Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 350 Mom, He Zhixing is very good

Chapter 350 Mom, He Zhixing is very good

Chapter 368 Mom, He Zhixing is very good

Luo Yiyi raised her head suddenly, looking at Luo Yue with misty eyes filled with deep reluctance.

Luo Yue closed her eyes tiredly, and soon opened them without revealing any trace.

Luo Yiyi was already planning to speak, and looked at Luo Yue with big eyes sincerely, "Mom, it's my fault for not telling you. But He Zhixing is a very good person, can mom try to accept him?"

Luo Yiyi carefully observed Luo Yue's face. Luo Yue saw her daughter's defense of He Zhixing and the sweetness and happiness in her words when she mentioned him, and she felt flustered and frightened.

"Yi Yi, it's not that my mother is unreasonable. First of all, He Zhixing himself has a mental illness. Once he disowned his relatives, he almost killed you. Secondly, it's not like you don't know He Zhixing's family, it's too complicated!
You might say that mom is too focused on family background, but He Zhixing is not as hard-working and motivated as Yuyang. He smokes, drinks, fights, plays with girls, and does everything.How can you let your mother feel comfortable letting her only baby fall in love with such a person? "

"It's not like that, Mom!"

Luo Yiyi hurriedly spoke, looking at Luo Yue seriously with big eyes and explaining: "Mom, He Zhixing's illness can be cured, he is already taking medicine; and He Zhixing doesn't smoke or fight now, he has been taking good care of himself He is in charge of the company; as for him playing with girls, He Zhixing told me that those are all false and he has never had a relationship with a woman!"

Seeing her daughter anxiously "redressing" He Zhixing's grievances, Luo Yue felt even more tired. She gave her final order, "Yi Yi, mom is not tough on this matter."

Luo Yiyi looked at her with bright eyes, but Luo Yue said seriously before she could say thank you, "But mom has a condition."

Luo Yiyi's heart started to feel relieved again, but she still looked at Luo Yue obediently and said, "Mom, please tell me."

Luo Yue said slowly: "What you said about He Zhixing's improvement, my mother will not listen to your words and make her own judgment. The most important thing is He Zhixing's mental illness. You are not allowed to do anything until he is completely cured." Contact him again!"

Luo Yiyi also knew that this was her mother's last concession. In the final analysis, she was still worried about her. She understood a mother's most ordinary wish.

She asked cautiously and tentatively: "What does mother mean, as long as He Zhixing recovers from his illness, we will be allowed to date?"

Luo Yue nodded reluctantly and added: "If I discover his romantic life after he recovers, my mother will not allow you to date."

Luo Yiyi took the initiative and said, "Mom doesn't need to tell you this. If He Zhixing really does that kind of thing, I will break up with him myself."

Luo Yue nodded, and the mother and daughter had made it clear and frank about their relationship.

Just after such a revelation, Luo Yue was naturally worried that her daughter would stay alone in S city again. Because she was in a hurry for a business trip and had no time to wait for her daughter to pack up and return to Beijing with her, Luo Yue had to temporarily ask Li Yuyang to come back to help her take care of her daughter.

Almost as soon as Luo Yue entered the elevator, the door opposite opened.

It turned out that He Zhixing had been waiting at the cat's eye and opened the door when he saw Luo Yue leaving.

He Zhixing made sure the elevator was going down before knocking on the door of 1601.

"Coix, it's me."

At this moment, Luo Yiyi in the living room was still in a state of shock. When she suddenly heard He Zhixing's voice, she was so frightened that her heart beat faster.

The little girl's eyes were red and swollen, and her sweet voice contained a hint of the sobs that He Zhixing was very familiar with after crying.

"Hey, He Zhixing, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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