Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 300 How to break the spell

Chapter 300 How to break the spell
Chapter 307 How to break the spell
Dr. Shen cleared his throat and said slowly: "It is definitely impossible to completely crack it. To use an analogy: everyone has a predetermined destiny, which is recorded in Siming's fortune book.

Whatever is going to happen will definitely happen. All we have to do in metaphysics is how to avoid it.To avoid this, one is to divert misfortune to the east and transfer the bad luck that was originally going to happen to oneself to others.

However, this behavior of benefiting oneself at the expense of others is really unethical, and it is easy to be remembered by the little devils. Sooner or later, you will have to take it back from your descendants. "

He Zhixing remained silent, and Dr. Shen continued: "The second thing is to accumulate good deeds and become virtuous. However, the divination I calculated for you shows that the sins you committed in your previous life were very serious. You abandoned hundreds of millions of people because of your affair." Because of your disregard, your people were brutally slaughtered by foreign invaders. Your sin was so serious that it was not worthy of reincarnation in the animal realm.

Only if someone helps you atone for your sins along the way can you be born into such a good child in this life. But if you want to accumulate good deeds and avoid your love disaster in this life, the way of heaven will not pass.

Because your sins are too serious! "

After Dr. Shen finished speaking, he did not forget to conclude quietly.

He Zhixing's face was ugly, and he said with a dull face: "Although I don't believe in past lives, in this life, it is impossible for me to do that kind of thing! It's just like what you said, there is cause and effect in the past life. The soul is no different from the one in this life. Based on my soul in this life, it can be inferred that I couldn’t do that kind of thing in my previous life!”

Doctor Shen touched his nose and said with a smile: "Well, this is just a version passed down by later generations, it's just folk history, unofficial history!"

He Zhixing was speechless for a long time, took a deep breath, and then resisted the urge to kick Doctor Shen to death, and said coldly: "I'm sorry that the results of a lot of calculated hexagrams you just mentioned are the purple ones I heard from hearsay. The wild history of the city princess and the prince?"

Dr. Shen said with a smile, "Of course not! Am I not giving you an example so that you can understand the seriousness of the sins you committed in your previous life?"

He Zhixing took a deep breath and tried hard to resist the urge to kick Dr. Shen out of Haihe District.

"Stop fucking talking to me! Get to the point!"

Doctor Shen didn't dare to be shy and said hurriedly: "These are the only two metaphysical ways to solve this kind of future disaster. Now these two methods, according to the hexagrams, will not work for you."

He Zhixing clenched his fists tightly and frowned so tightly that he could pinch a fly to death, "Then should Yi Yi and I suffer this fate?"

Before Dr. Shen could answer, he said forcefully: "Absolutely not!"

Dr. Shen: "There is also a way, just because I'm afraid you won't agree."

He Zhixing frowned, looked up at him, and said coldly: "Tell me."

Dr. Shen: "Just marry another woman and have a child. Then the disaster will fall on them. The result will be divorce and no children. You don't love them anyway. Just wait until this disaster is over." , you will have no worries if you marry Miss Luo again."

He Zhixing looked at him like an idiot and said coldly: "Do you think I can do what that idiot He Yuanshan did again?"

Not to mention that He's father had done this before, even without the example of He's father, he wouldn't have been able to fall in love with another woman and have children!
Not to mention that the little idiot found out and broke up, but he himself was so disgusted that he even threw out his dinner!Do you want to show your innocence to the little idiot then?
(End of this chapter)

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