Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 344 He Zhixingzhang is here

Chapter 344 He Zhixing is back
Chapter 359 He Zhixing is back
He Zhixing's face was expressionless, and Dr. Shen also knew that he had guessed correctly. Unexpectedly, He Zhixing said calmly: "It's not exactly what you said."

He looked a little lonely, "From the time I can remember, I would have some strange dreams, until when I was seven years old, the me in the dream broke through the constraints and woke up by pouring out of the human body.

We are one, but I am a residual thought that came to this world against time and space, and will disappear at any time.Probably this is the survival rule of this world. The original me was divided into me and him.

Originally, the original "him and me" were me after my rebirth, but I had not yet found her in my grief. In order not to disappear, I became a little personality, and he was able to exist in this world under the sun. "

Dr. Shen has already taken out a small notebook to write down this mysterious incident that is no less than alien.

"That is to say, you will appear in three states: him, you, you + him."

He Zhixing nodded, and Dr. Shen understood that the young master who had just landed was the "you + him" young master.

When he was seven years old, due to stimulation, his personality was divided into two parts: "you" and "him". From now on, the young master will only survive with the memory of "him".

Dr. Shen looked at He Zhixing cautiously, "What's your current state?"

He Zhixing: "The latter."

That is to say, in the "you + him" state, it seems that the young master is still controlled by the small personality. Also, according to the theory of cause and effect, the young master was born because of the small personality.

Strictly speaking, the young master is a small personality, but his current personality is a new one after his rebirth, but his soul remains unchanged.

Except for this strange dream, which is a little more mysterious, there is actually nothing else. They just have more strange dreams than normal patients, and then this dual personality is controlled by another personality.

Dr. Shen: "What you just started was too light. Judging from the description of your condition, you are willing to give up your personality to the young master, and now you are going to disappear.

Is it possible for me to disappear?Should you try medication? "

Dr. Shen tried to ask. He Zhixing shook his head and said calmly: "Hypnosis, if I cooperate with you in hypnosis, you will get twice the result with half the effort."

Dr. Shen's mood was a little complicated. To be honest, he really didn't want "He Zhixing" to disappear just like that, but he figured out that they were one person and didn't want to split them into two.

After all, one body shares two personalities, which is very taxing on the body and will not last long. He wants to spend more time with that girl, right?

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed, and He Zhixing finally woke up. As usual, he still had some strange dreams. He Zhixing put aside the messy dreams and saw the message Luo Yiyi sent him when he took the college entrance examination, as well as such Lots of missed calls.

He Zhixing made a video call directly.

Here, Luo Yiyi saw the sudden video invitation sent by He Zhixing, and thought of the repulsive magnetic field when the two got along more than half a month ago, and the message he sent that night -

He said that he would be on a business trip for more than half a month and that he could not contact her during this period.

There was no contact for so long, mainly because it was the last time they met. The strange magnetic field between the two made Luo Yiyi feel timid.

Luo Yiyi felt that the scene would be very embarrassing if she had a video with He Zhixing from more than half a month ago.

Luo Yiyi hesitantly clicked "Reject" and sent an explanation text: It's not convenient for me to answer the phone right now.

Before I finished sending it, He Zhixing's voice came in.

"You're so cowardly, Luo Yiyi. You haven't dealt with it for just a few months, but you dare to lie to me, huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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