Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 325 Brother Xing, your son is born

Chapter 325 Brother Xing, your son is born

Chapter 334 Brother Xing, your son is born

As the conversation continued throughout the afternoon, Luo Yiyi drank three large glasses of water.

This year’s Chinese New Year is still the same as last year. He Xin came to Qingquan Garden to celebrate the New Year.

It's just that this year, Li Yuyang and He Xin are in charge of going out to buy new year's goods, Luo Yiyi stays at home, and Luo Yue is still in charge of human relations.

On the 29th day of the year, He Zhixing was still abroad, but he had already boarded a plane flying to China.

"Yiyi, I will go to S city tomorrow morning. Where do you want to go tomorrow? I will take you there."

While waiting for the plane to take off, He Zhixing lay on a recliner and videotaped with Luo Yiyi.

Luo Yiyi looked at his young and handsome but tired face and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she knew his temper and would definitely get angry if he refused.

Luo Yiyi said with some distress: "He Zhixing, please take me out to play at noon and catch up on some sleep in the morning."

He Zhixing smiled and said, "No, I'll sleep on the plane tonight."

Luo Yiyi thought about it and didn't object, but still said seriously: "Then you must have a good rest. Your body is yours, don't waste it."

He Zhixing: "Don't worry, your boyfriend will take care of you for the rest of your life and he won't want to ruin your body."

Luo Yiyi's face was slightly pink, her lips were biting lightly, and He Zhixing had already asked again: "Baby, do you miss your boyfriend?"

Luo Yiyi looked up at him, her little cheeks bulging slightly, her big eyes gleaming at him, she didn't say anything, but the tips of her fair ears were sparkling with pink.

He Zhixing looked at the little girl's pretty little ears, her tired brows and eyes were filled with a gentle and happy smile, and he didn't ask anyone.

Pink bubbles were constantly filling between the two of them, but a panicked voice suddenly broke into the pink mist.

"Brother Xing!"

Lu Shaoyan obviously noticed that He Zhixing was chatting with Luo Yiyi. He called out to someone and decisively stopped talking. He glanced at Luo Yiyi in the video without forgetting his guilt.

Luo Yiyi: "..."

Lu Shaoyan, can your guilty look be more obvious?
Thinking back, Luo Yiyi also knew that business secrets should not be disclosed casually, even if she was He Zhixing's girlfriend.

"He Zhixing, are you okay? If anything happens, I'll hang up first."

Seeing that He Zhixing was about to scold Lu Shaoyan, Luo Yiyi spoke first thoughtfully.

Although He Zhixing would not hide things from her, it would be inevitable for his brothers or subordinates to see He Zhixing talking about group secrets to an outsider like her.

He Zhixing laughed and said, "That's okay. I'll call you when I get to City S later."

Luo Yiyi nodded obediently and hung up the phone on his own initiative. The moment He Zhixing hung up the phone, his face was so ugly that it could drip.

"Lu Shaoyan! Did your fucking brain get squeezed by the door or kicked by a donkey?! If you have a brain disease and don't have money to treat it, I will pay for your treatment!"
Why are you so damn guilty if you're not sick? !It's a good thing that your sister-in-law hasn't contacted a wealthy family yet, otherwise you would have thought that I was cheating on her behind her back with such a sneaky glance! "

The staff on the private jet had already left the owner's rest area. In the empty room, Lu Shaoyan stood silently and scolded He Zhixing.After He Zhixing finished scolding, Lu Shaoyan silently wiped the saliva on his face, looked sympathetically at someone who was still furious, and spoke with difficulty -

"Brother Xing, your son is born."

He Zhixing: "?"

He Zhixing was completely confused, and Lu Shaoyan continued to speak with difficulty: "It's the woman you slept with in One Night City last time. She just gave birth to your child."

He Zhixing didn't react at all. He didn't know what to react. He didn't ask why the person who had been dealt with gave birth to his son?

He Zhixing asked very calmly: "Have you had a DNA test? Just say he is my son?"

Lu Shaoyan was silent, "Dr. Shen tested it himself, and the old man also knows about it. The old man is afraid that you will do something to the child impulsively, so he has asked people to protect the mother and son."

He Zhixing said "Oh", "Then let him protect me for the rest of my life, and don't let anyone appear in front of me in this life."

After saying that, he asked calmly: "Where did Bu Yu die?"

Lu Shaoyan bravely begged for mercy, "Brother Xing, please don't get excited yet—"

"How the hell can I not be excited! Ah? Lu Shaoyan, tell me what the hell can I do to not be excited?!"

Lu Shaoyan was paralyzed with fear, and He Zhixing punched the wall of the plane hard!

The next second, I fainted!
Come out, I beg you, take over this body, I'll give it to you!
I don't know how to deal with this mess...

I don't know how to face her, how should I face her?
Lu Shaoyan was stunned, just looking at the unconscious He Zhixing with his face twisted into a ball, big beads of cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and he kept muttering in pain.

Until those black eyes opened again, they turned into weird green pupils!
Lu Shaoyan was so frightened that his legs weakened. "He Zhixing" glanced at him with strange and indifferent eyes, releasing a strong pressure from his whole body.

Under this strong and overbearing pressure, Lu Shaoyan felt that his breathing became difficult and tight, and he seemed to be forced to spit out blood.

But He Zhixing had no intention of putting away this strong man's pressure. He stood up calmly and wiped the large beads of cold sweat from his forehead needlessly.

"You finally woke up?"

Dr. Shen walked in with a smile. He Zhixing looked at him with a cold look, but Dr. Shen smiled and helped Lu Shaoyan, who was already exhausted from the ground. He raised his hand to wave away the strong pressure around him, and asked someone to lift the unconscious Lu Shaoyan. Lifted out.


Doctor Shen sat across the table opposite He Zhixing with a smile.

He Zhixing was still covering his forehead, his face was still a little pale from the pain, Dr. Shen said slowly: "Does your head hurt now? Do you feel that there are many unfamiliar memories flooding into your mind?

When you were seven years old, when you first appeared, I wondered if it was you?
Later, I concealed my identity and lived in the He family. I observed you for 11 years and found nothing strange about you.

I gave up at first, but unexpectedly the little girl appeared and you woke up again. "

(End of this chapter)

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