Acting wildly on her well-behaved heart

Chapter 88 The Little Golden Man is for you

Chapter 88 The Little Golden Man is for you

Chapter 88 The Little Golden Man is for you

Touching a few red tickets in her pocket, Ning Yaner gritted her teeth.

"Yang Nuan, I'm not exposing your scars, it's just that I think what happened that day is a bit strange."

Looking at her expression, Yu Yangnuan knew that Ning Yan'er was talking about the incident that day when He Zhixing asked someone to teach her a lesson, but what disgusted her was Ning Yan'er's treacherous expression.

This look is very familiar to Yu Yangnuan and can be seen on almost all girls' faces. It is a sneaky look called "about to speak ill of someone behind their back and stir up trouble."

Yu Yangnuan put on an expression that meant she was ready to say bad things, and said in a mysterious tone: "What's weird?"

Ning Yan'er lowered her voice, "Actually, everyone in the school knows that Mr. He is not easy to mess with. Why does Luo Yiyi say in front of you that Mr. He is willing to help others? Doesn't this mean he is pushing you into a pit of fire?"

Yu Yangnuan knew by heart that some scheming bitch came to drive a wedge between her and Yi Yi. The idiot in front of her was probably used as a weapon.

A scheming bitch who really knows how to speak ill of people will only point out the facts objectively and cannot express his own subjective assumptions. Instead, he will make the listener feel like "Isn't she pushing me into a pit of fire by doing this?"

Instead of Ning Yan'er who couldn't wait to point out "Luo Yiyi pushed her into the fire pit."

There was no trace of suspicion on Yuyang Nuan's face, she had to find out that stinky face lurking in the dark.

Yu Yangnuan showed a shocked look and said in surprise: "It's impossible, right? What good does Yiyi say to her?"

Ning Yan'er's expression became even more sneaky, "Who knows? Don't some people just like to watch others suffer misfortune? For example, during school bullying, those who are watching have nothing to do with the victim, but they still follow the bully. The victim gets a kick, a kick, a slap in the face. After all, everyone pushes against the wall and beats the chaos."

Yu Yangnuan said thoughtfully: "So you mean that I am the fallen wall and the broken drum?"

Ning Yaner: "..."

Yu Yangnuan laughed, "I was just joking."

Ning Yaner laughed awkwardly and sat back on the apple stand.

"Huh? I just went to the toilet and sold so many apples?"

With so many apples sold and Jin Cancan making more money, Yu Yangnuan was still very happy.

"Yes, the money is all here." Ning Yan'er dug out the transfer records.

Yu Yangnuan nodded with satisfaction, "We've almost sold out, let's close the stall and go back to school."

Back at school, Yu Yangnuan said hello to Ning Yan'er and went their separate ways, each going back to their respective classrooms.

"Give you."

Yu Yangnuan placed the heavy box of apples on Luo Yiyi's table.

Luo Yiyi looked at the dozen different varieties of apples placed in the gift box, her eyes filled with confusion.

"Why did you give me so many peace fruits? Christmas Eve has already passed."

Yu Yangnuan shrugged and said innocently, "This is what He Zhixing asked me to pass on to you."

When he finished speaking, he saw Luo Yiyi's unkind expression and hurriedly struck preemptively, "We have agreed beforehand, Yiyi, that if you die as a fellow Taoist, you will not die as a poor Taoist. If you refuse to let Li Yuyang be sent back, don't look for me."

Luo Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She had never seen such a shameless person, so she deliberately kept a straight face.

"Yu Yangnuan, you took charge of this matter. If you don't send it back to me, I will tell the teacher that you secretly brought your cell phone. A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist."

Yu Yangnuan raised her hands and admitted defeat, with a sad face, "Yi Yi, it's not that I didn't refuse. At that time, He Zhixing thrust the gift box into my hand and left. I couldn't refuse at all!"

He Zhixing was clearly picking on the weak, and Luo Yiyi knew it too.

Luo Yiyi was shocked as soon as this idea came up.

When did she stop being a soft persimmon to He Zhixing?

The phrase "You just rely on me to like you" is like a demonic voice that lingers in my ears.

"I understand, please go back to your seat." Luo Yiyi lowered her eyes and placed the gift box under the desk.

Yu Yangnuan's seat was right behind Luo Yiyi, and she sat down.

Thinking of Ning Yan'er, Yu Yangnuan couldn't help but poke Luo Yiyi's back and whispered: "Yi Yi, I heard that my aunt is sponsoring Ning Yan'er in Class [-], right?"

Luo Yiyi did not turn her head, she just sat in her position and nodded gently.

"Knowing people but not knowing their hearts, don't let Auntie support a white-eyed wolf."

Yu Yangnuan quickly finished a few sentences and lowered her head to open the competition questions, obviously not wanting to say more.

Although Luo Yiyi noticed that she was behaving strangely, she didn't want to think too much about it. She opened the tutoring materials and answered the questions. There was a small muttering behind her.

"Yi Yi, no matter what happens, I will never take part in isolating you. Even if you are bullied in school, I will be with you. We are stronger together."

Luo Yiyi responded with a firm word. "good."

Many people share in the blessings, but few share in the difficulties.

Just when Luo Yiyi picked up the pen, she saw Li Yuyang hurried into the classroom holding a pile of homework.

Li Yuyang just put down his homework and picked up the notebook and pen on the table without touching the ground. He seemed to be going out.

"Coix." Li Yuyang greeted her with a smile while looking for paper and pen.

"Yuyang, what's going on? You're so anxious."

Luo Yiyi sat outside and helped him find paper and pen.

Li Yuyang said concisely and concisely: "The school will conduct a surprise inspection of the dormitories."

After saying that, Luo Yiyi looked at him with some confusion, and added with a smile: "It's just to check whether the dormitory hygiene is up to standard, and by the way, whether there are any illegal items such as mobile phones."

Luo Yiyi glanced at Yu Yangnuan. Because Li Yuyang was a class cadre, Yu Yangnuan also kept listening.


Yu Yangnuan gave Luo Yiyi a reassuring look. The place where she hid her phone was safe and the school couldn't find it.

Luo Yiyi was relieved, and Li Yuyang also found paper and pen, said something to Luo Yiyi, and left in a hurry.

The students in Class [-] quietly studied in the evening.

Not long after, there was a commotion outside the classroom.

"Is Yu Yangnuan in your class here? Come out!"

There was a young female teacher standing outside the classroom. The female teacher had a serious face and shouted harshly at the room.

Outside the classroom, in addition to the female teacher and some other cadres of the student union, Yu Yangnuan also saw a familiar face, Chen Jingjing.

Yu Yangnuan felt uneasy in her heart. She glanced at Luo Yiyi who was looking at her worriedly, and walked out of the classroom regardless of the eyes that were looking at her in the classroom.

"Yu Yangnuan, is this phone yours?"

At the door of the classroom, the female teacher's stern scolding came clearly into the classroom.

Now that the matter has come to this, Yu Yangnuan can only admit, "Yes."

The female teacher sneered, "Thankfully you are still in the experimental class and you bring your mobile phone to school! What is your parent's phone number? You must ask your parents!"

Yu Yangnuan said calmly: "Teacher, I am an orphan."

The female teacher was stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

A female student cadre next to her neutralized and said: "Teacher, although Yu Yangnuan has no parental guidance, fortunately she has a good friend who told the student union about her privately carrying a mobile phone, which can be regarded as helping her to find her way back. Otherwise, Ask Yu Yangnuan to write an [-]-word review?"

Yu Yangnuan glanced at the female student cadre and vaguely remembered that this seemed to be Wang Ruo from Class Two.

The female teacher knew Wang Ruo's family background. When she heard Wang Ruo's words, she gave Wang Ruo a strange look.

Didn't this young lady just say with a serious face that carrying a mobile phone privately should be dealt with strictly?Why did you change your mind so quickly?
The female teacher was strange, but she still cooperated with Wang Ruo and nodded: "In this case, Yu Yangnuan, please write an [-]-word review and give it to me before Thursday."

After saying that, the female teacher stepped on her high heels and left with a click.

After the female teacher left, Wang Ruoye returned to the student union with a group of student cadres, and Chen Jingjing quietly pulled Yu Yangnuan.

Yu Yangnuan knew that she had something to say, and although it was strange, she still moved closer to her.

Chen Jingjing said with a voice full of pain: "Yang Nuan, although Luo Yiyi's righteous act of killing her relatives is for your own good, I still think it hurts her feelings too much."

Yu Yangnuan's pupils shrank sharply, she looked at Chen Jingjing in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice, "Did Luo Yiyi tell you that I hid my phone in my shoe?"

Chen Jingjing was stunned for a moment, but she still cooperated and said sadly: "Yes, otherwise how could the student union be found so quickly?"

Yu Yangnuan felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. Based on her experience in reading novels, she felt that Yiyi had offended someone.

And that person didn't dare to touch her directly, so he touched some of her little shrimp friends, such as her.

If she and Yi Yi had a quarrel, then Yi Yi would be isolated from all the girls in the same class.

After that, in the three good votes of the province and the country, Yi Yi will definitely ruin the popularity of many viewers.

"Luo Yiyi..."

Yu Yangnuan looked at Chen Jingjing, bit the word "Luo Yiyi" between her teeth and rolled it back and forth several times.

(End of this chapter)

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