Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 64 See You Tomorrow

Chapter 64 See You Tomorrow

Chapter 64 See You Tomorrow

With such a careless tone, Luo Yiyi was haunted when she couldn't figure out who it was.

"You were walking well, what did you suddenly say? Did you know that it scared me?"

He Zhixing leaned against the streetlight pole, the dim moonlight shining on his face, giving him a hazy halo.

"I was startled when you suddenly jumped out from behind me." He was the first to complain.

Luo Yiyi puffed up her cheeks and didn't want to pay attention to He Zhixing, wondering why I didn't scare you to death, you bastard.

"You mean I'm wrong?" He Zhixing's eyes were cold, his body suddenly approached, and he stared at Luo Yiyi fiercely.

Luo Yiyi was so frightened that she quickly shook her head, "No, it's because I don't have eyesight when I walk."

He Zhixing tried his best to hold back his laughter, circled the people between him and the lamppost, and casually lit a cigarette, with a threatening tone: "Let's talk?"

What does she have to talk about with him?

Luo Yiyi was choked by the smell of cigarette smoke and didn't bother to answer him. She covered her mouth and nose with her little hands and frowned in disgust.

"It stinks?"

He Zhixing frowned. The girl smelled sweet, unlike rough guys like them who smelled of sweat and cigarette smoke.

"Cough cough..."

Luo Yiyi was choked and couldn't speak. She had no time to answer him, so she knelt down and caressed her chest.

He Zhixing cursed lowly and put out his cigarette with a grumpy expression. This time, he didn't want Luo Yiyi to say anything and took the initiative to stay away from Luo Yiyi.

"Little idiot, what's going on with your body?"

After all, He Zhixing couldn't bear Luo Yiyi squatting on the ground and coughing until tears came out. He didn't care that Luo Yiyi would be disgusted by the smell, so he squatted in front of Luo Yiyi, looking a little nervous.

Luo Yiyi calmed down for a long time and finally breathed normally, her face turned red from coughing.

"Okay, no need to answer me, just drink some water first."

I don't know where He Zhixing took out a thermos cup, but it was still steaming inside.

Luo Yiyi thought for a moment. He Zhixing seemed to be carrying a travel bag when he appeared under the fruit tree. He was dusty and might have just returned from a business trip.

Luo Yiyi vaguely remembered that the temperature on the thermos cup was 37°C. It should be because the water temperature was just right. But looking at it, she knew it was the cup he often drank from. Luo Yiyi was stupid and shared the same cup with He Zhixing.

"I'm not thirsty and don't need it." Luo Yiyi pushed away the thermos cup handed over by He Zhixing and stood up to leave.

Unexpectedly, He Zhixing insisted, "Drink some water before leaving."

As she spoke, she brought the thermos cup to Luo Yiyi's mouth. Luo Yiyi looked up at him and drank the water he had drank. She didn't believe that he didn't know about such an ambiguous behavior.

"I won't drink." Luo Yiyi shook her head firmly.

He Zhixing twitched the corners of his lips, Luo Yiyi coughed again, her face turned red.

He Zhixing lowered his head and glanced at the slightly steaming glass of water, as well as his little face that was red from coughing due to the steam, and looked ugly.

Forget it, he'll do it again and try again.

"You have a cough like this, you must drink." He Zhixing's face turned cold, obviously very angry, with the smell of an order that could not be refused.

Luo Yiyi saw that he was angry, and suddenly remembered the scene in the hospital. She didn't dare to confront He Zhixing anymore, so she just lowered her head silently and resisted silently.He Zhixing just held the thermos cup like this. He didn't know how long the stalemate lasted. The young man's deep eyes were suddenly stained with scarlet blood.

He Zhixing grabbed the girl's fragile chin and pointed the mouth of the bottle towards her mouth.

Luo Yiyi panicked and quickly backed away before he could take any further action.

"Yiyi, don't be afraid, I just scared you on purpose."

Before Luo Yiyi made any further moves, He Zhixing took back the thermos cup, and the blood in his eyes disappeared, giving way to a wanton smile.

"Yes." Luo Yiyi nodded calmly, but moved forward, "Mom is still waiting for me outside, I'll go back first."

Luo Yiyi's heart was pounding. She saw the color of blood in his eyes, which was the same as the eye color of He Zhixing who pinched her in the hospital.

"I'll give it to you. It's just in time. I have to go back too." He Zhixing pretended not to notice the girl's panicked steps and casually put the thermos cup into his travel bag.

Luo Yiyi wanted to refuse, but she seemed to have no reason to refuse, so she didn't say anything and just walked quickly with her head lowered. He Zhixing followed her silently.

"Luo Yiyi, do you look down on me?"

He Zhixing, who had been quiet all the way, suddenly asked when he was approaching the school gate.

Luo Yiyi was stunned by his question, but her mother had already seen her.

Luo Yiyi felt much more at ease and was no longer afraid. She raised her face in confusion, "Why do you say that?"

He Zhixing stared at her for a long time. The little girl's eyes were innocent and pure, without any impurities.

The corners of He Zhixing's lips curled up in a cold arc, and he laughed at himself. If you like him, why don't you drink his water?
"I don't get good grades, I smoke, and I'm absent from class, so why don't I just hang out? I'm looking down on good students like you, right?"

"I don't know if other good students are like this, but I'm not."

The little girl spoke softly, looking at him seriously like a pair of clear and shining eyes, "But in high school, it's best to focus on studying. Hanging out in bars and smoking is not good."

He Zhixing laughed softly, and the young man's deep black eyes shone brightly. He chuckled and said: "Okay, I will listen to you. Yiyi, after this period of work is over, I won't smoke anymore." Don’t mess around, I’ll study hard, okay?”

Luo Yiyi still couldn't adapt to the fact that the always ferocious big wolfdog suddenly became so docile, but she was also very happy that He Zhixing was a good student.

In fact, except for that time in the hospital, her impression of He Zhixing was really not bad.

The little girl's apricot eyes were filled with waves, and her smiling eyes were as crescent-shaped as a crescent moon. He heard his little fairy say to him: "Then you must study hard in the future."

"Then I'll study hard, and you can try to be friends with me, and stop avoiding me, okay?" In fact, what he wanted to say was, don't avoid him.

Not just friends, but friends are nothing.

Luo Yiyi nodded gently, "Okay."

He Zhixing smiled, and the young man stared at her with dark eyes, as if he was bound to promise, "Yiyi, I will be fine."

Luo Yiyi once again thought about the time in the hospital and the rumors her mother told her that He Zhixing was ill and had developed a mental illness that her relatives did not recognize.

Is he going to get over it?

"Well, I'm going back first. Mom has already called."

Luo Yiyi did not dare to meet He Zhixing's burning gaze and shook her phone. He Zhixing wanted to persuade her to stay, but in the end he smiled and said, "Goodbye."

See you tomorrow, Yi Yi.He whispered in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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