Chapter 347

Chapter 363

He Zhixing's plane flying to China during the day was still flying through the blue sky and white clouds, and Province S had entered a night filled with the crowing of frogs and the fragrance of rice.

This night, the college entrance examination results, which have attracted the attention of hundreds of thousands of S Province college entrance examination students, were announced!

On a night when several families were happy and others were sad, Luo Yue never expected that she would become the latter!
At this moment, hundreds of thousands of candidates are sitting in front of computers, nervously and expectantly typing in their admission ticket numbers, and sitting next to them are equally nervous and anxious parents.

Luo Yue is the type of parent who is uneasy. She believes in her daughter.

So when the score sheet appeared on the computer screen, Luo Yue's eyes couldn't wait, but she wasn't worried.

She scanned with a smile:

Language: 126
Math: 193
English: 105
Bonus points for academic proficiency test: 5
Physics: A+


The smile on Luo Yue's face froze!


Luo Yue never dreamed that her daughter, who has always been excellent in chemistry, would get such a score!
Luo Yue could hardly believe it!

She rubbed her eyes and stared at the bottom of the chemistry column again.

The black mechanical letters were listed coldly and stiffly in the Chemistry column!
C! ! !

The admission score of Tsinghua and Peking University is 400 or above. If the score for a good major is higher, a total score of 429 is enough to choose any major in T or P universities!

But that C sent 429 points to the eighteenth level of hell!

Not to mention top universities like T University and P University, even the worst universities in Beijing require elective subjects to reach at least a B grade!

At least B! ! !

Tower A of Qingquan Garden, 1601 on this night, did not show any festive atmosphere because of Li Yuyang's total score of 436 points and double A+.

On the contrary, this night of 1601 was full of depression and depression.

Luo Yue was afraid that her daughter would be hit and change her heart, so she stayed with her daughter all night to comfort her.

But Li Yuyang knew the reason why Luo Yiyi failed in the chemistry test, so he just sat quietly and did not say anything.

Luo Yiyi did cry, too ashamed and self-blameed to speak. Li Yuyang gently patted her back and spoke to her in a gentle voice.

"Yi Yi, don't blame yourself."

How could Luo Yiyi not blame herself?Especially seeing her mother obviously very sad, but caring about her and having to suppress her emotions to comfort her, at this moment, Luo Yiyi's heart was as sharp as a knife.

Until, Luo Yue, who was both a loving mother and the head of the family who shouldered everything, fulfilled her role as a loving mother -

"Hey, the results have come out. Once they come, let's settle for them. Among the 985 colleges and universities across the country, they do not accept C candidates; but there are two 211 colleges and universities that accept AC and BC candidates respectively, but one of them is in the far south, and the other is in the south. At the border.

...Mom made a strong decision first and would not allow you to go to those two places! "

Before making this decision, Luo Yue first made a detailed analysis of the geographical location of the two colleges and universities to her daughter. The family is far away and the environment is harsh, and there are even factors between some countries on the border.

Luo Yiyi cried and nodded, indicating that she listened to her mother.

Luo Yue was very calm, and she continued her analysis: "A college in the capital must start with a double B, and a college in the capital can also be excluded.

Next, there is a college outside Beijing. Their level is generally not mentioned, and the comprehensive quality of the students there is far from being comparable to the advantaged students of T University and P University.Mom feels that this kind of connections is not worthy of the high-end resources you have had since childhood, but it is an insult to you!
If you lower your status and go to those schools, you will be humiliating yourself!

And stand out from the flock of chickens. The chickens can't tolerate you, a proud crane, and that doesn't belong to your place. If you go to those schools, not only will your academic career in this life drop down many steps, but you will also be compared with those " "Bad students" become classmates, and your mother is afraid that you will not be able to fit into their circle! "

Luo Yiyi knows the differences between classes. She has also seen "bad students". Her only way out seems to be -

"So, you want to repeat it?"

Luo Yue spoke first, Luo Yiyi nodded dumbly, but Luo Yue sharply pointed out the problem: "What if there is an accident next year?"

Luo Yiyi subconsciously wanted to say no, but thinking about the reason why she failed in the chemistry test this time, she was speechless and could only cry and look at her mother.

Luo Yue sighed and said slowly: "Baby, last year's spring recruitment, you have been admitted to T University to major in psychology. Don't stick to the journalism major. Listen to your mother and come to T University to study. This is what you want in life. circle."

Luo Yiyi choked with sobs, "But I have already rejected the proposed admission notice from T University."

Luo Yue asked back: "In other words, you agreed to study at T University?"

Luo Yiyi cried and nodded, and Luo Yue was relieved. She hugged her daughter lovingly, "Baby, we can deal with Big T, trust mom."

Luo Yue did not directly say that she had retained her daughter's admission qualification. After all, if she directly said it under such circumstances, Luo Yiyi would definitely be emotional.

In this way, Luo Yue first gave her daughter hope, and then she was admitted to T University. It was a matter of course.


Luo Yiyi was buried in her mother's arms, crying so hard that she nodded her head and promised her mother.

Luo Yue is a man of action. She does what she says to calm her daughter's emotions, and then gradually tells her about retaining the admission notice from T University.

Because he said it slowly like spring breeze and drizzle, Luo Yiyi learned the news calmly, and Li Yuyang was also surprised when he found out.

Luo Yue has calmly analyzed: "T University also has a journalism major. When you are a freshman, you have to stick to the journalism major and you can change your major."

Luo Yiyi hugged her mother with tears in her eyes and choked with sobs, "Mom..."

Luo Yue has not forgotten what she is investigating, the reason why her daughter failed in the chemistry test!
"Baby, you usually get an A+ in chemistry, why did you get a C this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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