Chapter 48 Thank Him 2
Chapter 48 Thank Him 2
Luo Yiyi pretended not to understand the ambiguity in He Zhixing's words and asked her confusion: "Then just tell me in the classroom. Why are you here?"

Just now, she deliberately slowed down to put away her stationery and waited for him.

"Didn't you see that the school forum has been going crazy these days? If I were really waiting for you in the classroom, the crime of being my girlfriend would be really proven."

He Zhixing's face was full of indifference, and he said these self-deprecating words in a relaxed and nonchalant manner, but Luo Yiyi's heart felt a little swollen and painful.

He has been without a mother since he was a child. It is even said that he pushed the current Mrs. He, causing his stepmother to have a miscarriage, and then he was kicked out of the capital.

There are rumors outside that if he hadn't been the only child of the He family, the He family would have probably abandoned him a long time ago, otherwise they wouldn't have let him wander around S city for so many years.

For a moment, she hoped that Mrs. He would never get pregnant again in her lifetime, but it was only for a moment.

Luo Yiyi raised her head, sniffed the tip of her nose, and smiled softly: "You are very good. Although I don't like you, how can it be a crime to be your girlfriend?"

At that moment, He Zhixing's eyes that had been silent seemed to be lit with light, and he stared at her with burning eyes, "Do you really think so?"

Luo Yiyi nodded slowly and seriously, "Yes."

"But dating is not allowed in No. [-] Middle School. If a good student like you were to let the teacher know that you were in love, you would be publicly criticized and your classmates would point fingers at you."

Especially when the person she falls in love with is still a gangster like him.

Luo Yiyi replied seriously, "That's why I don't know how to fall in love."

He Zhixing felt that he had dug a hole for himself, and Luo Yiyi was slow for a moment before finally reacting.

"So, are you waiting here on purpose for this reason? Are you afraid that I will be embarrassed in front of teachers and classmates..."?
Luo Yiyi never said this word, so she quickly changed her voice.

"I really want to thank you for this exam. Let me treat you to dinner to express my gratitude?" He Zhixing had a hard time holding back his smile. Little idiot, I really believed that he had failed miserably.

Not bad, maybe you can try the bitter meat trick. He Zhixing waved his hand nonchalantly, "Luo Yiyi, if you think about it this way, I will be at a loss. Can one meal exchange for your important placement test?"

That’s the truth, but——

"It's not complete, I got zero marks for Chinese." Speaking of this, Luo Yiyi was still a little frustrated.

She was determined to get perfect scores in mathematics, English and other subjects, so she was admitted to the experimental class.

"Hey, don't be afraid. Although I'm a little confused, I still don't care about these things. If you didn't cheat, the Chinese language will definitely give you a satisfactory score. No, it must be a score that you should have the ability to do."

Luo Yiyi thought He Zhixing just said that and didn't take it to heart.

The key is that no matter whether she gets zero marks in Chinese, she is sure to get full marks in the other exams.

It should be possible to enroll in the experimental class under special circumstances.

No, why did the topic come to cheating?Aren't you talking about treating He Zhixing to dinner as a favor?
"If you can't eat, how do you want me to thank you this time?"

Speaking of this, He Zhixing looked at Luo Yiyi with unclear meaning, from his face to his neck to his chest, and then his eyes focused there.

Luo Yiyi's face turned red due to his gaze, and she bit her lip fiercely, "He Zhixing, you are not allowed to make excessive demands. If you, if..."

He Zhixing came close to her ear, blew hot air gently, and said in a deep and hoarse voice, "What if I make too many demands?"

(End of this chapter)

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