Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 54 I’ll play with you all night!

Chapter 54 I’ll play with you all night!
Chapter 54 I’ll play with you all night!
Only Luo Yue knew the reason why Li Yuyang beat people. Apart from him, only Luo Yue knew.

Luo Yue did not tell He Xin the reason, and it was even more impossible for her daughter.

"Do you understand the reason?" He Zhixing was full of irritation.

Lu Shaoyan looked confused, "Brother Xing, there's no reason. Even that kid Cao Rui doesn't know why he got beaten by Li Yuyang for no reason. I think Li Yuyang just doesn't like Cao Rui..."

"You don't like your mother!" Before Mr. Lu could finish his words, He Zhixing kicked him, "You think Li Yuyang is me!"

Quite self-aware, Lu Shaoyan muttered in his heart.

Thinking of Li Yuyang getting into the little idiot's mother's car that day, He Zhixing felt a fire in his chest.

On the other side, Lu Shaoyan didn't dare to get angry even after being kicked. Who made him owe the kick?
"Brother Xing, although the reason is not clear, I found out the time when Li Yuyang went to the hospital to apologize to Cao Rui. At that time, we can use Cao Rui's mouth to threaten Li Yuyang and tell him the reason why he beat people."

Lu Shaoyan smiled evilly and whispered in He Zhixing's ear.

He Zhixing's face stiffened and he didn't respond. Lu Shaoyan knew that He Zhixing was right.


"Why is it here?"

Outside the hospital, Ji Chen glanced at the logo of He's Hospital and opened his mouth.

He's Hospital is a noble hospital, and the daily consumption here is nearly [-] yuan. So Cao Rui was only slightly injured, so how could he use He's Hospital?

Just after Ji Chen finished speaking, Lu Shaoyan couldn't help but curse, "Forget it, Li Yuyang is also unlucky. Such a good student is exposed to Cao Rui's shameless bullshit!"

Bu Yu looked deeply at Lu Shaoyan, "I don't know when you felt so sorry for Li Yuyang."

Lu Shaoyan immediately stopped cursing and said with a flattering smile: "I really can't stand it. Before the summer vacation, except for school uniforms, Li Yuyang had never seen any other clothes. Alas, the conditions at home must not be good, and now Cao Rui is still That shameless guy got taken on by someone who was taken advantage of. You said his parents’ salary wasn’t that good, but Cao Rui had to be taken advantage of by that shameless guy and spend so much money... Ouch! Brother, you hit me again !”

He Zhixing glanced at the complaining Lu Shaoyan indifferently, not bothering to explain.

Ji Chen, on the other hand, bumped Lu Shaoyan's arm, glanced at Bu Yu mischievously, and teased Lu Shaoyan, "Okay, Shaoyan, I remember so clearly what time I wore and what clothes I wore."

Lu Shaoyan was about to speak, but was interrupted by a cold voice, "Shut the hell up."

He Zhixing growled impatiently and glanced doubtfully somewhere in the darkness.

Lu Shaoyan immediately became his quail. He glanced around and found that while talking and laughing, he had reached the floor of the ward where Cao Rui was. As soon as he went up the stairs, he saw Li Yuyang coming out of the ward.

Li Yuyang just left the room and then stood at the door, clenching his fists tightly.

His face was no longer as gentle as before, but instead looked cold-blooded and ruthless, with cold eyes staring at the door of the ward.

"Go and find out what's going on." This time, before He Zhi could make a move, Bu Yu had already kicked Lu Shaoyan.

Lu Shaoyan was about to scold his mother, but when he raised his head and met Bu Yu's indifferent eyes, he was immediately frightened and scratched his head, "Brother Yu, I'll go right away."

Then he left with a happy face, but within a few minutes, Lu Shaoyan had come back, but with a dark face and an evil aura all over him.

"Damn it, I've never seen someone so shameless!" Lu Shaoyan was so angry that he kicked a trash can nearby.

"You really fucking think you are a person! You have to ask Li Yuyang to take his whole family to the hospital to apologize to him in person, otherwise he will call the police. Li Yuyang is really a coward, I wasted my respect for him as a man! Isn't he just squatting for a few days? Is this a problem? As for being so cowardly, people will point their fingers at you and insult you!"

Among them, Lu Shaoyan has the most outspoken temper, but I have never seen him get so angry.

"How do you know he didn't think that way? It's his family who would rather bow down and accept this insult than abandon him."


Li Yuyang and Luo Yiyi's voices sounded at the same time. Luo Yiyi was worried and followed Li Yuyang secretly, intending to kill him first and then tell him the story without telling Luo Yue.Li Yuyang, on the other hand, was disturbed by the sound of Lu Shaoyan kicking the trash can.

"Study, the top school beauty?" Lu Shaoyan looked confused, and he couldn't believe that the sonorous and powerful words just now were said by Luo Yiyi, a good girl who looked cute and harmless, "What did you just say?"

Luo Yiyi ignored him and quickly walked up to Li Yuyang. She gently took Li Yuyang's white hand with her little hand and smiled sweetly, "Brother Yuyang, can Yiyi accompany you?"

Lu Shaoyan was no longer confused, he was so frightened that he knelt down.

The school belle, is this, is she in love?
Lu Shaoyan was breathless and breathed carefully. He secretly glanced at He Zhixing and then at Li Yuyang. He prayed wildly in his heart that Li Yuyang would never agree to Luo Yiyi!

Otherwise, his brother will go crazy!
In the huge corridor, there was a sudden deathly silence in the air.

"No." Soon Li Yuyang's gentle yet firm voice sounded.

Luo Yiyi took his hand and shook her coquettishly, but Li Yuyang pushed her away with a gentle smile and turned around to look at He Zhixing with firm eyes.

"He Zhixing, can I ask you to keep an eye on Yi Yi for a while? Wait until I finish this matter."

He Zhixing looked at him with cold eyes, her dazzling hands intertwined together, she looked at Li Yuyang shyly...

"Oh, Li Yuyang, who the hell do you think you are?" He Zhixing looked away indifferently.

Li Yuyang didn't have a chance to speak, because Luo Yiyi, who had temporarily let go of his hand, had already turned around and ran towards the ward.

"Yi Yi, don't go in!"

Li Yuyang lost his voice and could no longer care about He Zhixing. He turned around and rushed over, trying to stop Luo Yiyi.

However, Luo Yiyi had already opened the door. Cao Rui, who was lying on the hospital bed and was fighting madly with the enemy, was startled, and his cell phone shook off the bed.

"The game is over!"

In just such a moment, Cao Rui in the game was slashed by an enemy, and the system issued a game-ending sound.

"Who the hell is this? You're disturbing me——"

When Cao Rui heard that he had lost the game, he looked up and cursed in the direction of the door.

However, halfway through the swear words, Cao Rui couldn't curse anymore and looked at Luo Yiyi with straight eyes.

Isn't this the little beauty he has longed for?
Having just experienced a fight in the game, Cao Rui was excited all over, especially when he saw Luo Yiyi, his lower body suddenly stood up.

"Hello, I am a member of Li Yuyang's family..." Luo Yiyi ignored Cao Rui's obscene look at her and explained without being humble or overbearing.


Li Yuyang rushed through the door and protected Luo Yiyi behind him, staring at Cao Rui fiercely.

Cao Rui understood this gesture and stared straight at Luo Yiyi, swallowing his saliva, "Are you Li Yuyang's sister? In this way, as long as you play with me for one night, I won't retaliate..."

A violent and violent kick on the door!

Before Cao Rui finished speaking, he saw a red-haired young man full of evil spirits rushing in at the door.

"I'll spend the whole fucking night with you!"

He Zhixing's eyes turned red and he kicked Cao Rui out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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