Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 352 Luo Yue talks about Zhang He Zhixing 2

Chapter 352 Luo Yue’s conversation with He Zhixing 2
Chapter 372 Luo Yue’s conversation with He Zhixing 2
He Zhixing clenched his fists and smiled slowly: "Auntie, this is not a feudal society. Nowadays, marriage is free. Even if you are Yiyi's mother, you have no right to interfere with her marriage."

Luo Yue said calmly: "Of course I will not force Yi Yi. Last night Yi Yi agreed to me willingly. She will not date you until you recover."

He Zhixing smiled and said: "That should be just a delaying tactic for you to deal with Yiyi? Even if I am really cured, you will not agree, because the only son-in-law in your heart is Li Yuyang. This is also the reason why you made an appointment with me today, because you Yi Yi can only delay her, but cannot force her to cut off contact with me, so she can only start from me and ask me to give up Yi Yi voluntarily."

After finishing speaking, he smiled apologetically: "Zhixing's words are arrogant. If I offend my aunt in any way, I hope she won't care about it."

Luo Yue looked at him and summed it up word by word: "You are so scheming, Yi Yi is far from your opponent."

He Zhixing raised his head and said seriously: "But my scheming will only be used to protect her, not to plot against her."

Luo Yue sighed softly, "My child, it's not that Auntie rejects you, it's just that Yiyi's physical condition does not allow it."

He Zhixing was keenly aware of something, and Luo Yue's eyes suddenly filled with tears. She murmured: "My child, have you ever heard of dying of nausea?"

The man who was hard and indifferent a second ago suddenly started to cry weakly. He Zhixing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly said: "I know, Yi Yi once said in front of me that a famous poet in ancient times was heartbroken and died. die."

Luo Yue nodded slightly, took out the handkerchief to wipe her tears, and said softly: "While still in the test tube, the doctor said that the child's heart was not good, and even if he was born, it would be extremely troublesome to support him in the future, so he suggested that I abort it.

But that's my daughter. How could I bear to let her disappear into this world without even seeing the world?Therefore, I insisted on giving birth to her and watched her grow up little by little from the little dumpling.

When she was just born, she kept pumping milk and couldn't eat. But she only had me as her mother in this world. No one except me cared about whether she could eat, and no one cared that this little life might die at any time. .I was so anxious that I burst into tears and rushed to the hospital with her in my arms. After waiting in line for so long, I finally saw the doctor and found out that she couldn't eat milk and could be fed custard.

When I got home, she was so hungry that she couldn't cry. I was so anxious to make the custard, praying in my heart that my daughter would eat the custard.Fortunately, she ate this time and was in a hurry. When she finished the bowl of custard, she wanted to eat but couldn't and started crying again. But I was as happy as a fool and cried with her while making the custard. "

He Zhixing had never thought that Luo Yiyi spent his childhood like this. He was more serious than ever, listening to Luo Yue's narration quietly, for fear of missing anything.

Luo Yue talked a lot, and by the time she finished speaking, there was already a pile of tissues in front of her.

"I'm sorry, but whenever I mention these years, I can't help crying when I think of our orphaned daughter and widowed mother."

Luo Yue smiled apologetically. He Zhixing looked at Luo Yue seriously and said piously: "Auntie, I can see that Yi Yi relies on you very much. Yi Yi rarely relies on others. If that person really makes her rely on him, she can only It shows that that person is risking his life to make her dependent. You are Yi Yi’s greatest reward and my biggest debt. Thank you for taking care of Yi Yi for so many years.”

The smile on Luo Yue's mouth froze, but quickly returned to normal.

"Telling you so many past events is too much nonsense and annoying. My child, Yiyi's heart has been at peace all these years. That's because of the environment that Yuyang and I created for her.

You must have seen her faint many times in No. [-] Middle School before. She couldn't stand any leisure or pain, otherwise her life would be in danger at any time.

Your family is complicated. Even if you win in the end, you will still have to fight openly and secretly. If you lose, there will be no eggs left in the nest. Your stepmother will not let you grow up, and she will let Yi Yi follow you. A life without a meal?

No matter you win or lose, your world will never be peaceful. Are you sure you want to drag Yiyi into your world of intrigue?Are you sure you want to kill her? "

He Zhixing clenched his fists and looked at Luo Yue seriously, "Auntie, I can work alone. I will protect Yi Yi."

Luo Yue asked back: "How do you protect it? Where is your capital? At present, even until the age before you get married, your capital seems to be only the He family."

He Zhixing unclenched his fists and said solemnly: "Auntie, I will own my capital before getting married." Luo Yue did not insist and said calmly: "Then you will come to discuss capital with me after you have paved the way forward."

Luo Yue continued: "The most important thing is that I understand Yuyang's temperament. I ask you, if one day Yiyi becomes pregnant with Yuyang's child and marries you with the child, will you be able to care for her like you do now? With her child?”

He Zhixing pursed his lips tightly, he definitely couldn't do it.

He won't torture her, but he won't tolerate that child, let alone Li Yuyang.

Luo Yue seemed to have expected it, and her plain eyes showed the foresight of winning. She said: "Look, this is the difference between you and Yuyang. I can guarantee that even if Yiyi is pregnant with your child one day, she will be killed." If you abandon her, Yuyang will love Yiyi as always and treat Yiyi's child as his own.

I am a mother. The most beautiful thing in this world is love, and the most unbelievable thing is love.My child, you might as well regard yourself as a father. From my perspective, if you had a daughter like Yiyi, would you choose Li Yuyang or you? "

Luo Yue's words were both emotional and logical, and anyone with a little bit of heart could not help but sympathize with them.

He Zhixing raised his eyes and his tone was as arrogant as ever, "Aunt Luo, if I adopt a child like Li Yuyang, he will definitely not let Yi Yi fall in love with someone else.

He has been a childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, but he can't even look down on the people around him, and still wants to ask his elders to come out, which only shows his incompetence. "

Luo Yue's face turned pale with anger. He Zhixing was just being tough to show his attitude. He didn't dare to really anger his future mother-in-law, so he lowered his head and made a humble and pious promise.

"Auntie, I am not as lucky as Li Yuyang. I can grow up with Yiyi and give you the opportunity to train me. But I can't do any worse than Li Yuyang. Please give me a chance and let me prove it to you. look."

Luo Yue pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, looking at him indifferently. After a long time, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry then."

He Zhixing clenched his fists and stared at Luo Yue, "Why? I am cured and I can give her a peaceful life. Why do you still disagree with these two points?"

Luo Yue remained unmoved, her eyes firm.

He Zhixing was already aware of Luo Yiyi's dependence on Luo Yue, especially after hearing Luo Yue tell so many past events, he understood even more that if Luo Yue firmly disagreed with their being together, Yiyi would definitely give up on him without hesitation. .

He Zhixing took a deep breath and softened his attitude, "Auntie, your opinion is very important. If you don't agree, I think Yiyi will give up on me without hesitation."

Luo Yue's cold face melted a little, and He Zhixing continued: "But even if you use your affection to make Yiyi obey your choice, are you sure that she will be happy with a man she doesn't love in the end? They don't have a trace of love. Base!"

Luo Yue said lightly: "My daughter does not need the passion of love, and her heart cannot bear it. I only hope that she will have a long-lasting family relationship and live a happy and healthy life.

My child, you can take care of yourself. I’ve put my attitude here, and I’ve also told you about Yi Yi’s physical condition.I can also tell you with certainty that based on my experience, Yiyi and you will not be peaceful together. If you continue to persist in your stubbornness, sooner or later you will kill her. I beg you to let my daughter go. "

After saying that, Luo Yue stopped staying. She picked up her bag, stood up and left her seat.

When turning around, she paused and said in a calm voice -

"Don't tell Yiyi what happened today. If you really care about her, you don't want her to worry because of what I said."

(End of this chapter)

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