Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 34: Woke up and panicked

Chapter 34: Woke up and panicked
Chapter 34: Woke up and panicked
Go to the hotel?
It's strange that he can rest assured that she is such a little idiot staying alone in a hotel.

Just when He Zhixing carried Luo Yiyi to the bed, his phone and watch started to vibrate.

He Zhixing glanced at the number. It was the one the little idiot dialed today, Li Yuyang's.

"Hello," He Zhixing answered the phone mischievously.

"He Zhixing, it's so late, where did you take Coix's tears?" Li Yuyang's tone was a little angry, and he didn't even use honorifics.

"Yi Yi has gone home."

He Zhixing glanced at the people beside him and showed a rare sign of patience with Li Yuyang.

This is what the little idiot said to go home, he was not lying.

"Really?" Li Yuyang was still questioning.

"Believe it or not." He Zhixing sneered, sounding impatient.

Li Yuyang was afraid that he would hang up the phone, so he hurriedly said: "Then let Yi Yi answer the phone."

"Okay," He Zhixing sneered, "I'll ask her where her home address is, find her, and answer the phone for you."

Li Yuyang knew that he had not deceived He Zhixing.

If He Zhixing is still with Yi Yi and he asks Yi Yi to answer the phone in desperation, He Zhixing will reveal some flaws.

But He Zhixing didn't, and Li Yuyang thought that Yiyi might have really gone home.

"By the way, I'm not in Qingquan Garden today, so you don't need to come in the evening. I've asked Lu Shaoyan to book a hotel for you. I don't need you to make up for the lessons, so give Lu Shaoyan a good make-up."

He Zhixing hung up the phone angrily, and his eyes suddenly turned sinister as he stared at Luo Yiyi.

Li Yuyang, of course, was concerned about her tone, but he had no reason to object to Li Yuyang's concern!

And her!
One word at a time, the words are so kind!

He Zhixing looked at the unaware girl in her sleep. She was sleeping soundly, so she must be very relieved about him.

Not as he wished?Finally, I wasn't as wary of him as I was at first.

He Zhixing was afraid of something happening and didn't dare to stay any longer. He closed the door and rushed into the bathroom.

Luo Yiyi slept until around eight o'clock the next day.The soft bed, the cool and delicate smell, and the cool mint smell, Luo Yiyi took a deep sniff with some greed.

Suddenly, Luo Yiyi opened her eyes wide.

Her quilt doesn't smell like this!

Luo Yiyi subconsciously lowered her head to check her whole body. Her clothes were still the same as yesterday, except for her feet, which were bandaged.

There was also a faint medicinal scent from the bruised areas on my legs and arms.

"Yiyi, are you awake?"

He Zhixing's slightly hoarse voice came through the door panel, and Luo Yiyi felt panicked.

If her mother knew that she spent the night at the boy's house...

"I, I'm awake."

Luo Yiyi was unsure of He Zhixing's character and was extremely panicked as to whether she had been raped by someone last night.

"Why are you looking at me with that wolf-proof look?"

He Zhixing just opened the door and saw Luo Yiyi's eyes widened, staring at him fiercely.

"I said, good girl, you won't doubt what I did to you last night, right?"

He Zhixing leaned against the door lazily, with his hands folded in front of his chest and a playful smile on his lips.

He must have just taken a shower, he was only wearing a loose bathrobe, his red hair hung wetly on both sides of his earlobes, and his whole body exuded a strong hormonal aura.

Seeing his naughty smile, Luo Yiyi felt even more panicked and almost cried.

After a long while, he buried his head into the quilt and choked out a sob, "You bastard!"

He Zhixing was just teasing her, but he didn't want to make her cry. He also panicked when she cried.

"Don't cry, I didn't do anything to you."

He Zhixing wanted to slap himself. What did he scare her for just now?
He obviously knew that she was timid and easy to deceive.

(End of this chapter)

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