue lovingly tapped her daughter's cheek and hugged her gently as she spoke.

Luo Yiyi blinked obediently and snuggled into her mother's warm and familiar embrace.

Mom, I know you are trying your best to hide your unhappy emotions. You don't want me to worry, so I'll pretend not to know. As long as mom knows you are still with me.

It turned out that yes, her mother smiled happily at her, smiling happily.

Early the next morning, Luo Yue cooked the porridge, set the rice cooker to keep warm, then went into her daughter's room, stood beside her daughter's bed, and looked at her sleeping daughter tenderly.

Luo Yue lowered her head and kissed her daughter's sweet face in her sleep, then stood up, covered her daughter with a thin silk quilt, and then left the room gently, gently closing the door.

(End of this chapter)

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