Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 62 Hug around the waist

Chapter 62 Hug around the waist

Chapter 62 Hug around the waist

Bu Yu slapped Dr. Shen's hand away angrily.

Dr. Shen smiled and narrowed his eyes, but continued to be angry and said without realizing it: "Master Bu, you can think about it from another angle. Although you have just flown all the way from China, and you have to fly all the way back, you are right. Because of this, you don’t have to suffer from jet lag.”

"Haha, Doctor Shen, thank you for your comfort."

Bu Yu's face was expressionless. If the doctor hadn't been able to offend him, he would have demolished this bastard's house.

"Hey, you're welcome, you're welcome."

In order to prevent being angry to death, Bu Yu quickly turned around and left.

Doctor Shen shouted from behind: "Before returning to City S, remember to go back to the capital."

"Didn't Lu Shaoyan say that the young master returned to the capital? Why did he end up here?" Bu Yu walked away and vaguely heard Dr. Shen muttering.

In No. [-] Middle School, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the sky was "cheating".

As a senior high school with an investment of 2 million yuan by Heshi ten years ago, in addition to flowers and plants, the campus of No. [-] Middle School is also full of various fruit trees: loquat trees, peach trees, plum trees, apple trees, apricot trees, Cherry trees, red fruit trees and other unnamed fruit trees.

As early as a few days ago, Yu Yangnuan had noticed these tree trunks and branches covered with heavy fruits.

After the self-study that evening, Yu Yangnuan went to the bathroom. Because she always walked alone, no one knew about her little thoughts.

When they were almost gone and the lights in the corridor were turned off, Yu Yangnuan sneaked out of the toilet and went straight to the fruit tree downstairs. She quickly climbed up to the apple tree and touched a heavy apple tree. The apple fell from a branch, and I quickly picked off the huge, cold apple.

Suddenly, all the lights in the corridor turned on.

Yu Yangnuan was startled, and the apple in her arms fell to the ground. She hurriedly hid behind the branches, hoping to use the dense branches and leaves to shield her.

"Zhang Pan, what did you leave behind in class?"


In front of the classroom, Zhang Pan was not in a hurry to enter the classroom. Instead, he roared with a bad tone, turned on the voice-controlled lights, and gloated at the rows of fruit trees in front of the teaching building.

Yu Yangnuan's heart felt cold, she was trembling with cold and panicked.

The fruits of the fruit trees planted in the school can be eaten by the students. However, out of the need to save face, no students usually pick these fruits. Every year, tens of millions of fruits from thousands of fruit trees fall into the ground. In the end, Rotten.

Yu Yangnuan had been observing for a year in her first year of high school. In her second year of high school, she was too embarrassed to climb trees and pick fruits in broad daylight, so she chose night.

She picked a lot of pipas in the spring, and then peaches, apricots, cherries, plums, red fruits and other fruits. Now it is late November, the ripe season for apples.

On the one hand, Yu Yangnuan regrets that the fruits from thousands of apple trees fall to the ground and rot every year. On the other hand, she is an orphan and her mouth will be greedy when she sees those fruits.The most important thing is that Christmas Eve will be a month later. She clearly remembers the school tuck shop and the vendors outside. Ordinary apples on Christmas Eve cost at least 8 yuan each, and could sell for 30 yuan at most.

She also wants to save some money.

"Didn't you say that our dormitory is always short of money? Maybe we can catch the thief tonight."

In front of the classroom, under the bright voice-activated light, Zhang Pan's bright smiling face was illuminated.

"Really? Do you know who stole the money?" Ding Lina was filled with indignation and immediately looked at Zhang Pan nervously.

Zhang Pan glanced at the fruit trees not far away with his winning chances in hand, with a cunning expression on his face, "We'll find out later."

"Let's go." Zhang Pan pulled Ding Lina and Chen Jingjing, who was in the same dormitory, and motioned to go under the fruit tree.

Although the two of them didn't understand what Zhang Pan meant, it was about a thief who stole money, and no one dared to speak out against her, lest they be suspected of being the thief hated by the whole dormitory.

Yu Yangnuan on the tree has white lips. Even though she usually looks silly when she is laughing and joking, but after reading so many novels, including various novels about house fights and palace fights, Yu Yangnuan intuitively wants to kill the thief. The blame was placed on her.

Once a student is convicted of theft, her life in No. [-] Middle School will be worse than death. No one, from teachers to classmates, will look down upon her.

Even though she did not steal the money, Zhang Pan had led everyone to suspect her before. However, due to the lack of evidence, the seeds of suspicion still fell in the hearts of every member of Dormitory 321.

Now in this situation... Yu Yangnuan on the tree was so anxious that she burst into tears.


The heavy dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly resounded under the fruit tree. Yu Yangnuan accidentally fell from the tree, making a huge noise.


Then there was a dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the girl was so frightened that she heard a soft and sweet sound like the sound of nature at midnight.

"what happened?"

The deep and cold male voice followed the girl's soft and sweet voice. Luo Yiyi felt her waist and abdomen being slightly tightened by a force, and then hot breath sprayed on her cheeks.

This sound?Looking back, I saw those deep and narrow peach blossom eyes.

Luo Yiyi blinked her eyes and was stunned for a moment when she saw this cold and handsome face.

He Zhixing was teased by the little girl and laughed softly. After working for more than half a month, he just got off the plane and went straight to No. [-] Middle School. The first thing he saw in front of the door of Class [-] was the girl under the fruit tree, stamping her cute face in annoyance. little feet, looking at the apple tree angrily with his little mouth pouted.

(End of this chapter)

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