Chapter 91
Chapter 91
"Brother, do you still want to play basketball?"

Lu Shaoyan looked suspicious of life and asked weakly.

He Zhixing waved his hand without raising his head and sent people away, "Don't bother me studying. You don't need to call me to play in the future. From today on, I have to study hard."

The few people exchanged a few glances in tacit understanding, and carried the basketball to the basketball court with understanding.

As soon as he left the classroom, Lu Shaoyan couldn't help it anymore. He burst into laughter with a "Pfft" sound, "Pfft hahaha, oh, you made me laugh so hard! How many days do you think Brother Xing can last this time? Let's make a bet!"

Bu Yu glanced at him, "What are you betting on?"

Lu Shaoyan couldn't wait to say: "The loser must agree to a condition for the winner within his ability!"

A group of second-generation ancestors are neither short of money, power nor beautiful women. Betting on specifics really doesn't attract them. It's better to base their bets on personal circumstances.

Therefore, Ji Chen and Bu Yu both agreed with Lu Shaoyan's proposal.

Lu Shaoyan was so anxious that he couldn't sit on the bench and said first, "My gambling brother will give up tomorrow!"

Ji Chen thought about it carefully and then analyzed it clearly: "Last time Brother Xing did the exercise book and gave up before one day was up, but this time it should be longer than last time. I bet that Brother Xing gave up after three days." .”

Lu Shaoyan did not regret his answer. He waved his hand loudly and urged Bu Yu, "How many days will it take for your gambling brother to give up?"

Bu Yu frowned, thinking about He Zhixing who was under the control of the disease in the hospital, and felt that it was impossible for He Zhixing to change so much for Luo Yiyi.

Bu Yu conservatively gave a deadline, "My gambling brother will insist on half a month."

Lu Shaoyan was the first to laugh out loud, "Quack, quack, Ji Chen, you heard it, don't let him regret it then!"

And He Zhixing, who was at the center of the topic, was staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar symbol called intersection ∩ on the book, feeling so irritated that he wanted to tear up the book in front of him.

Isn't this thing that looks like an inverted U in English a union?When was the deal set?
Feeling agitated, He Zhixing subconsciously touched his pocket to take out a cigarette, but found nothing.

The feeling of quitting smoking is really uncomfortable, especially when the craving comes. The body is so hot and uncomfortable that I want to smoke a cigarette.

He Zhixing unscrewed the soda water on the table and took a few sips. He suppressed the anger and ferocity that was about to rise in his body and forced himself to calm down and study.

Anyone can see that Young Master He's face at this moment is filled with a dark cloud, making people worry that the book he is staring at will be torn to pieces in the next second.

After He Zhixing studied hard for a week, No. [-] Middle School came for a weekly practice before the final exam.

Weekly practice, as the name suggests, means testing once a week.

"Wow, Yiyi, you are great, perfect score again!"

Yu Yangnuan looked at Luo Yiyi's test paper, which was all red, and then glanced at her own test paper, feeling sour in her heart.

Luo Yiyi's eyes were crooked and her smile was as pretty as a crescent moon, "Yang Nuan, your words are so sour; come, eat an apple to remove the sourness."

Luo Yiyi took out a snake fruit, which was the box of peace fruit given to her by He Zhixing.

She didn't want to eat alone when she went home at night, so she simply didn't take the box of Ping An fruit back, but kept it at school.

Seeing the snake fruit, Yu Yangnuan looked like she was seeing the god of plague. She jumped three steps away, shook her head repeatedly, and said duplicity: "I don't like eating that thing!"

Luo Yiyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw her avoiding her, so she could only pack up the snake fruit, and then Yu Yangnuan dared to come over and talk.

"Yiyi, why haven't I seen He Zhixing looking for you recently?"

Luo Yiyi was stunned. To be honest, when she received the Ping'an Fruit, she was worried that He Zhixing would send something else. Unexpectedly, He Zhixing not only didn't send anything again, but he didn't even show his face again.

That's fine. You should study hard in high school. Luo Yiyi smiled and said: "It used to be a coincidence, but now he won't come to me if nothing happens."

Yu Yangnuan nodded doubtfully, but did not continue the topic.

At this moment, in Class [-], Lu Shaoyan, who came to see He Zhixing to play, was holding back his laughter and it was a hard work.

He Zhixing's face looked very ugly, and he looked at the bright red numbers at the beginning of the volume with gloomy eyes.

Lu Shaoyan held back his laughter and walked up to He Zhixing, asking a question from his soul: "Brother Xing, did you really burn the midnight oil for a week? Why is it that after burning the midnight oil for a week, your score is not even half of mine?"

Yes, He Zhixing answered every question seriously and finally scored 18 points; while Lu Shaoyan relied solely on guessing and scored 38 points.

He Zhixing glanced at him coldly, and Lu Shaoyan was stunned for a moment, sincerely speaking from the bottom of his heart and advising: "Brother Xing, how about you learn to guess everything like me in the next exam?"

He Zhixing gave him a look as if he was an idiot. Lu Shaoyan did not give up and continued to persuade him nicely, "Brother, this method is easy to try!"

After finishing the advice, he spoke quickly: "Choose three short and one long multiple-choice questions. If you don't know how to do it, choose B!"

Surprisingly, He Zhixing didn't kick him this time. He just sat alone and looked at the test papers in a daze.

He studied books seriously, suppressed the restlessness in his body, stayed away from basketball and games, and studied the pile of written knowledge that gave him a headache every day.

But in the end, he did worse than before. It turned out that he never listened in class, and the score he got on the test by guessing was more than the score he got this time.

"Do you think I'm really not suitable for studying?" He Zhixing looked at the bright red scores on the test paper, looking a little depressed.

Several people saw that He Zhixing, who had always been careless, looked so forlorn and lonely, and exchanged uneasy glances.

Seeing that He Zhixing was serious this time, Lu Shaoyan lost his temper and said, "Ahem, Brother Xing, I think your study method may be wrong."

He Zhixing glanced at him, and Lu Shaoyan continued to make suggestions: "I know this from occasionally hearing them discuss together. Maybe Brother Xing, you can hire a senior tutor. If you have an experienced teacher in class, the learning efficiency will definitely be improved." Double the improvement."


He Zhixing's eyes flashed, and a smile filled his dark eyes.

What a great idea. You can let the little idiot teach him. His grades are so good.

As New Year's Day is approaching, students from various colleges and universities gather together to discuss where to go to various parts of the country to play during the New Year's Day holiday.Luo Yue had two graduate students under her. Listening to her two students sitting there and whispering that day, Luo Yue thought of her daughter far away.

College students are enjoying the New Year's Day holiday, but high school students have no festive atmosphere and are still locked in the classroom to make up for lessons.

This year, although the education bureaus across the country have explicitly ordered schools not to use students' holidays to make up for classes, as a province with a major examination-oriented education, S Province has gathered a group of exam madmen, and no parent will report the school for using the holidays.

On the night of December 12st, the cold stars dimly enveloped the city. Luo Yiyi walked to Block A of Qingquan Garden and saw the light shining in the kitchen from a distance. Her heartbeat quickened and she ran towards the hotel with her schoolbag on her back. Home direction.

Luo Yue saw the thin figure downstairs from the kitchen, her cold heart melted, and a happy and tired smile appeared on her aging face.


Luo Yiyi saw Luo Yue waiting at the elevator entrance, and threw herself into Luo Yue's arms with her schoolbag on her back. Luo Yue hugged her daughter tightly, with tears in her eyes and a happy smile on her lips.

"Mom, I miss you so much."

Luo Yiyi was buried in Luo Yue's arms and said in a muffled voice.

This semester, Luo Yue is busy with projects and still has no time off on weekends. She can only video chat with her daughter every day. It turns out that Luo Yiyi has not seen Luo Yue for more than a month.

"Mom misses you too." Luo Yue held back the tears in her eyes and gently touched her daughter's soft head.

In the evening, Luo Yiyi let go of her belly, and Luo Yue sat at the dining table, happily watching her daughter feast.

"Does the food cooked by the nanny taste good? Does it taste like rotten vegetables and low-quality meat?"

While Luo Yue was picking up food for her daughter, she repeated questions she had asked many times.

Luo Yiyi was holding a large shrimp in her mouth and hesitantly said: "It's not a bad dish. I didn't have any bad reaction in my stomach after eating it, but it's still not as delicious as my mother's cooking."

Luo Yiyi knew that every time she bought groceries, her mother would call the nanny via video and ask the nanny to buy groceries at the stalls of old men and women.

The vegetables and meat sold at those familiar stalls are all home-grown vegetables and poultry, without the addition of pesticides and additives, and are purely natural and green foods.

But even so, my mother is still worried and will always take the trouble to ask many times.

Luo Yue smiled and said: "Then mom will stay a few more days this time and prepare more delicious food for you."

Knowing that Luo Yue was back, Li Yuyang also came to Qingquan Garden. After dinner, the family sat in the living room and chatted.

"Is school on vacation for three days?"

Li Yuyang shook his head and explained in a gentle voice: "Aunt Luo, this is exam-oriented education. The school does not have holidays, so we have to make up classes."

Luo Yue frowned, "This school has classes every day. How can the students in S city withstand the energy?"

After speaking, he looked at his daughter with concern, "Yi Yi, is the study intensive? Are you tired?"

Luo Yiyi shook her head and smiled: "It's okay, Mom, but I can't go to bed before 11 o'clock every day."

Luo Yue patted the girl's tender little hands and said to the two of them: "I'm asking for leave from your class teacher on New Year's Day. Haven't you always wanted to go to the Purple City? Do you want to go to the Purple City on New Year's Day? Don't be locked up in school every day. Be good. The child has lost any aura of learning.”

Li Yuyang naturally agreed and took the initiative to take care of Luo Yiyi, "Aunt Luo, I will take Yiyi to Zicheng. You just came back from the capital. How about you have a good rest at home tomorrow?"

Luo Yiyi also echoed, and Luo Yue agreed with a smile, watching the two children talking together, with a happy smile in their eyes.

She seemed to see life in the next few decades, where the family lived in harmony and had fun.

When the moonlight climbed over the treetops, the lights in the living room were turned off. Li Yuyang stayed in Qingquan Garden that night, and Luo Yue slept in Luo Yiyi's bedroom.

Neither mother nor daughter were sleepy, and they were lying on the bed talking quietly. Luo Yiyi talked about some study matters, and Luo Yue told her some research matters and interesting stories about the capital.

"...The He family has another young master. I heard that Mr. He does not recognize the grandson born after this, but Mrs. He is very proud in the He family."

Luo Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly asked: "Mom, is this the He family that belongs to He Zhixing? He Zhixing has an extra brother?"

Luo Yue said "Yeah", "It can't be said that he is a younger brother. He is not born to the same mother. He Zhixing didn't show up at the full moon banquet last month. I heard from the office teacher that the He family has blocked access to He Zhixing. News. Alas, it’s hard for a child without a mother. Once the stepmother gives birth to a child, how can the father still remember the child born to his ex-wife?”

Luo Yue said a lot with emotion, but Luo Yiyi didn't want to listen to what she said after that, and felt depressed.

Such a proud and wanton young man, whose grades are not good to begin with, can he still grow up well if his family property is also robbed?

Meanwhile, 1602.

"Holy crap, who is this evil? Post this on the school forum!"

Lu Shaoyan looked at the school forum and said, "Shocked! Mr. He was abandoned by his family! He lost his status as heir!"

Ji Chen hurriedly covered his mouth and whispered anxiously: "Please keep your voice down! Are you afraid that Brother Xing can't hear you?"

Lu Shaoyan immediately covered his mouth, and He Zhixing came out of the bathroom. The two people on the sofa glanced at him with sympathetic glances that were so intense that they almost dripped with water.

"Do you know?" He Zhixing said calmly, his long legs resting casually on the carpet.

Ji Chen and Lu Shaoyan looked at each other and were silent for a while before hesitating and said, "Brother Xing, do you want to consider easing off the relationship with the old man?"

He Zhixing said disdainfully: "I want to eat shit!"

With that stupid IQ, sooner or later he would die in the hands of that woman without even knowing how.

After saying this, He Zhixing drove the two of them away, "Don't bother me, I'll be alone for a while!"

Ji Chen and Lu Shaoyan also guessed that He Zhixing was feeling uncomfortable at the moment, but they just didn't want to cry in front of others, so they left quickly.

He Zhixing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his face solemn, and he thought for the first time: Why on earth did he chase her?
In addition to the family background given by that person, does he have the ability to protect her from wind and rain?
(End of this chapter)

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