Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 313 She feels distressed, why is his smile so painful?

Chapter 313 She feels distressed, why is his smile so painful?

Chapter 321 She feels distressed, why is his smile so painful?

Luo Yiyi stared at him again and looked at him carefully. He Zhixing squinted his eyes contentedly and let her look at him with a bad smile.

Luo Yiyi always felt that there was a trace of sadness behind this smile that she could not express. She felt that He Zhixing was working so hard to smile.

Oh, forget it, it’s not difficult for him.

"It's so cool. It's not surprising. I just thought about it too much."

Luo Yiyi blinked her big eyes and said obediently.

He Zhixing was still casual and had no formal appearance. He quickly asked her: "Yiyi, why didn't you go to class today?"

The little girl in the video raised her watery, apricot eyes, like crescent moons, and smiled softly at him: "It's a day off today. I didn't tell you last night, so I wanted to give you a surprise during the day."

After saying that, the cute little pear dimples on his face rippled slightly, and his big eyes looked at He Zhixing with a gentle smile: "He Zhixing, did you sleep well last night?"

If Luo Yiyi thought He Zhixing was a bit strange just now, now he is absolutely sure that He Zhixing is really strange!
She just asked him if he slept well at night, but why did he look at her with such painful and suffocating regretful eyes?
Luo Yiyi's forehead was filled with questions. Before she could ask anything, He Zhixing suddenly spoke in a very awkward voice: "Yi Yi, I'm going to catch the plane first. If you have any questions, we can talk about it when we get to S city."

In the past, when He Zhixing decided something, he would add "Huh?" after saying it to show that he followed Luo Yiyi's opinion. At least Luo Yiyi had never seen such a direct decision like today.

Luo Yiyi stared blankly at the hung up phone in front of her, her little head tilted and her big eyes full of confusion.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's wait until He Zhixing arrives at noon.

Hejia Manor.

He Zhixing ran away and hung up the phone. The car door was knocked by Bu Yu, who stood silently outside the car door and looked at him.

He Zhixing got out of the car with an ugly face, and gave Bu Yu a cold side glance, "Is it you who informed Yi Yi?"

Bu Yu didn't dare to say a word, but for a moment he still said bravely: "Brother Xing, I told Mr. Luo that you had a big fight with Grandpa He and that's why you were in a bad mood and wanted to speed up the car. When you explain to Mr. Luo later, remember Don't get confused." He Zhixing left with an ugly look on his face, and said a few words without turning his head, "The flight to City S is the fastest."

Bu Yu hurriedly said: "Brother Xing, the private plane has already arrived at the airport. Brother Xing, do you want to go after breakfast or go now?"

He Zhixing changed direction without hesitation and said without looking back: "Go now."

Bu Yu was silent and followed He Zhixing.

At this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly. Bu Yu frowned slightly, but He Zhixing had already strode away, obviously in a hurry to rush to the airport.

"what's up?"

Bu Yu looked at He Zhixing's distant back in front of him and said coldly to the other side of the phone.

"Master Bu, the girl you asked us to deal with is crying and refusing to leave. She refuses to take birth control pills."

Bu Yu didn't even bother to say anything. His subordinates had many ways to make life worse than death for this kind of fishing girl. Since he allowed her to continue doing this, there must be a reason.

Sure enough, the subordinate continued: "Doctor Shen won't let us touch this girl, saying that she will be useful in the future."

There really is a backstage to protect him, Bu Yu sneered.

Bu Yu said calmly: "What do you say about the semen test results?"

When the subordinate there received Bu Yu's request for a sperm test on the fishing girl, he keenly smelled the smell of confidentiality. He wanted to save his life, so he said: "Master, the result has come out, but no one dares to see it. , Master, will you come in person?"

What if the semen in this fisherman's body belongs to Master Bu? If he learns such a shocking secret, will his life last long? !
Bu Yu looked at the disappearing figure in front of him and responded lightly. A heavy sigh of relief immediately came from the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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