Chapter 58
Chapter 58
Luo Yiyi blinked. In fact, she really didn't blame him.

She knew that he was a playboy and had many girlfriends. He was just a temporary interest in her for fun, and he would kick her away at any time when he got tired of her.

So she couldn't believe a word about his pursuit.

At the same time, she also knew that he helped her clean up Zhang Duo's gang, led her out of Hongshan, and protected her in the exam.

But there was also a person who said he loved her and helped her, but when he was controlled by the disease, he did not hesitate to kill her.

"He Zhixing, I have never blamed you. So, don't blame yourself."

This was her sincerity, and He Zhixing believed it.

His little princess is so well-behaved, how can he bear to take her with him again?To her, he is the real time bomb.

Luo Yiyi went to visit He Zhixing that day, but Luo Yue found out.

After Luo Yue found out, she remained silent without saying a word, but looked at Li Yuyang with disappointment.

"Yuyang, Aunt Luo has always been the most at ease with you."

While waiting in line for the inspection report with Li Yuyang, Luo Yue spoke calmly.

Li Yuyang took it indifferently, "Aunt Luo, if He Zhixing really loses one of his hands, Yi Yi will have a conscience for the rest of his life. Do you really want to see a person named He Zhi Xing living in Yi Yi's heart for the rest of his life? Because of guilt , and even other emotions arising from guilt.”

Luo Yue shook her head, but Li Yuyang was still smiling like a flower. He said gently: "Aunt Luo, you said that women's love is no better than that of men. As long as a man is determined, he will love this woman for a lifetime; but as long as a woman is considerate and gentle to her, Nine times out of ten she will fall in love with this man because they are emotional creatures.”

Luo Yue raised her eyes, "Is this why you persuade Yi Yi?"

Li Yuyang nodded, "Yes, Yiyi is still young and has not yet matured in love. It is easy for young people to mistake sympathy for love due to the impulse of young people. I will never let this happen, let alone tolerate this situation. It is possible for any man to live in her heart."

Luo Yue had a smile in her eyes, but her words were, "Yuyang, as an elder brother, you are too possessive to protect your sister."

Li Yuyang seemed to have a tacit understanding and smiled warmly, "Yes, as a brother, I am always afraid that Yiyi will be stared at one day, so I must be more vigilant."

In the corner, Luo Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief and quietly returned along the original path.

"Aunt Luo, thank you."

Li Yuyang took the inspection report handed to him by Luo Yue with a smile, and did not look back. He just caught the figure hurriedly leaving with his peripheral vision, and his palms were already sweaty from nervousness.

She is a princess and he is a knight. He does not ask her to give him the love of a prince, but asks her to allow him to give her the silent protection of a knight.

Luo Yue raised her eyes lightly, looked at the figure hurriedly leaving not far away, and sighed feebly.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the examination report in Li Yuyang's hand. Li Yuyang's body had basically recovered.

Luo Yue breathed a sigh of relief, patted Li Yuyang on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's nothing serious."

Yes, fortunately it's nothing serious.

Li Yuyang returned to the ward, and when he opened the door, he saw Luo Yiyi looking at him with guilt. "What's the matter?" Li Yuyang chuckled and walked to her bedside, gently rubbing her little head.

"Brother Yuyang, let me tell you something, please don't be angry, okay?" Luo Yiyi's face was full of distress.

"Has brother Yuyang ever been angry with you?" Li Yuyang smiled lightly.

Luo Yiyi buried her little head lower, her face flushed and she whispered, "Brother Yuyang, when I was about to be strangled to death by He Zhixing that day, what I was thinking about was why I wanted to save you just because I wanted to save you. Fate. Brother Yuyang, does this mean that I don’t actually love you as much as I thought?”

"how could be?"

Li Yuyang did not hesitate at all and said with a smile: "People cherish their lives. You see in history, whenever two armies are fighting and besieging a city, there are many things where children's food is exchanged. What people love most is themselves, silly girl."

Luo Yiyi felt even more guilty, "Brother Yuyang, you are not like that. In order to save me when you were a child, you would rather drown yourself. Afterwards, you only became more determined in your actions."

Li Yuyang was stunned for a long time and murmured for a long time: "You still remember this? I thought you had forgotten it a long time ago."

That was the day my mother killed my father in a car crash, and it was also the day my mother committed suicide.

His father had a family, and while his mother also had a family, she rekindled her old relationship with his father and gave birth to him.

The exposure of their love affair provoked the revenge of the two families. As a sinner who could not even be considered an illegitimate child, he was naturally not tolerated by the world.

Even though he was young at the time, he knew that the mistress was not a good thing. Just then Aunt Luo appeared. The young mother knelt down in front of him tenderly and asked him if he would go home with her.

The little boy wanted to see his parents off on their last journey, and the young mother also wanted to accompany her daughter, so she made an appointment to pick him up the next day.

But back at the funeral, the two frustrated families, one had lost his husband and the other had lost his beloved wife, looked at him with blood in their eyes.

They told him that he was the source of evil that had ruined both families, that he had killed his father and mother; without him, at least the two families would not have been broken up.

Why doesn't he die?

The six-year-old boy didn't understand many words, but he understood that he had killed his parents.

Yeah, why doesn't he die?
A six-year-old boy doesn't know what to do when he dies?
When he walked to the river in a daze and waited for the young mother to pick him up, he saw the little girl accidentally falling from the boat into the water. When he saw the young mother panicking, he thought of his mother.

So he jumped into the water to save his daughter. When the water plants caught him, he thought it was him who killed his parents and the water ghosts were seeking his life, so he pushed his sister to the shore instead of pulling her into the water.

"How could I forget? My mother told me that the grace of saving my life should never be forgotten."

The soft voice soaked into Li Yuyang's thoughts. The girl looked at him seriously with her watery almond eyes.

Li Yuyang was amused by her and nodded her cheek helplessly, "Aunt Luo was afraid that you and I wouldn't get along, so she talked about my saving you. I hope we don't get into a fight when we get along in the future."

Luo Yiyi smiled, the girl's apricot eyes were like crescent moons, "You are not a gangster like He Zhixing, how could I fight with you?"

Li Yuyang was stunned. When had there been a boy in her words?
(End of this chapter)

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