Chapter 291
Chapter 296
Luo Yiyi looked at the young man above with some anxiety. She couldn't understand his lustful and aggressive gaze, but she instinctively felt afraid.

She stammered and said, "Hey, He Zhixing, I haven't done my homework today."

He Zhixing laughed evilly, his voice was sexy and hoarse, with a hint of danger: "Baby, you have your boyfriend, and you still dare to think about doing homework, huh?"

Luo Yiyi looked at him aggrievedly, almost ready to cry, "He Zhixing, don't do this, I, I'm afraid."

He Zhixing sighed helplessly, buried himself in her ear and coaxed her softly, even pleading, "Yi Yi, I will definitely be too busy to spend time with you in the next year. Please satisfy me today, okay?"

After saying that, he lay on top of her pitifully and helplessly, looking very hurt and too sad to speak.

Luo Yiyi didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, so she asked him softly: "How do you want me to be satisfied?"

He Zhixing smiled evilly in his heart, but his face looked very pitiful and helpless. His voice was still low and lost, and he said sadly: "Just stay with me in bed today, okay? I won't do anything to you, I just want to be intimate with you. .”

Luo Yiyi was a little hesitant, and He Zhixing was already choked with sobs and said sadly, "I won't be able to hug you for more than a year. I want to hug you more today."

Luo Yiyi no longer hesitated. She stretched out her little hand, took the initiative to hug the young man above her, and said softly, "He Zhixing, if you want to hug me, just hug me. I... promise you."

As soon as she said these words, someone who was so sad a second ago that he was about to die at any moment suddenly became as lively as if he had taken the Nine Reversal Resurrection Pill, and started kissing her crazily.

Luo Yiyi cried, "He Zhixing, you lied to me!"

He Zhixing also realized that the tail of the big bad wolf was exposed too early, so he hurriedly slowed down his movements and coaxed softly, saying weakly: "Baby, you promised me."

Luo Yiyi pouted her lips in grievance, "Then you can't do this either."

He Zhixing kissed the person gently and smiled coaxingly, "Okay, I'll be gentle."

Then began a day and night of spring breeze and rain.

When Luo Yiyi found out about the so-called hugs, she was forced to lie on the bed all day and night, crying until her voice became hoarse.

The next morning, He Zhixing hugged the little girl who was still sobbing aggrievedly in her sleep, and kissed her long eyelashes lovingly.

I couldn't hold it back yesterday and was a bit of a jerk.

In fact, when I was with her, I was always naked, and it was rare that she agreed for once. The desire that had been suppressed for more than half a year became a little uncontrollable.

He Zhixing gently hugged the person and placed the person gently on the bed before pulling away.

He took a shower first, then brought hot water to the bed and wiped Luo Yiyi's body.

Luo Yiyi was sleeping so deeply that she didn't realize that her clothes were being lifted and someone was wiping her body.

Luo Yiyi still hadn't woken up until He Zhixing finished wiping her body. He Zhixing looked at the time and it was past eight o'clock.

He Zhixing was afraid that she would starve if she slept any longer, so he gently called out, "Ji Yi, wake up, it's time to get up and eat."

Luo Yiyi closed her eyes and frowned, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed, her little mouth pouted aggrievedly, as if someone had disturbed her sleep and she was about to cry.He Zhixing looked at the sleeping little princess with gentle eyes, but he couldn't bear to call her again, so he quietly left the room and asked someone to bring food.

He Zhixing waited until nine o'clock before entering the bedroom and found that the little girl was still asleep.

This time, He Zhixing sensed something was wrong. He quickly walked to the bed and quickly put his hand on the little girl's forehead. Sure enough, she had a fever!

He Zhixing cursed fiercely in his heart and hurriedly picked up the feverish Luo Yiyi and kept calling her, "Yiyi, wake up!"


An hour later, Dr. Shen, who was temporarily captured again, looked at the thermometer that had returned to normal temperature, then looked at the person with a stinking face, suppressed the smell of fragrance in his mouth, and faintly vomited, "You young people? You really know how to play.”

He Zhixing's face looked very ugly, and Dr. Shen's face looked even worse!
Damn it, he emphasized it ten thousand times!His girl is not in good health and can't play with those exciting things!
As a result, the game directly caused the person to have a fever and fall into a coma!
The key point is that he is unconscious when he is unconscious. Can you not capture him and use him as a coolie every time?
Are you bullying him for not having a girlfriend? !
Bullying that singles don’t deserve a holiday or something? !
"This time, I will trouble you."

He Zhixing rarely spoke human words, and Dr. Shen almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

As a result, I took a quick look and found that He Zhixing was still standing in front of the bed with a gloomy expression.

He Zhixing was indeed very upset. His little girl was unconscious here, but he was still the culprit!

I don’t even know how to create this fire!
Seeing He Zhixing, who was tortured by self-blame, and thinking that someone was about to return to Beijing to start a career, Dr. Shen decided to become a good person.

He cleared his throat, "Ahem, um, your baby is fine."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and rummaged in the medicine box for a while, then quickly raised his head and handed a few round pills to He Zhixing. He said with a smile: "I developed this myself. It's very effective, no less effective than lozenges." . You will feed her later, and when she wakes up, her throat should not be hoarse."

After he finished speaking, he thought of something again, and added with hindsight: "Oh, when I just checked her for inflammation, I found that there was some swelling in her throat, and her throat must be quite hoarse."

He Zhixing took the packet of medicine pills and frowned, "The Chinese medicine she has been taking, it is impossible for Chinese medicine to be effective so quickly. Is this Western medicine?"

Dr. Shen: "..."

He said expressionlessly: "Why should she take medicine when her voice is hoarse? These are auxiliary medicines at most. Don't worry, they are harmless to her body."

After saying that, he whispered again: "Do I dare to give your girl medicine that is not suitable for her?"

In this regard, He Zhixing was quite confident. He looked at the small pills in the pill bag, which indeed looked like they were kneaded from Chinese herbal medicines. Then he looked at the sleeping little girl and asked, "Grind it into powder and feed it to her?"

The corners of Dr. Shen's mouth twitched, "Okay!" As long as you're not afraid of suffering your girl to death!

After slandering, he glanced at Luo Yiyi sympathetically. This girl would probably wake up early from the pain later.

Looking at Luo Yiyi's red and swollen eyes, Dr. Shen could also guess that this girl must have been tortured a lot by He Zhixing before she fell into coma. He would probably give He Zhixing a good shake when she wakes up later. It would be better for him not to be a light bulb and get in the way. .

(End of this chapter)

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