Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 36 What happened to He Zhixing?

Chapter 36 What happened to He Zhixing?
Chapter 36 What happened to He Zhixing?
Luo Yiyi felt that she and He Zhixing must not get along.

"No, I can just go back by myself." Luo Yiyi said firmly.

He Zhixing curled his lips, "Good boy, you are too domineering. Does your family drive this bus? Can't I sit on it?"

The little girl had a sullen expression on her face, looking very unhappy at being choked by him, which made He Zhixing's heart itch.

"I just don't trust you to go back alone. Don't worry, I will leave when you get home. I promise not to pester you."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on her bandaged feet and the bruises all over her body.

Luo Yiyi pursed her lips slightly and waited beside the bus with the medicine bag, no longer caring about He Zhixing.


Li Yuyang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Yiyi, while He Zhixing's face didn't look so good.

Li Yuyang went back to Qingquan Garden last night and didn't find Luo Yiyi. He knocked on door 1602 opposite, but no one answered for a long time. He Zhixing's phone couldn't be reached again.

In the end, Lu Shaoyan said that Luo Yiyi was staying in the hotel, which made Li Yuyang even more worried. It wasn't until Luo Yiyi called him again in the morning that Li Yuyang felt slightly relieved.

"Yiyi, Teacher He is worried about you and asked me to come and pick you up."

Li Yuyang was panting slightly before he spoke. He Xin also ran over from the other side.


He Xin faced the morning sun, with a warm smile as bright as a summer flower on her energetic baby face, and waved to Luo Yiyi.

"Classmate He Zhixing, thank you very much this time. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Mother Yiyi."

He Xin ignored her panting and solemnly thanked her. He Xin was really grateful. After all, his mentor's daughter was missing from his place. How could he not be anxious?

"Then please teacher, please send kid Luo Yiyi home." He Zhixing curled his lips, looking at Luo Yiyi with unconcealable interest in his peach blossom eyes.

"Classmate Li Yuyang, let's go back to school together."

He Zhixing withdrew his gaze, his lazy eyes fell on Li Yuyang, he gave him a cold look, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and turned around to leave.

"That's disrespectful." Li Yuyang smiled warmly, said goodbye to He Xin and Luo Yiyi, and walked away.

"Axin, thank you so much this time." Luo Yue hurriedly finished handling the matters at hand and rushed to S city without stopping.

He Xin said a few polite words and quickly moved the topic. She patted Luo Yiyi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Teacher, Yiyi told me on the way just now that she is willing to stay in No. [-] Middle School."

Luo Yue was overjoyed, while Luo Yiyi smiled guiltily at her mother's surprised look.

He Xin continued to smile and said: "What a coincidence, there is a monthly exam a few days after No. [-] Middle School. If Yi Yi can get good results in the monthly exam, she can be assigned to the first class."

Luo Yue was naturally happy to hear this and sent He Xin away. When she got home, she had to check Luo Yiyi all over her body, for fear that her daughter might have some health problem.

"It's okay."

Luo Yue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that although her daughter was covered in bruises, it didn't cause any major problems.

"Why did mom come back suddenly? Has the matter been settled?" Luo Yiyi handed Luo Yue a glass of water.

"It's done."

Luo Yue took the water glass, drank it clean, responded casually, put down the water glass, stared at her daughter and asked with concern: "Yi Yi, how did you fall down the mountain?"

Luo Yue was puzzled by this matter. She wouldn't believe it if her daughter accidentally fell. As for being pushed, Luo Yue hadn't thought about it yet.

Luo Yiyi did not hide anything, she told the story of someone pushing her, and also told the story of He Zhixing saving her.

"At such a young age, my thoughts are so vicious." Luo Yue's eyes turned cold, and she already had a solution in her mind.

"Baby, mom will take care of this matter; don't be afraid, just study in No. [-] Middle School with peace of mind, eh?"

Luo Yue pulled her daughter to sit on the sofa and hugged her gently.

"Yes." Luo Yiyi snuggled into Luo Yue's arms and agreed obediently.

"That He Zhixing..." Luo Yue thought of what she saw and heard when she returned to the capital yesterday.

"What's wrong with He Zhixing?" Luo Yiyi was a little nervous because her mother frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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