she is sweet and cute

Chapter 122 Fiancee

Chapter 122 Fiancee

The next day, Xiao Lin received the so-called miraculous medicine from Jiang Zhen, and her mood improved a lot. When Xiao Lang saw it, he teased her that he might be worried about it, but she smiled and did not refute. Anyway, it was almost a success.

Since the two families agreed on the engagement date that day, the parents of both families were so busy that they couldn't take care of the two parties at all, which gave the two people the opportunity to date.

"Brother, wouldn't it be good for us to leave our family and come out like this?"

Jiang Jinci stopped suddenly. Chi Sangsang was thinking about something and bumped into his back without paying attention. He scolded someone who made the emergency brake and rubbed his innocent nose, "Hey, why did you stop so quickly?" ?”

The young man stared at her with a heavy gaze for a while. Finally, he leaned over and reached out to flick the forehead of the little girl who slapped her with a smile. "Well, my fault, I was too obsessed with things and lost my mind for a moment."

The little girl who felt inexplicably being connoted smiled awkwardly, "Well, it's good to know that you were wrong, correct it in time and keep working hard."

"Well, I listen to my fiancée. But as my fiancé, I still want to remind you that we have met two families, so it is reasonable, reasonable and legal for us to go out on a date. If the sky falls, I will bear it. Don't be afraid, kid."

"Who is your fiancée!" Xu Shi was so embarrassed by his words that the little girl's ears instantly turned red. She gave him a look and ran away.

The young man looked at her back and smiled, then stepped forward to catch up with her, "Why are you running? My unmarried wife."

Hearing this, the little girl turned back and glared at him and ran faster, "You are so shameless!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"


When Jiang Jinci returned home, she saw Jiang Tingshen sitting in the living room writing an invitation. Li Huan on the side saw him coming back and waved his hand and pushed the invitation in front of him.


Seeing his deflated look, Li Huan felt so happy and refreshed, but he didn't show it on his face. He looked at him provocatively and raised his eyebrows, "What? Son, you won't regret it! Don't be afraid. If you stretch your head, it will shrink." One end is also a knife. Sooner or later you have to deliver it."

Jiang Jinci picked up the invitation and took a look at it. She looked up and saw Li Huan with a smile on her face. She suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, "Mom, you don't want me to go to Xiao's house to deliver it myself."

Li Huan carelessly combed the broken hair around his ears and broke his fantasy without politeness, "Tsk, it's so embarrassing for me to go. You Aunt Xiao may ask what you want, but it's better for you to go. You must understand mom." Right."


Knowing the embarrassment and still letting herself go to deliver it, there is no doubt that she is my biological mother.

Jiang Jinci closed her eyes and suppressed the emotions in her eyes. She was not angry or angry. This was her mother. "Okay, I'll go."

Before leaving, Jiang Jinci received a belated look of sympathy from her father.

A group of Xiao family members were watching TV in the living room when they saw the servant running in in a hurry. Father Xiao was disturbed by the movement and frowned slightly, "In a hurry, what's wrong?"

"Sir, Master Jiang is here."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Jinci was led into the living room by a servant. "Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm here today to deliver an invitation."

Father Xiao nodded lightly, but Mother Xiao was extremely happy when she saw the person in front of her and quickly asked them to sit down, "Hey, okay, okay, come on, sit down first, I'll pour you tea."

Xiao Lin, who was sitting aside, realized that this was a rare opportunity and stood up with a smile, "Mom, I'll go and you guys can chat."

"No need to bother, I..."

Xiao's mother pretended to be angry and glanced at him, "Just sit there and talk to us. In a blink of an eye, the small talk has become so big that everyone has a fiancée."

(End of this chapter)

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