she is sweet and cute

Chapter 105 Xiao Lin returns

Chapter 105 Xiao Lin returns
After the birthday party, Jiang Jinci followed Li Huan to help the Chi family see off the guests before going home.

Along the way, Jiang Jinci was a little absent-minded. He sat with them and looked out the window without saying a word. Li Huan saw it through the rearview mirror and couldn't help being a little surprised. He winked deeply at Jiang Ting who was sitting next to him. Jiang Ting took a deep look at his emotions. Jiang Jinci, who was slightly depressed, shrugged helplessly.

Li Huan wanted to talk to him, but when she was about to turn around, Jiang Tingshen stopped her and patted her on the shoulder, "The child is upset, let him calm down." After hearing this, she had to give up.

As soon as he got home, Jiang Jinci rushed upstairs without stopping. Li Huan didn't stop him and suddenly remembered something and said, "Xiao Ci, Xiao Lin is back."

Hearing this, Jiang Jinci paused as he walked upstairs, "Yeah."

Seeing that he was not surprised at all, Li Huan couldn't help but boldly guess, "Looking at your reaction, it's possible that you already knew this."

Jiang Jinci didn't refute. His mind was very confused right now, and he really wasn't in the mood to think about those complicated things, so he had to interrupt her, "Well, Mom, you go to bed early. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

She couldn't carry him upstairs without waiting for her reaction. Seeing this, Li Huan couldn't say anything more, so she gave him a few words and went back to the room.

The next morning, Jiang Jinci was immersed in sleep when he was woken up by the sound of a car engine in the courtyard. Then he heard Li Huan's voice coming from downstairs. It sounded like someone was coming, but he couldn't figure out who it was. Who came so early?Could it be Uncle Chi's family?
Thinking of this, the annoyance of being woken up disappeared in an instant. He hurriedly got up, washed, and tidied up. After confirming that everything was correct, he opened the door and went downstairs.

However, his good mood did not last long. When he saw the people sitting in the living room, he stopped walking downstairs. He turned around and was about to go upstairs, but was stopped by Li Huan.

"Xiao Ci, don't go up when you're already down. Come and sit here."

As she spoke, Li Huan moved and patted the place where she had just been sitting. Jiang Jinci was about to refuse when he saw Jiang Ting, who was sitting leisurely reading the newspaper, glanced at him deeply, although he didn't say anything. But based on his experience since childhood, it was better to follow his mother at this time. After all, he had learned a bloody lesson before him.

Li Huan was completely unaware of the turbulent secret between father and son. He frowned when he saw Jiang Jinci sitting opposite him, but he didn't say anything. Instead, the girl beside her who had never spoken spoke.

"Brother Jiang, we meet again, I am Xiao Lin."

Jiang Jinci watched her move closer to him, and calmly closed the distance between the two of them, "Yes, I remember."

Xiao Lin didn't seem to notice his actions and sat closer to him. "Brother Jiang turns out to still remember Linlin. I thought you had forgotten. It's great that you still remember me."

After saying this, Jiang Jinci smiled and said nothing. Li Huan, who was on the side, saw that something was wrong and walked to her side with a smile, took her hand and walked to the restaurant, separating the distance between them. "Xiao Lin, you just arrived." , don’t just talk to him, breakfast is ready, let’s eat together.”

"Okay, thank you Aunt Li."

"You're welcome, haven't you eaten the poached eggs made by Mother Liu for a long time? Auntie will take you to try them."

When passing Jiang Jinci, Li Huan patted him on the shoulder and gestured to him where no one else could see him.

(End of this chapter)

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